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Chappo Hasn't Forgotten's user avatar
Chappo Hasn't Forgotten's user avatar
Chappo Hasn't Forgotten
  • Member for 7 years, 11 months
  • Last seen this week
17 votes

Sense of humor in your sci-fi stories

13 votes

How to research sex for writing?

8 votes

Is my book legal? Is my story too similiar to Harry Potter

7 votes

How to creatively handle intoxication when you yourself haven't experienced such a thing?

4 votes

Dropping subtle hints about a character's sexuality

4 votes

Writing as a second job

3 votes

How can I keep my writing from being perceived as "too complicated"

2 votes

Are separate acknowledgements sections for co-authors odd?

2 votes

I have this scenario all mapped out in my brain but I am having difficulty putting it into words

2 votes

Should I need to add Face Description of all Characters?

1 vote

Writing a love interest for my hero

1 vote

If I write a story that incorporates a scientific theory, does the theory have to be cited?

1 vote

How can I add depth to my story or how do I determine if my story already has depth?

0 votes

Invoking Deliberate Values Dissonance

0 votes

What determines the value or worthiness of an autobiography?

-3 votes

what techniques or approaches can I use to explore distasteful concepts while also making them necessary?