Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence and human rights

The use and abuse of AI and automated decision-making can not only facilitate human rights violations and exacerbate existing societal power imbalances, but also open new risks, disproportionately affecting marginalized people and communities. AI design, development, and deployment must respect human rights. We urge governments and companies to follow binding, enforceable legal frameworks rooted in human rights law and principles, not voluntary or self-regulatory ethics-based approaches.

Mapping the risks of emerging biometric and AI technology

Bodily harms: how AI and biometrics curtail human rights

This report explores how AI is driving the adoption of ableist technologies that marginalize anyone who doesn’t fit into their definition of a “normal” body.

risks of the emerging AI and biometrics tech


AI Act

Artificial Intelligence

The EU AI Act proposal: a timeline

A summary of our proposed amendments to the draft EU AI Act and a timeline of our related commentary and recommendations.

Govern AI to help people

Artificial Intelligence

The EU AI Act: How to (truly) protect people on the move

The EU AI Act is supposed to protect the rights of everyone impacted by AI systems. But it ignores the systems impacting people on the move. Here are three steps policymakers can take to fix that problem.

Govern AI to help people

Artificial Intelligence

The EU needs an Artificial Intelligence Act that protects fundamental rights

Access Now and over 110 civil society organisations have laid out proposals to make sure the European Union’s Artificial Intelligence Act addresses the real-world impacts of the use of artificial intelligence.

Algorithmic accountability

Artificial Intelligence

The EU should regulate AI on the basis of rights, not risks

Artificial intelligence and automated decision-making systems threaten our fundamental rights. Yet the EU is considering an approach to AI regulation that would substitute rights-based protections for a mere risk mitigation exercise by corporations with a vested interest in these systems. Here’s why that’s a grave mistake.


Algorithmic accountability

Artificial Intelligence

What you need to know about generative AI and human rights

Generative AI has been all over the headlines. But what are the human rights implications? Get the facts in our generative AI FAQ.


Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence: what are the issues for digital rights?

You may have a basic understanding of what AI is. But are you familiar with the issues it raises for your fundamental rights?


Artificial Intelligence

Fighting systemic racism in the digital age: a global challenge

On Human Rights Day of 2020, we highlight the mandate of E. Tendayi Achiume, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance to fight systematic racism.

Myanmar CCTV camera

Digital Security

Track and target: FAQ on Myanmar CCTV cameras and facial recognition

The military junta in Myanmar is rolling out China-made CCTV cameras with facial recognition capabilities to intensify surveillance against the people.


Artificial Intelligence

Computers are binary, people are not: how AI systems undermine LGBTQ identity

Most of us interact with some sort of Artificial Intelligence (AI) system several times a day, whether it’s using the predictive text function on our phones or applying a selfie

Algorithmic accountability

Artificial Intelligence

Algorithmic decision-making in the U.S. needs accountability

Access Now endorses the Algorithmic Accountability Act of 2022, which will help combat algorithmic discrimination in defense of human rights.

Reconocimiento facial

Artificial Intelligence

Instead of banning facial recognition, some governments in Latin America want to make it official

Buenos Aires, Brasilia, and Uruguay are pushing for use of facial recognition systems for “public security,” seeking to authorize the invasive and harmful use of mass surveillance tools. Civil society must fight back.

Latest Updates

A pathway forward for digital rights by Brett Solomon
Freedom of Expression
Freedom of Expression

A pathway forward for digital rights

18 Jul 2024

Brett Solomon shares insights from 15 years as Access Now Co-founder and Executive Director.

A pathway forward for digital rights
18 Jul 2024
A pathway forward for digital rights
digital ceasefire gaza
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

We need digital ceasefires to tackle warfare in the digital age

18 Jul 2024
We need digital ceasefires to tackle warfare in the digital age
Context News ↗
18 Jul 2024
We need digital ceasefires to tackle warfare in the digital age
Reporte regional de politicas de regulacion a la IA
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

Regulatory Mapping on Artificial Intelligence in Latin America

17 Jul 2024
Regulatory Mapping on Artificial Intelligence in Latin America
17 Jul 2024
Regulatory Mapping on Artificial Intelligence in Latin America
Watermark and generative AI
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

Meta is training its AI with public Instagram posts. Artists in Latin America can’t opt out

15 Jul 2024
Meta is training its AI with public Instagram posts. Artists in Latin America can’t opt out
Rest of World ↗
15 Jul 2024
Meta is training its AI with public Instagram posts. Artists in Latin America can’t opt out
Computer wires and connections

Cyber accountability in East Asia: human rights are key for cybersecurity

11 Jul 2024

China’s digital and cyber policies hurt human rights and undermine cybersecurity globally. Access Now’s Brett Solomon explores how the international community can respond.

Cyber accountability in East Asia: human rights are key for cybersecurity
11 Jul 2024
Cyber accountability in East Asia: human rights are key for cybersecurity
Mapping the risks of emerging biometric and AI technology
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

Carta aberta: Defendendo uma legislação brasileira de IA que proteja direitos

8 Jul 2024

No Brasil, é urgente uma abordagem embasada em direitos humanos para a regulamentação dos Sistemas de Inteligência Artificial.

Press Release
Carta aberta: Defendendo uma legislação brasileira de IA que proteja direitos
8 Jul 2024
Carta aberta: Defendendo uma legislação brasileira de IA que proteja direitos
Mapping the risks of emerging biometric and AI technology
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

Open letter: Advocating for Brazilian AI regulation that protects human rights

8 Jul 2024

Access Now and Rights in Network Coalition urges Brazilian authorities to include necessary improvements in Bill 2338/2023.

Press Release
Open letter: Advocating for Brazilian AI regulation that protects human rights
8 Jul 2024
Open letter: Advocating for Brazilian AI regulation that protects human rights
Algorithmic accountability
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

Generative AI and election disinformation: much ado about nothing? 

4 Jul 2024

In this bumper “year of elections,” alarm bells are being raised about the potential impact of generative AI in worsening election disinformation. But is this really the democratic disaster many are making it out to be, or is it a lot of fuss over nothing?

Generative AI and election disinformation: much ado about nothing? 
4 Jul 2024
Generative AI and election disinformation: much ado about nothing? 
|Human rights problem with Google Cloud Platform in Saudi Arabia - Twitter thumbnail
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

These corporations are the true “winners” of the war on Gaza

4 Jul 2024
These corporations are the true “winners” of the war on Gaza
The Nation ↗
4 Jul 2024
These corporations are the true “winners” of the war on Gaza
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

A controversial facial-recognition company quietly expands into Latin America

4 Jul 2024
A controversial facial-recognition company quietly expands into Latin America
4 Jul 2024
A controversial facial-recognition company quietly expands into Latin America
Tunisia digitization programs

U.S. Federal Trade Commission must put privacy protections in place

13 Jun 2024
Press Release
U.S. Federal Trade Commission must put privacy protections in place
13 Jun 2024
U.S. Federal Trade Commission must put privacy protections in place
UN Global Digital Compact

Mind the gap: why the UN Security Council should prioritize digital rights

13 Jun 2024

Even as states increasingly weaponize communication networks, the UN Security Council has remained largely silent on digital rights issues. This puts everyone at risk.

Mind the gap: why the UN Security Council should prioritize digital rights
13 Jun 2024
Mind the gap: why the UN Security Council should prioritize digital rights
Mapping the risks of emerging biometric and AI technology
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

Paris Olympics crowd scans fuel AI surveillance fears

12 Jun 2024
Paris Olympics crowd scans fuel AI surveillance fears
Context ↗
12 Jun 2024
Paris Olympics crowd scans fuel AI surveillance fears
Watermark and generative AI
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

How AI is changing elections around the world

6 Jun 2024
How AI is changing elections around the world
6 Jun 2024
How AI is changing elections around the world
U.S. blocklists Sandvine for enabling digital repression in Egypt
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

France looks to AI-powered surveillance to secure Olympics

27 May 2024
France looks to AI-powered surveillance to secure Olympics
Reuters ↗
27 May 2024
France looks to AI-powered surveillance to secure Olympics
Govern AI to help people
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

U.S. lawmakers should govern AI to help people, not Big Tech companies’ interests

21 May 2024
Press Release
U.S. lawmakers should govern AI to help people, not Big Tech companies’ interests
21 May 2024
U.S. lawmakers should govern AI to help people, not Big Tech companies’ interests