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I have inadvertently made my character depressed... what should I do about it?

I have inadvertently made my character depressed. She's a minor character in my science-fantasy novel, and exists to tie together some of the plot lines. As I wrote her, this 18yo woman turned out to ...
Monty Wild's user avatar
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Writing a short-term love interest

In the epic I am writing, the protagonist and deuteragonist are sent on a mission by a king to save his daughter kidnapped by mercenaries of the evil empire. They save her, but the deuteragonist ...
Crafter's user avatar
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How to trick the reader of a character's sexuality

For my story, I am trying to write a mystery on the protagonist's sexuality. Throughout the story, there are subtle hints that he is either bisexual or gay, whether either past relationships or ...
Crafter's user avatar
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Are there different types of plot revelation?

In the movie Sixth Sense, the revelation was that the child knew all along that his counselor was a ghost. The same director-writer use this literary device again in the finale of the movie ...
user610620's user avatar
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How do characters push the ones they love away in a believable manner over the course of a novel?

(not sure if this question belongs here, let me know if there's a better stack exchange category for it and I will happily take it down) I'm currently working on a story that involves a main character ...
Bridgebot101's user avatar
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Can I have scenes that aren't directly related to the main plot but strengthen the relationship between two characters (which is a subplot)?

I have some scenes in my novel that have nothing to do with the main plot, it's just to show the character development and the development of the relationship between two characters. Is this okay ...
searchingforareason's user avatar
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Writing Longer Flashbacks

In my story my MC has suffered a severe injury and has no recollection of who he was before it occurred. He knows what happened and where he was when it occurred as he was told by the people who found ...
J Crosby's user avatar
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Does detail obscure or enhance action?

I have two versions of a pivotal scene in my novel (both already written). My SP is a rather impulsive young woman who is learning to be a bit less of a hothead. She saves the MC by literally taking ...
Rasdashan's user avatar
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MC’s emotional underpinning and grounding come from elder sister - her death would change him. Should she die? [closed]

MC is an assassin who was raised with and by his sister after the death of their parents. They were adopted by an uncle, who did his best though he was overwhelmed by the task so the two kids raised ...
Rasdashan's user avatar
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Do I have to show my characters making up after an argument, or can it be implied when we see them on good terms again?

Is it okay to have two characters who had an argument to patch things up offscreen, or do readers explicitly need to see how they made up? None of the two characters in question are the protagonist, ...
Klara Raškaj's user avatar
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Is it OK to introduce a character to leave it simmering to a later date?

One of my secondary characters is going to play an important part, more important than at present, in the story. Is it OK to introduce him, make the reader love him, and then leave him behind til a ...
shieldedtulip's user avatar
7 votes
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Would it be appropriate to end a side story as soon as a character is killed off?

I am currently writing a war story written from different perspectives on both sides of the conflict. Every primary character of the story has their own side story with a family, life, etc., yet they ...
TotallyN0tABot's user avatar
10 votes
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How much of a character's past/background should I let on?

I've been starting something really interesting lately, which is writing each of my main character's back story before writing the main book (If anyone is having the dreaded block or is looking for a ...
J. Roberts's user avatar