V-700 UV/VIS/NIR spectrophotometers

All members of the JASCO V-700 double beam spectrophotometer family own the following characteristics: a massive, robust construction, precision and excellent optical parameters. During the creation of the instruments it was important that a user-centered design should be developed. A good example for this aspiration is that each device is equipped with a Start button and after placing the sample into the sample holder the measurement can be started immediately. Due to the automatic accessory recognition system, when changing the sample holders, the setup options of the newly inserted sample holders appear in the software instantly.

The smallest V-730 is primarily used for routine measurements and has an important role in applied research work; V-750 can be used in research, industry and education; the V-760 with its double monochromator optical system makes possible the measurement of samples with extremely high absorbance without dilution; the V-770 due to its extended wavelength range to near-infrared region (NIR) shall become an essential instrument of spectroscopic laboratories.

With the V-700 spectrophotometers more than 50 different types of sample holders can be used: including the accessories for the measurement of droplet volume samples, the thermostattable multi-positioned sample holders, integrating spheres that allow the measurement of textiles or the measurement of the diffuse reflectance of powders. With these accessories almost all spectroscopic measurements can be carried out. Their control and collection of the measured data is provided by the integrated Spectra Manager Windows-based software available for the pharmaceutical industry also in the 21 CFR Part 11 compatible version. The software is able to control all the JASCO spectroscopy instruments.

JASCO V-730 spectrophotometer

This is a double beam UV-Vis spectrophotometer with a fixed 1 nm bandwidth ideal for control laboratories that carry out a large number of routine measurements. Due to its optical specifications considered excellent within its category and its optionally large number of sample holders it can be used for industrial, pharmaceutical or even biochemical or other “Life Science” discipline measurements, as well. With its optional thermostattable sample holders, the kinetic measurements can be solved quickly and easily.

This spectrophotometer is controlled either with the Spectra Manager 2.5 software or with the handheld iRM (intelligent Remote Module) control unit. The well-organised software environment of iRM includes all programs necessary for instrument control, data acquisition and data processing. With the help of these programs and the directly connected printer the measurements can be carried out without a computer with the possibility of documentation.

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JASCO V-730BIO spectrophotometer

This is a double beam UV-Vis spectrophotometer with a fixed 1 nm bandwidth operated with an iRM controller that has a software package compiled for ”Life Science” applications. The use of a computer is not required, thus its little space allowances, its sample holders capable of measuring jasco_v730bio_irmmicroliters of samples and its excellent optical properties allow for the determination of proteins and nucleic acids or kinetic measurements in science laboratories of biochemistry, biotechnology, and of other related fields. Due to the easy handling, the accessory detection system and the one-button measurement, everyday routine measurements can be carried out easily within a short time.

Beside the standard measurement methods, the control unit contains the software necessary for determining the protein/nucleic acid ratio (A260/A280, A230/A260, Warburg-Christian), the kinetic analysis program (according to Michaelis-Menten, Lineweaver-Burk, Hofstee and Eadie methods), a software for quantitative determination of proteins, performing calculations based on UV absorption, BCA, Bradford, Lowry and Biuret methods and a software for testing the DNA melting.

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 JASCO V-750 spectrophotometer

This is a double beam UV-Vis spectrophotometer with adjustable bandwidth. Due to its highly sensitive photomultiplier (PMT) detector, it can be used for research and development purposes as well as for routine measurements of high precision. In the selection of optional sample holders, beside the integrating spheres of 60 and 150 mm used for diffuse reflectivity measurements of solid samples also accessories for the determination of absolute reflection can be found. With the film holder rotatable in all directions film thickness and transmittance of solid samples, glass and filters can be examined.

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JASCO V-760 spectrophotometer

 This double beam UV-Vis spectrophotometer with adjustable bandwidth containing a double monochromator is capable of measuring in the wavelength range between 187-900 nm. Due to its very low stray light value, samples with even 6AU absorbance value can be measured without dilution. It has a wide range of absorbance, which allows for spectroscopy research or characterisation of optical filters and standards, as well.

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JASCO V-770 spectrophotometer

This is a double beam UV-Vis/NIR spectrophotometer with adjustable bandwidth capable of measuring not only in the ultraviolet and visible range but also in the near infrared (NIR) region. The measurement in the NIR region is possible with a separate grid and a Peltier-cooled PbS detector. The basic construction of the instrument can be used for measurements between 190-2700 nm, optionally between 190-3200 nm, thus it can be used for quality control and development of different optical elements, as well.

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JASCO V-780 spectrophotometer

Beside the measurements within the ultraviolet and visible ranges, with the JASCO V-780 UV-Vis/NIR spectrophotometer measurements of high sensitivity and high resolution can be carried out within the near infrared range as well.

JASCO V-780 with absolute reflectance accessory

The measurement in the NIR range is possible with a separate grid (600 lines/mm) and a Peltier-cooled InGaAs photodiode detector. Due to its measuring range between 190-1600 nm this instrument is ideal for quality control and development of optical network components, polarizers, prisms, lenses, optical fibres, notch-, edge- and band-pass filters etc. The optional sample holders available in a large number can help the measurement of the samples of various shapes, sizes and optical properties. Thus, the measurement of the anti-reflective (AR) coatings within the wavelength range between 1200-1500 nm becomes possible, as well as the examination of the polarizators crossed Nicols state.

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Spectra Manager 2.5 software package for V-700 spectrophotometers

The Spectra Manager 2.5 used for V-700 spectrophotometers in its basic package contains an ample selection of programs for measurement and evaluation. However, if the task requires, there is a choice of more than 20 other optional softwares from which the most suitable one can be chosen.

– measurement modes:

  • absorbance and transmittance
  • quantitative analysis with calibration curve
  • spectrum scanning
  • fixed wavelength mode on several wavelengths
  • simple kinetic measurement

– device test:

  • autodiagnostics
  • wavelength calibration
  • automatic accessory detection and registration (GLP compliance)

– functions:

  • validation software with USP, EP and JP compliance module, with possibility of user defined setup
  • data storage and search function
  • statistical analysis of calibrating curve with tolerance ranges
  • spectrum analysis: peak search, matematical functions, derivatives, baseline correction, conversions, overlay
  • color analysis
  • simple enzyme kinetics
  • film thickness measurement
  • report templates with various styles

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The standard cell compartment of the JASCO V-700 spectrophotometer possesses a sample and reference cuvette holder capable of receiving 10×10 mm cuvettes. There are also available optionally manual and automatic cell changers, cuvette holders for the long cuvettes, water thermostattable cuvette holders and cell changers.

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The Peltier thermostated cuvette holders are useful for measuring solutions at the controlled temperature, for studying the spectral changes depending on the temperature changes. The temperature setting takes place in the Spectra Manager software (or on the IRM controller). Each Peltier thermostated JASCO cuvette holder has a magnetic stirrer whose speed can be controlled by a software. With the optional temperature sensors even the temperature of the solution can be measured directly.

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For the measurement of biological and biochemical samples, micro cell holders and microcuvette holders are available, which allow the measurement of micro-liter quantities easily, accurately and reproducibly. In the supply there are holder capable of measuring with only one droplet, as well as the capillary cell holder mounted with input/output lenses and the 8-position, rotatable micro cell holder.

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For measuring a large number of samples, in the supply there are available vacuum and peristaltic sippers, different types of optical path length flow cells, and auto samplers allowing full automation.

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The integrating spheres of 60 mm or 150 mm internal diameters, which allow diffuse reflectance and transmittance measurements and are used with the JASCO V-750/760/770 instruments, are indispensable to measurements of powders, textiles, packaging materials, and other solids or cloudy liquids normally not capable of spectrophotometric measurement under normal conditions.

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A large number of further sample holders are available for specular reflectance, absolute reflectance and the various incident angle measurements of films. For special tasks fiber optic adapters are also available.

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