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State and Territory Government

Victorian review to strengthen ability to remove construction officials involved in criminal behaviour

The independent probe will look at ways to strength the response to allegations involving the CFMEU and remove individuals engaged in criminal practices.
CFMEU generic

RSL says it has been 'deceived and misled' about Macquarie Point stadium proposal by Tasmanian government

The head of Tasmania's RSL says his organisation has been "disrespected and misled at every turn" by the government and the architectural firm behind the planned Hobart stadium — warning a structure of its size will "desecrate" the "sacred" location of the nearby cenotaph.
Artist impression of a proposed stadium, seen behind a line of smaller buildings.

Share hire e-scooters will be permanently legalised across Victoria following a two-year trial

E-scooters will be permanently legalised across Victoria from October, when a range of safety and compliance measures roll out including tougher fines for those not following the rules.
Orange scooters parked on a CBD street on a grey overcast day.

Crackdown on drivers selling demerit points online after French man had 200 applied to licence

The Demerit Point Integrity Taskforce has been set up to investigate drivers manipulating the demerit point system by nominating another driver to take demerit points for an offence.
A composite of two ads on Facebook Marketplace.

'Lots and lots of rumours': Sydney councillors divided on calls for suspension after report

Local Government Minister Ron Hoenig gave Liverpool Mayor Ned Mannoun seven days to "show cause" as to why the council should not be suspended on Thursday.
Liverpool City Council sign on building with blue sky in the background

'Union power': NSW branch of CFMEU posts defiant video against government, ACTU and 'rotten media'

Dozens of union members appeared in the video, thanking CFMEU leadership in NSW for "always being at the cornerstone of safety on site".
Workers say thank you to CFMEU leadership

Western Sydney council given seven days to prove it should not be suspended after report

Local Government Minister Ron Hoenig has advised Mayor Ned Mannoun that Liverpool Council has a week to prove why it should not be suspended, after an investigation found "widespread and serious concerns about dysfunction" within the council.
NSW MP Ron Hoenig looking serious while outside with trees behind him with Premier Chris Minns to left of image

Ambitious Perth foreshore plan could see Riverside Drive re-routed, but the WA Government is unconvinced

City of Perth Lord Mayor Basil Zempilas reveals a new plan to transform the riverfront at Langley Park at a cost of "billions" of dollars, which the state government immediately labels a "pipe dream".
Basil Zemplias speaks in front of reporter microphones.

'Dedicated to serving the people of Queensland': Former police commissioner Jim O'Sullivan dies

Jim O'Sullivan AC, who served as Queensland's 17th police commissioner and was instrumental in addressing police corruption in Queensland, has been remembered as a "good police officer, a good police commissioner, and a good man".   
An image of former Queensland police commissioner Jim O'Sullivan

NSW government to cut ties with CFMEU following corruption allegations

NSW Premier Chris Minns has asked the state Labor Party's general secretary to suspend the CFMEU's construction and general division's affiliation and cease donations or affiliation fees from the union.
Chris Minns addresses the media in high vis jacket and helmet

Massive SunCable solar project spanning more than 12,000 hectares gets environmental tick in NT

A project to develop "the world's largest renewable energy precinct" in a remote stretch of the territory receives crucial environmental approvals, but a final investment decision for the $30 billion-plus project is not expected until 2027.
a computer-generated image of a solar farm and high-powered electricity lines.

Inquiry reveals plan to fix Sydney's tolls which are 'too high, too unfair and an ever-increasing burden'

A long-awaited review into Sydney's toll network has recommended a two-way toll across the Harbour Bridge and for drivers to be charged per kilometre, which would decrease with every kilometre travelled.
cars driving  towards the entrance of a tunnel

Landlords, agents call for more protection in proposed Tasmanian laws allowing pets in rentals

Under new laws, Tasmanian landlords will have little say on whether a pet can be brought to live on their property. While some have praised the change, the state's real estate body says more protections should be put in place to safeguard investors.
can sitting on bed looking at camera

Investors slash more than $200 million from value of land lease operator after ABC investigation

Lifestyle Communities share price plunges more than 18 per cent in the wake of an ABC investigation detailing claims the operator of gated communities for the over 50s is gouging residents with unfair fees including charging the dead rent.
The black metal gate of a housing estate with the words "Lifestyle Wollert" on a wall.

Inquiry into troubled Rozelle Interchange released

The parliamentary committee found that traffic was deliberately managed in a way that would boost the sale price of WestConnex.
Rozelle Interchange, Report Released: Traffic banked up heading into a tunnel.
Duration: 1 minute 58 seconds

'I'm going to need a pretty good lawyer': South Australian MP confided in former Liberal leader

Independent Mount Gambier MP Troy Bell is standing trial in the District Court after pleading not guilty to 20 counts of theft and six counts of dishonest dealing with documents.
Troy Bell walks past the court building.

'Concerning lack of clarity and transparency' around troubled Rozelle Interchange, inquiry finds

The committee found there was poor consultation and information sharing with the community throughout the design, construction and opening of the interchange.
Image shows congestion and traffic delays. You can see cars, grey road on a gloomy day.

Premier asks Labor to suspend CFMEU from Victorian party amid allegations of 'thuggish' behaviour

Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan has labelled alleged behaviour by the state's construction union as "thuggish and appalling".
Jacinta Allan stands at a lectern with microphones in front of her. Behind her is the Australian flag

analysis:The WA Liberals have a mountain to climb to win government. These are the seats that will get them started

The WA Liberal Party needs to win back the once ultra-safe blue seats that went to Labor last time if it is to become a respectably sized opposition, let alone form government. How many can they claw back?
Woman in suit standing talking to reporters

Which issues will decide the NT election? We asked voters their top priorities

The Northern Territory covers more than 1.3 million square kilometres, but the battle to be the jurisdiction's next leader is being fought in neighbouring seats. People say these are the issues which will sway their vote.
Two corflute signs side-by-side on the ground, showing the faces of NT politicians Eva Lawler and Lia Finocchiaro.

Passengers pack first train ride to Yanchep in Perth's north, but ride did not come cheap

WA's premier and treasurer are among the first passengers to ride the 15-kilometre railway extension covering three new train stations in Perth's north — Alkimos, Eglinton and Yanchep.
People milling around outside sliding doors with the word 'Yanchep' written above.

When Marion fell ill on holiday, a legal quirk took away her choice to access voluntary assisted dying

Marion ticked almost all the boxes to access VAD when she contracted cancer while on holiday, but a requirement experts say has outlived its usefulness got in the way.
A graphic of silhouettes in yellow bubbles.

This town sits downstream from two dams built on a quake line. The flood risk has been kept secret, until now

Tasmania's hydroelectric operator says it did not want to "create unnecessary concern" for residents of a small town by releasing flood mapping, done in 2016, which shows what could happen should a rare earthquake event cause catastrophic failure of two dams —  now with the maps public, the utility says there "no need" to be worried.
Flooding covers most of the town of Huonville

'It's just a way of life': Greyhound trainers in NSW insist the industry has improved as inquiry launched

Lynn Maney has been training and racing greyhounds for more than 50 years, and says the industry has "improved enormously" in the past decade despite a report released this week from the former NSW head vet which claims there is widespread animal abuse. 
A man and woman smiling

Anti-violence campaigner says government must listen to 'voices from the bush' after Alice Springs curfew

A prominent anti-violence campaigner has called on the Northern Territory government to involve community elders in discussions about strategies to quell violent unrest beyond the snap curfew.  
An Aboriginal woman gazes into the distance