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Apparel Imports See 3% Rise in Oct.

Apparel imports rose 3 percent in October from a year earlier to 2.2 billion square meter equivalents…

In Brief: Watts to QVC… Playing Defense…

Claire Watts, former vice president of merchandising at Wal-Mart Stores Inc., will join QVC Inc. on Jan. 7…

Senate OKs Peru Trade Deal

The Senate overwhelmingly passed a free trade agreement with Peru Tuesday and sent the first trade agreement…

Election Seen Slowing Trade Deals

Congress is expected to consider a full slate of trade measures next year amid the heat of a presidential…

War, Immigration Replace Textiles as Top S.C. Issue

The erosion of the once mighty textile industry in South Carolina has been supplanted as the top issue among…

Counterfeit Seizures Increase at California Port

Seizures of counterfeit products jumped 24 percent in November compared with a year ago at the largest U.S…

China to Eliminate Some Subsidies

China agreed to eliminate a dozen export and import subsidies by Jan. 1, settling a U.S. trade case but…

Bush Aims to Iron Out CAFTA Duty Free Rules

The Bush administration plans to smooth over rough spots in procedures designed to give duty free treatment…

Developing Nations Point to U.S. as Doha Roadblock

Trade and agriculture ministers from developing nations, renewed their criticism on Thursday that the Bush…

Tough Love on Trade: New Congress’ Stance Stirs Industry to Adapt

Congress returns this week under the control of Democrats and its new agenda is expected to reshape the…

Countdown to 2005: Developing Nations Fear Millions of Job Losses

Executives and officials in developing countries are concerned that the end of the quota system next year…

Trade War Fears Grow Over U.S. Quotas on Chinese Imports

China turned up the volume of protests to the Bush administration's plan to impose safeguard quotas on…

Countdown to 2005: China Safeguard Ruling Threatens Trade Frenzy

The news that the U.S. was slapping quotas on several categories of apparel imports from China was dramatic…

Countdown to 2005: Building Boom in China Despite Quota Worries

Chinese executives are forging ahead on projects to meet the expected demand from the dropping of quotas on…
