UV-Vis detectors

UV-4070/4075 UV/VIS detectors

The UV-4070 and UV-4075 detectors operating in the ultraviolet and visible wavelength range are of double-beam optical layout. The fast-scanning speed of the detectors provide the ”on the fly” spectrum recording. In this way, the spectrum recording during the chromatographic separation can be done without the flow JASCO_LC4000_UV-4070interruption. Due to the rapid alternating movement of the monochromator, the simultaneous measurement at two wavelengths is possible. The detectors, due to their quick electronic response time, completed with the corresponding semi-micro cell are capable of meeting the requirements of both the rapid chromatography and UHPLC. The modules have built-in controllers; with the buttons on the front plate of the instruments the measurement parameters can be set, 10 programs can be stored in their memories. With the JASCO ChromNav2 software all the functions, just as the spectrum recording, can be controlled from the computer. The temperature of the flow-through cell is controlled (except the inert and preparative cells) for the best baseline stability and the lowest noise level. The instruments have a built-in mercury lamp for checking the wavelength accuracy. The detectors are equipped with a cell detection system, thus helping the GLP compliance. Due to their advanced self-diagnostic function, the instruments warn us of lamp replacement if needed. The lamps are set at the front of the instrument, in this way they are easily accessible, providing easy replacement for the user.

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Diode-array (3D) detectors

Nowadays the liquid chromatographic tasks require the increasing use of diode-array detectors (PDA, DAD), during which the quality identification is supported with the spectral information every second and with an unlimited opportunity of the evaluation of a chromatogram at different wavelengths.

MD-4015 and MD-4017

The software-controlled MD-4015 and MD-4017 diode-array detectors with deuterium lamp use a 512 element diode-array. The MD-4017 detector with its 200-400 nm wavelength range offers solutions for most chromatographic tasks at an excellent price. The MD-4015 detector measuring within the 200-600 nm wavelength range at 100 Hertz rate is capable of solving the rapid chromatography and UHPLC tasks as well. With the use of the JASCO ChromNAV2 software, not only their complete control, but also the three-dimensional (time-intensity-wavelength) data collection becomes possible. Spectral libraries can be compiled from the recorded spectra and they can be used for the spectral identification of the separated materials, while with the comparison of the spectra within the given peak, peak purity analysis can be performed.

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The software-controlled JASCO MD-4010 detector uses a 1024 element diode-array per detector, thus 1 nm resolution within the entire 190-900 nm wavelength range becomes possible. The detector, equipped with a semi-micro cell and with its 100Hz data acquisition speed, is capable of fast-tracking of the UHPLC separations. The temperature of the flow-through cells which can be placed in the instrument (except the inert and preparative cells), is controlled for the best baseline stability and the lowest noise level. The instrument also contains a mercury lamp to be able to perform automatic wavelength calibration. The MD-4010 is equipped with a cell-identifying system, and due to the advanced self-diagnostic function, the instrument warns the user if lamp replacement is necessary. The lamps are set at the front of the instrument, in this way they are easily accessible, providing easy replacement for the user.

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