Samsung and Sony rule the smart TV market in terms of ownership: Smart TV Buyer Insights Survey 2024

A smart TV has become a gateway to catch up with all the action happening in the entertainment space on a large screen while allowing users to run tons of apps and mirror their laptop or phone screens. To understand the smart TV market in-depth, we recently conducted a survey to determine the ownership trends and buying behaviour of smart TV users. With over 3,000 respondents taking the survey, we have ample data that showcases the TV brands people currently use, brands they’re expected to go for next, and the loyalty brands carry.

Samsung and Sony have a stronghold of the TV market

Smart TV Buyer Insights 2024 - Final

  • When it comes to smart TV ownership, Samsung sits right at the top with 18.1 percent of survey participants claiming to own a Samsung TV. It appears that this is the result of the Korean giant’s consistent efforts in marketing the TVs it launches.
  • Sony trails closely behind Samsung with 16.2 percent share, followed by LG at 15.4 percent. Both brands offer a wide range of TVs across various price points with varied display technologies.
  • Generally known for its smartphones, Xiaomi also carries a good TV user base among the survey participants at 10.5 percent. Various TV-centric brands sit right behind Xiaomi including TCL, VU, Panasonic, Thomson, and others.

Sony expected to see a significant increase in new TV buyers

Smart TV Buyer Insights 2024 - Final

  • While Samsung rules in ownership, Sony is expected to witness an increase in buyers as 27 percent of participants say they plan to opt for a Sony TV next.
  • 18.6 percent of participants claim to purchase a Samsung TV the next time they go out to buy a new smart TV. This means that Sony could see a growth of 10.8 percent while Samsung’s ownership is expected to increase by just 0.5 percent.
  • LG and Xiaomi could also see an inflow of new TV buyers at 13.9 percent and 11.7 percent expected growth, respectively.

Sony has the most loyal users, followed by Hisense and Xiaomi

Ownership trends in Smart TV Buyer Insights Survey
  • As evident from the previous section, Sony also happens to have the most loyal user base among the survey respondents as 66.3 percent of Sony users are likely to purchase a Sony TV again when the time comes.
  • Hisense, Xiaomi, and Acer also seem to enjoy a certain level of brand loyalty as many of their existing users are willing to opt for their TVs. This could be because these brands offer value-for-money TVs with great features.
  • Furthermore, 45.5 percent of Motorola users and 44.6 percent of Samsung users are expected to make a TV purchase from the same brand.

A good chunk of Sony users plan to buy Samsung TVs next

Ownership trends in Smart TV Buyer Insights Survey
  • When it comes to the users’ choice of TV brands to go for next, 9.9 percent of Sony TV owners among the survey participants plan to get a Samsung TV next, followed by LG and Xiaomi.
  • Interestingly, more Samsung users plan to switch to a Sony TV at 23.2 percent which is more than the number of Sony users opting for a Samsung TV. For current Samsung TV owners LG and Xiaomi are the top choices for a new television, besides Sony.
  • Upon asking LG users about the TV brands they wish to shop for next, around 20 percent claimed they would get Sony followed by Samsung and Xiaomi.

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