Configuring OpenAI Whisper for Transcription


This document describes the steps you need to take to allow 3CX to transcribe your calls using OpenAI Whisper.

Setting up an OpenAI / Whisper Account

  1. Go to 

  1. Create a new project name

  1. Click on settings in the top right corner

  1. Set up “Billing” to complete the subscription process

  1. Click on “Usage Limits”

  1. Put a budget and Save  

  1. Go to Project and create new project

  1. Select new project, click on “Settings” > “Limits”

  1. Configure “Monthly Budget”, “Notification threshold”, Add models: “whisper-1” and “gpt-4-turbo” and set “Rate limits”.

  1. Click on “Dashboard” > “API Keys” and press the “Start verification” to verify your phone number.

  1. After you receive SMS verification, you will be prompted to create an API key name, and set Permissions to “All”


  1. Copy and save your key somewhere safe as it will not be accessible again.

Setting up OpenAI / Whisper in 3CX

Setting Up OpenAI / Whisper in 3CX Admin Console

  1. Log in to the 3CX Admin Console and navigate to Integrations > Open AI  Whisper.
  2. Check the option Enable OpenAI Whisper. 
  3. Paste the api key into the secret key field (copied in Step 5 above).
  4. Select what you want to transcribe.
  5. Press Save.

Recordings Section in 3CX Admin Console

  1. From now on your selected transcription will be made using OpenAI.

See also

Last Updated

This document was last updated on 13 June 2024