Craft targeted, high-converting pop-up campaigns in minutes

Create unlimited campaigns

Convert your visitors to leads

Easy to set smart triggers

Full set of designer templates

Integrates with ALL email apps

Create high-converting and targeted marketing campaigns in minutes








Billed yearly. Saving $144

  • 1 site license
  • All WPMU DEV Pro Plugins

    All our Pro Plugins are included with this membership.

    Smush Pro
    Hummingbird Pro
    Forminator Pro
    Defender Pro
    SmartCrawl Pro
    Snapshot Pro
    Beehive Pro
    Shipper Pro
    Hustle Pro
    Branda Pro
  • 5GB CDN
  • 5GB backup storage
  • 24/7 WP support (ranked #1 online)







Billed yearly. Saving $240

  • 3 sites license
  • All WPMU DEV Pro Plugins

    All our Pro Plugins are included with this membership.

    Smush Pro
    Hummingbird Pro
    Forminator Pro
    Defender Pro
    SmartCrawl Pro
    Snapshot Pro
    Beehive Pro
    Shipper Pro
    Hustle Pro
    Branda Pro
  • 10GB CDN
  • 10GB backup storage
  • 24/7 WP support (ranked #1 online)







Billed yearly. Saving $480

  • 10 sites license
  • All WPMU DEV Pro Plugins

    All our Pro Plugins are included with this membership.

    Smush Pro
    Hummingbird Pro
    Forminator Pro
    Defender Pro
    SmartCrawl Pro
    Snapshot Pro
    Beehive Pro
    Shipper Pro
    Hustle Pro
    Branda Pro
  • 20GB CDN
  • 20GB backup storage
  • 24/7 WP support (ranked #1 online)

Unlimited Sites






Billed yearly. Saving $960

  • Unlimited sites license
  • All WPMU DEV Pro Plugins

    All our Pro Plugins are included with this membership.

    Smush Pro
    Hummingbird Pro
    Forminator Pro
    Defender Pro
    SmartCrawl Pro
    Snapshot Pro
    Beehive Pro
    Shipper Pro
    Hustle Pro
    Branda Pro
  • 50GB CDN
  • 50GB backup storage
  • 24/7 WP support (ranked #1 online)


  • Copy Create unlimited campaignsPro

  • Easy to set smart triggersPro

  • Convert your visitors to leadsPro

  • Full set of designer templatesPro

  • Integrates with ALL email appsPro

  • 24/7 expert live WordPress supportPro

  • Access every WPMU DEV Pro pluginPro

  • Automate site management with The HubPro

  • Automate site management with The Hub

  • Beautiful and responsive designer templates

  • Easy integration with your favorite email providers

  • Bypass ad blockers

  • Connect Google ReCAPTCHA

  • Range of social sharing modules

  • Built-in design editor for simple customization

  • Color match to your brand

  • Smooth display animations

  • Powerful targeting conditions

  • Schedule your campaigns to suit

  • Accurately track display numbers

  • Manage submissions via WordPress

  • Conversion rates overview

  • Easy-to-manage dashboard

  • Customize opt-in form fields

  • Mobile specific settings

  • Visibility conditions and triggers

  • User behavior conditions and triggers

  • Campaign analytics

  • Comply with data privacy laws like GDPR and HIPAA

Compatible with

ResourcesSee more on our Blog


How To Get The Most Out Of Using Hustle

The complete guide to getting the most out of our marketing maestro. Learn how best to make Hustle Pro work for your business.

Read article


How To Create The Perfect Popup With Hustle

There's more to creating an effective pop-up than meets the eye. See how it's done with the help of Hustle.

Read article


Hustle Adds New Visibility Conditions and Rules

Learn how Hustle gives you complete control over who can view your pop-ups with visibility conditions.

Read article


March 7, 2024 - version 7.8.4

  • Fix: Security vulnerability

January 17, 2024 - version 7.8.3

  • Aligned Pro and Free version numbers to ensure consistency and simplify version management.
  • Enhance: Compatibility with PHP 8.3
  • Enhance: Twitter rebranding
  • Fix: Scroll issue on Pop-ups and Slide-ins preview when content is lengthy
  • Fix: Size of summary box logo

October 3, 2023 - version 4.8.2

  • Fix: ConstantContact authentification.
  • Fix: Cannot edit or add hyperlink
  • Fix: Click triggers not working for elements loaded after Hustle has loaded
  • Fix: Popup on exit intent is triggered when select box option is changed
  • Fix: Text Field error message apostrophe is converted to '
  • Fix: Deprecated notice for PHP 8.2
  • Enhance: Update the "Sendinblue" brand name to "Brevo"
  • Enhance: Remove mascot images

August 24, 2023 - version 4.8.1

  • Enhance: Set up a redirect URL for Hubspot
  • Fix: Issues with Hustle ActiveCampaign integration
  • Fix: Bullet Points are not showing on the success message

June 27, 2023 - version 4.8

  • Enhance: Require PHP 7.4 as the minimum supported version
  • Enhance: Prevent XSS vulnerability in translations
  • Enhance: Update the "InfusionSoft" brand name to "Keap"
  • Fix: Prevent page scroll to a Hustle Embed when a Pop-Up is closed
  • Fix: Custom Margin, Padding, and Border do not work for Slide-ins
  • Fix: Social Sharing module and Static Server Cache causing critical error
  • Fix: Issue with Close button on iOS

June 7, 2023 - version 4.7.1

  • Enhance: Performance improvements

April 10, 2023 - version 4.7

  • New: Ability to display modules N times per day/week/month/year
  • New: Make whole module a clickable CTA
  • Enhance: White Labeling plugin name
  • Enhance: Module accessibility
  • Enhance: Conditional visibility for modules with CTA when 2 buttons are used
  • Enhance: Allow customizing Close Button size
  • Enhance: Compatibility with PHP 8.2
  • Fix: W3C issue with style sheets
  • Fix: Compatibility issue with ACF Pro plugin
  • Fix: Divi theme issue - Triggering module using link ID does not work

March 30, 2023 - version 4.6.6

  • Enhance: Security improvements.
  • Fix: Helper Text font style cannot be reset
  • Fix: Title and Subtitle alignments are not working after reset
  • Fix: Embed Title is being cut off when you use Halloween Template
  • Fix: Redirect URL input field for CTA 2 doesn't show by default in Embed when starting from scratch

February 20, 2023 - version 4.6.5

  • Enhance: Security improvements

February 1, 2023 - version 4.6.4

  • Enhance: Security improvements

December 26, 2022 - version 4.6.3

  • Fix: Loading issues with Mobile styles
  • Fix: Vertical Scroll bar in Slide-ins
  • Fix: Conflict with Elementor sliders

December 19, 2022 - version 4.6.2

  • Enhance: White label browser tabs
  • Enhance: Do not add 'https://' to CTA redirect URL
  • Enhance: Add appearance settings for CTA helper text
  • Fix: Fatal error when there are many CPTs on the site
  • Fix: IContact integration is still connected if you enter invalid credentials
  • Fix: Embed Container Margin does not work
  • Fix: Custom Font Styles Reset is not Working
  • Fix: Custom Mobile Settings > Featured Image On/Off Bug
  • Fix: Preview does not work for Hustle Embed modules with Twenty Twenty-Two theme
  • Fix: Recipient field for Automated email is empty when you update it after resaving
  • Fix: Datepicker issue in Forminator form inside popup

November 16, 2022 - version 4.6.1

  • New: Add global option to disable tracking
  • Fix: Popup Template goes away after changing Color Theme
  • Fix: Cannot select time in optin modules Emails > Automated emails > Schedule
  • Fix: If multiple modules have time picker field on front end, the field works only in one module, not others
  • Fix: Fatal error on Popup optin module when we schedule Automated email with delay 0 seconds
  • Fix: Help text should be hidden when CTA is set to none

October 7, 2022 - version 4.6

  • New: Add second Call to Action button
  • New: Add the ability to download a file after successful opt-in
  • New: Add CC email to Automated Email
  • New: Add redirect to new tab after submission
  • New: Add Close button to the module content in addition to the Cross button
  • Enhance: Unsubscribe users from third party email lists
  • Enhance: Add RTL support
  • Enhance: Support wildcards in Referral URL Visibility Rule
  • Enhance: Replace Google fonts with Bunny fonts for GDPR compliance
  • Enhance: Use module name by default for local list Name instead of ID
  • Enhance: Add settings to reset cookie expiration
  • Enhance: Set Time Trigger Delay to 3 seconds by default for new modules to improve Page Speed results
  • Enhance: Ability to add sub-text below CTA button
  • Enhance: Membership status check
  • Fix: Module import doesn't work
  • Fix: Preview doesn't work for modules with Date field
  • Fix: Category conditions stopped working when Static cache is enabled

July 14, 2022 - version 4.5

  • New: Allow to select years and months in the date picker
  • New: Add search ability to listing pages
  • New: Capture value of a hidden field from query parameters
  • New: Add “Expand all” & “Collapse all” ability for Color Palettes settings
  • New: Ability to switch order on Email List filter
  • New: Add Gutenberg block for adding Unsubscribe shortcode
  • New: Support Unsubscribe Link in Automated Email
  • Enhance: PHP 8.1 compatibility
  • Enhance: Update chart.js library
  • Enhance: Tag and Category rules not working for WordPress Pages
  • Fix: Text mode removes break lines
  • Fix: Loading modules code everywhere with Static cache for simple Visibility Conditions
  • Fix: Fatal error with a huge amount of posts
  • Fix: Divi theme conflict with color picker
  • Fix: Unable to Save Palette when editing Color Palettes

February 22, 2022 - version 4.4.13

  • Enhance: Update integration with WPMU DEV Dashboard plugin
  • Fix: Social sharing icons are always vertical
  • Fix: Offset settings don't work in social share

February 7, 2022 - version 4.4.12

  • Enhance: Enable the analytics tracking by default for new modules
  • Enhance: Speed up query time by caching `attachment_url_to_postid` function
  • Enhance: Update wp-color-picker-alpha library to 3.0.2 version
  • Enhance: Hubspot migration to Granular CRM Scopes
  • Enhance: Plugin icon
  • Enhance: Preload icons font
  • Enhance: Caching some DB requests
  • Enhance: One-Click unsubscribe for local lists
  • Fix: Error when nothing is selected from Mailchimp Group Dropdown
  • Fix: Social Sharing modules do not follow the defined Mobile Breakpoint
  • Fix: It does not subscribe Mailchimp archived contacts
  • Fix: Schedule does not follow the relevant Timezone
  • Fix: Wildcard does not work well
  • Fix: `Never end the schedule` option issue

December 22, 2021 - version 4.4.11

  • Enhance: Plugin icon
  • Fix: Some Visibility conditions are not working with Static Cache

December 6, 2021 - version 4.4.10

  • Fix: Fatal error - Call to undefined method Hustle_SShare_Model::get_settings()

December 6, 2021 - version 4.4.9

  • New: In-plugin tutorials
  • Enhance: Change modules order to by date instead of by name
  • Enhance: Support field shortcodes in automated e-mail subject
  • Enhance: Properly displaying modules with static cache enabled (use HUSTLE_STATIC_CACHE_ENABLED constant)
  • Enhance: Support "wd_hustle" shortcodes in the AJAX request
  • Enhance: White labeling support
  • Fix: User IP detection when Cloudflare is used
  • Fix: Get Response integration doesn't work with name field
  • Fix: Scroll percentages for slide-ins not working as expected
  • Fix: Hustle module doesn't work properly if it's inserted in Elementor Lightbox Element
  • Fix: Duplicate fields in MailerLite
  • Fix: Hero image is showing when custom branding image is empty
  • Fix: Firefox color picker doesn't show preview color on change
  • Fix: Constant Schedule set everyday over a 2 day period doesn't work
  • Fix: Imported json showing wrong error message when "upload" folder is not writable
  • Fix: Slide In width in %
  • Fix: Use proper Custom CSS selectors for Stacked layout
  • Fix: Conflict with Front-End Manager
  • Fix: Browser's selectors display as usual when High Contrast Mode is enabled

November 3, 2021 - version 4.4.8

  • Enhance: White labeling support

November 1, 2021 - version 4.4.7

  • New: Hook for cloning modules to a new subsite when creating it on Multisite
  • Enhance: Check jQuery compatibility issues for scripts
  • Enhance: Ability to use CSS IDs as CTA button
  • Fix: Integration with Mailpoet mapping fields
  • Fix: Display custom logo enabled in white label
  • Fix: Disable read more tag for TinyMCE editor
  • Fix: Adding custom logo in WPMU DEV White label makes some other images invisible
  • Fix: Network Settings link in plugin page
  • Fix: Fatal Error when Schedule Start Date or End Date is Set Improperly for Slide-ins
  • Fix: Close button checkbox is not working
  • Fix: Custom User Font improperly set for Form Submit Button
  • Fix: Resetting Appearance settings for modules created based on a template
  • Fix: @media styles in Custom CSS
  • Fix: Icon color not being applied
  • Fix: Libre Franklin Google Font is missed
  • Fix: Border radius is not applying
  • Fix: Mobile size is not overriding the Desktop size
  • Fix: Tracking disabled button showing on mobile when Tracking is enabled
  • Fix: Active Pop-ups counter is not updating right away when you publish/unpublish
  • Fix: Borders overlap the background image
  • Fix: Pop-ups/Slide-ins triggers inside Elementor page builder

October 4, 2021 - version 4.4.6

  • New: Halloween template
  • New: Cache analytics data
  • New: How-to guide for visibility conditions
  • Enhance: Remove all cookies for GDPR compliance
  • Enhance: Remove subsite plugin data from DB after uninstalling the plugin on multisites
  • Enhance: Allow using module field values in "Submission behavior" redirect URL
  • Enhance: Remove spaces when you enter 3rd party credentials
  • Enhance: Image usage in templates
  • Enhance: Free to Pro upgrade
  • Enhance: Error handling with invalid reCaptcha keys
  • Enhance: Compatibility with Social Platform counters
  • Fix: Deprecated warnings for "block_categories" function
  • Fix: Missing footer menu
  • Fix: Popups close button background color with Twenty Twenty-One theme
  • Fix: Mobile custom slide-in size
  • Fix: Appearance > Typography > Reset button doesn't work
  • Fix: Never see this again link in slide-in mobile settings
  • Fix: Never see this again link hover and focus colors
  • Fix: Email address placeholder alignment
  • Fix: Popup compatibility with AdBlock
  • Fix: Embeds preview
  • Fix: Sub bullet point in main content
  • Fix: Arrow icon on Visibility page
  • Fix: Video Tutorials on the dashboard
  • Fix: z-index for datepicker on Email Lists filter
  • Fix: UI differences in wizard when Forminator is enabled

August 11, 2021 - version 4.4.5

  • New: Module templates
  • Enhance: Behavior when publishing and required fields are missing
  • Enhance: Display the "Visibility after opt-in" setting for informational modules
  • Enhance: Always follow the "Visibility after opt-in" setting for external forms
  • Enhance: Make the "After opt-in" behavior work with all confirmation types on AJAX Gravity Form forms
  • Fix: Automated emails not being sent by ConstantContact for Hustle subscriptions
  • Fix: PHP notice when subscribing to Mailchimp in some scenarios
  • Fix: "Scroll to" option in triggers not being saved
  • Fix: PHP notices for modules not migrated from 4.1.0
  • Fix: Popup's appearance on iOS 14.3 or greater
  • Fix: Missing navigation in the wizard pages for mobiles
  • Fix: Inserting placeholders for the automated email's date, time, and recipient not working
  • Fix: Resetting the typography options trigger error notices on reload in some cases
  • Fix: Compatibility issue with ACF's time field
  • Fix: Compatibility issue with Oxygen builder
  • Fix: Exit intent behavior having a wrong description
  • Fix: After CTA click and after submission visibility cookies expiring with the current session
  • Fix: "Hide on page/post" after subscription not working on the home page when it contains the latest posts

April 8, 2021 - version 4.4.4

  • Fix: Global Hubspot connection failing to authenticate
  • Fix: Global Constant Contact connection failing to authenticate
  • Fix: jQuery migration warnings

February 16, 2021 - version 4.4.2

  • Fix: Multiple triggers migration in multisites

February 11, 2021 - version 4.4.1

  • New: Multiple triggers
  • New: Valentine's Day and Chinese New Year templates
  • Enhance: Minor UX and UI details
  • Fix: ConstantContact integration error on activation when Constant Contact Forms for WordPress is enabled
  • Fix: Infusionsoft missing fields on subscriptions under certain conditions
  • Fix: Mautic not accepting valid credentials

December 28, 2020 - version 4.4

  • New: Mailpoet 3 integration
  • New: Mailster integration

December 14, 2020 - version 4.3.7

  • New: New Year template
  • Enhance: Compatibility with PHP 8
  • Enhance: Compatibility with WordPress 5.6

November 20, 2020 - version 4.3.5

  • New: Christmas and Holidays templates
  • Enhance: Compatibility with block-based widgets
  • Enhance: Minor UX/UI details
  • Fix: Fields gap not working in mobile

November 9, 2020 - version 4.3.4

  • New: Display the modules' actions within the wizard page
  • New: Add a button to create a new module on the wizard page
  • New: Preview button for templates
  • Enhance: Error handling for Hubspot
  • Enhance: Error handling for iContact
  • Enhance: Error handling of AJAX requests for providers
  • Fix: Inconsistencies in the stored time for tracking data
  • Fix: Animation for embedded modules
  • Fix: Default value for the time field looking off
  • Fix: Emails lists pagination for the last page looking empty after deletion
  • Fix: Disabled scroll functionality with multiple popups
  • Fix: Clicking on the GDPR checkbox in front makes the view jump to the top

October 8, 2020 - version 4.3.3

  • Fix: Aweber token fails to refresh automatically
  • Enhance: "Install Pro" message compatibility with new plans
  • Enhance: Error handling for iContact API requests
  • Enhance: Form fields data escaping on creation
  • Enhance: Send a test request automatically when connecting to Zapier

October 5, 2020 - version 4.3.2

  • New: Global option for defining the mobile breakpoint
  • New: Allow accessing some of the module's actions found in the listing in wizards
  • Enhance: Move the "Preview" button to the top of the wizard
  • Enhance: Validate schedule dates so the start date isn't greater than the end date
  • Enhance: Include Google's reCAPTCHA in the privacy text
  • Fix: Wrong default tag in the automated email for grabbing the post URL
  • Fix: Notice for empty data in the analytics WP widget shows up when there's data
  • Fix: Several minor UI and UX issues
  • Fix: "Disable page scroll" gets enabled when closing the first of two modules using it
  • Fix: Display tracking data for sub-types when tracking is disabled
  • Fix: Dashboard's button to view the module's tracking data not behaving as expected
  • Fix: Conflict with WP Recipe Maker plugin
  • Fix: Last Conversion not displaying properly in MU
  • Fix: CTA and form submission conversion filter not working for tracking data
  • Fix: User getting updated in GetResponse and Hubspot even when already subscribed users aren't allowed
  • Fix: Error with ConstantContact when updating user's lists when it's already subscribed
  • Fix: Browser visibility condition flagging MS Edge as Chrome

September 14, 2020 - version 4.3.1

  • New: Modules preview for mobile and desktop, and in a frontend page
  • New: Button for going to the documentation page
  • New: Reset button for the appearance Typography and Advanced settings
  • Enhance: Allow displaying the analytics widget without a title

August 18, 2020 - version 4.3

  • Add pre-built templates to choose from when creating a module
  • Add settings for changing the typography properties of the modules' elements
  • Add settings for adjusting the border, spacing, and shadow of the modules' elements
  • Add settings for adjusting the module layout
  • Add settings for handling the module appearance in mobiles
  • Fix Campaign Monitor not updating a subscribed user's details
  • Fix emails list export not working on Flywheel
  • Fix minor UI and UX issues

June 29, 2020 - version 4.2.1

  • Add a visbility condition for Cookies
  • Add a widget for the modules' analytics in the WordPress Dashboard
  • Add "time delay" option for the AdBlock trigger
  • Add tag in the modules listing pages when tracking is disabled for the module
  • Fix incompatibility with WordPress versions previous to 5.0
  • Fix deleted default form fields show up again on page load
  • Fix using a relative path for including the autoloader file
  • Fix custom classes added to form fields not displaying in frontend
  • Fix reCAPTCHA custom error message not being displayed
  • Fix reCAPTCHA light and dark theme not updating as selected
  • Fix mobile offset values affecting desktop display for Social Sharing modules
  • Fix error in console when sharing a page using Pinterest
  • Fix missing check for performing bulk actions
  • Fix missing title and subtitle elements in the global "Palettes" settings
  • Fix AdBlock trigger not working as expected
  • Fix CSS changes not displaying in the preview unless the module is saved
  • Fix minor UI and UX issues
  • Improve the query for retrieving the site's posts for visibility conditions
  • Improve compatibility with Branda's Text Replacement tool
  • Update handling of Aweber's response on subscription

May 18, 2020 - version 4.2

  • Add scheduling modules functionality
  • Add hooks for adding custom Social Sharing platforms
  • Add handlers for modules' views in front
  • Fix Pop-up not showing on single CPT pages
  • Fix select dropdown search boxes not working fine in some modals
  • Fix Font Awesome icons not showing up in modules
  • Fix select dropdown for Mailchimp interests is not visible
  • Fix 'Page' condition for blog and WC shop pages not displaying the module
  • Fix 'Above' and 'Below' options for feature image positioning not working
  • Fix Embedded modules not displayin on preview on certain screen sizes
  • Fix minor UX and UI issues
  • Fix PHP notices when connecting to Aweber
  • Fix error when toggling tracking in bulk
  • Fix issues with ActiveCampaign and custom fields
  • Fix videos not being properly resized under certain conditions
  • Fix error on form submission when using custom date formats in the date field
  • Fix iContact marking a subscription as not subscribed when it was actually subscribed
  • Improve accessibility for modals and toggles on admin side
  • Improve accessibility for icons
  • Improve performance on admin side
  • Improve making the colorpickers editable without opening the selector

March 18, 2020 - version 4.1.1

  • Add Oauth2 for Aweber
  • Add compatibility with Mailchimp GDPR options
  • Allow adding "mailto" and "tel" to the CTA links
  • Update Social Sharing widget from Hustle's dashboard to display the existing modules
  • Create module's IDs from their ID instead of their name
  • Improve accessibility for input fields labels in admin side
  • Improve updating the subscriber's tags when subscribing again in Mailchimp
  • Improve textdomain handling
  • Improve minor UI details
  • Improve compatibility with WP SVG Icons plugin, Oxygen builder, and Twenty Twenty theme
  • Fix GetResponse checking for a subscriber in all lists instead of the selected one
  • Fix certain IP format not being deleted from the IPs in the database
  • Fix time delay being ignored for "close" in "After external form submission behavior"
  • Fix Slide-in with stacked layout not displaying properly
  • Fix reCAPTCHA custom message not being shown
  • Fix module being closed even when "Close module after CTA conversion" is disabled
  • Fix navigation not showing in wizards nor settings page in mobiles

February 17, 2020 - version 4.1

  • Important! We've fixed visibility conditions! Prior to Hustle 4.1, the visibility engine would require you to set rules for every post type your theme used, not just the ones you specified to make it appear on correct pages. We've updated this behavior to only display modules based on the post types explicitly defined in your conditions. For Example, if you add a “Pages” condition to show your module on 1 page only, you'd no longer have to add other post type conditions to hide your module on them. After updating, we recommend double-checking your Hustle modules' visibility conditions are working as expected.
  • Allow restricting access within Hustle by user roles
  • Add groups to visibility conditions
  • Add "any" and "all" conditionals within groups
  • Allow applying each group to a different display type
  • Allow the conditions to show or hide the module when they are met
  • Add a visibility conditions for Woocommerce, page templates, the user's browser, registration date, user role, static pages, and archive pages
  • Remove "all" and "none" within the conditions' options
  • Support SCRIPT_DEBUG
  • Handle support for some of the old conditions behavior with the new options
  • Allow extending the core's visibility conditions
  • Use a single option for retrieving migration flags
  • Improve error messages when importing modules
  • Prevent the email form field from being removed
  • Improve integrations' support for different field types

December 17, 2019 - version 4.0.4

  • Allow saving and using custom palettes
  • Add a setting for removing the module's main styles
  • Include reCAPTCHA v3
  • Include reCAPTCHA v2 Invisible
  • Add setting for handling the visibility after CTA conversion
  • Allow changing the field's error messages
  • Add a "hidden" field type for forms
  • Add setting for enabling or disabling validation for URL fields
  • Allow selecting which metas will be included during module import
  • Differentiate CTA conversions from form submission conversions
  • Support Sendgrid's new Marketing Campaigns
  • Pass GDPR checkbox data to integrations
  • Display more than 10 tags in Mailchimp
  • Improve Sendgrid's custom fields compatibility
  • Adjust textdomain for Pro version
  • Improve compatibility with Forminator
  • Prevent modules from being saved without any active integration
  • Include the global integration's name in the module's integrations settings
  • Fix bulk delete not working properly in Email lists
  • Prevent saving a module when there are errors with the selected settings
  • Fix popups not showing for Administrator role
  • Improve minor UI and UX details
  • Add pagination at the top and bottom of the modules' listing pages
  • Fix current page in modules lists pagination not being highlighted
  • Pause videos when the module is closed on preview
  • Make datepicker's strings translatable
  • Remove the integrations' data from tables when disconnecting the global instance
  • Update Hustle's links in the plugins page
  • Fix WhatsApp icon not working properly in mobile
  • Fix Slide-in not positioned correctly when using a custom size

September 23, 2019 - version 4.0.3

  • Add option to reset the plugin's data manually and on uninstall
  • Add "Email" to social sharing module's services
  • Add option to Anonymize the stored data periodically
  • Allow selecting the Metrics that are shown in the plugin's Dashboard page
  • Allow applying the "After submission" behavior to external forms
  • Add option to remove stored entries when performing Account Erasure Requests
  • Add "validate" option to form fields
  • Update MadMimi to V3
  • Update Sendinblue to V3
  • Replace CampaignMonitor and Mautic libraries by custom wrappers
  • Add GDPR compliance to Sendy, Mailchimp, and ActiveCampaign
  • Allow picking the background color of the success message
  • Allow adding input manually in the datepicker field
  • Add border design settings for the "Call to Action" button
  • Fix minor UX and UI details
  • Fix module not following CPT conditions
  • Fix 'Ensure text remains visible during webfont load' in Google Pagespeed Insights
  • Fix emails sent by Hustle not using the defined sender and not displaying as HTML
  • Fix 'form' tags being stripped in frontend in some cases
  • Fix slide-in behavior when using a custom size
  • Check for crawlers before calling geo services
  • Fix conflict with HitMag theme
  • Fix White label not being applied in certain pages
  • Improve how the stored integrations' lists are retrieved
  • Improve compatibility with Forminator polls and dropdowns
  • Improve compatibility with Branda, Nextgen, and Facebook Feed Pro plugins
  • Replace the default HTML form validator by the custom one
  • Fix wildcards not working under the "Specific URL" condition
  • Fix social sharing modules looking off in Internet Explorer

August 20, 2019 - version 4.0.2

  • Fix Forminator scripts being enqueued in the wrong pages

August 14, 2019 - version 4.0.1

  • Add a "time" fields in forms
  • Add language options for reCAPTCHA fields
  • Update Facebook's native counter endpoint
  • Fix iframes and forms being removed from the main content
  • Improve accessibility in wizard's custom colors
  • Fix stats at the top of the page not updating in Embeds and Social sharing listings
  • Improve compatibility with Forminator and Gravity Forms on preview
  • Improve compatibility with HubSpot Marketing plugin
  • Fix Automated emails not being sent
  • Make the "embed" shortcode work in the main content
  • Load the stylesheets related to the displayed module types only in frontend
  • Update the existing subscription when an email is added again
  • Improve compatibility between the Aweber library and PHP 7
  • Improve UI/UX details in backend and frontend
  • Improve date formats for the datepicker field
  • Fix Aweber not updating already subscribed users
  • Fix Sendy error when selecting a list with no subscribers
  • Fix Infusionsoft not assigning the selected tag to the added subscriber.
  • Fix shortcodes not displaying when adding multiple in certain order
  • Improve compatibility with Firefox in form fields in frontend
  • Fix unsubscribe functionality not displaying the lists
  • Fix custom styling not being applied for informational modules
  • Update user capabilities when updating the plugin via FTP
  • Fix emails list exporting the displayed entries only
  • Improve compatibility with other plugins requiring wp-color-picker script
  • Fix social sharing modules ignoring the default number when using "Native" counters
  • Fix whitelabel not working for the footer in wizard pages
  • Improve compatibility with GeoDirectory plugin
  • Make embeds follow the settings from "Custom size"
  • Fix embed staying hidden if added via AJAX right after load.
  • Improve custom fields integration for Aweber and ActiveCampaign
  • Fix PHP message when an Embed is removed while being selected in widgets
  • Make the "closing behavior" work on the homepage
  • Fix border color for errors not being applied to inputs

July 1, 2019 - version

  • Fix iframes and forms being removed from the main content
  • Stop embedded videos when closing the module

June 17, 2019 - version 4

  • All new SUI
  • Support having multiple integrations per module
  • Add a dedicated page for integrations' global settings and local subscriptions list
  • Allow deleting, navigating, and filtering local subscriptions
  • Support WPMU DEV white labeling with the Dashboard plugin hero hider
  • Add per module analytics for tracking data
  • Allow deleting the modules' tracking data
  • Handle data migration from 3.x
  • Add counter type per network in the social sharing module
  • Improve the flow for when setting up integrations
  • Render the modules on page load instead of templating
  • Allow scheduling a onetime email for new subscribers
  • Include the integrations' submission data in the local subscriptions list
  • Increase the amount of customizable elements for colors palettes
  • Add option to give form fields custom classes
  • Fix double optin for MailerLite not working
  • Support wildcards and regex in "URL" visibility conditions
  • Fix custom Javascript running twice on page load
  • Preview modules via AJAX
  • Adjust outdated countries in the countries list
  • Improve modules' structure, responsiveness, and crossbrowser compatibility in frontend
  • Improve compatibility with page builders and minifying plugins
  • Add "Never show again" link to modules
  • Add WhatsApp to social sharing networks
  • Remove Google+ from networks
  • Allow applying the closing behavior to different closing methods
  • Implement High Contrast Mode for accessibility
  • Extend the possible actions and bulk actions for modules in listing pages

May 28, 2019 - version 3.0.9

  • Add alternative method for migrating big data from Hustle 2.x to 3.x.
  • Fix PHP error when adding tags and categories display conditions.
  • Fix module not showing up if specific animations were set.

May 9, 2019 - version

  • Improve escaping values on emails list CSV export.

May 6, 2019 - version 3.0.8

  • Fix Constant Contact check so the email is searched in the current list only.
  • Accept active lists besides the static ones in Constant Contact.
  • Fix InfusionSoft status being saved as "Non Marketable".
  • Improve process to connect to Hubspot.
  • Load more than 20 lists in Mailchimp.
  • Allow removing the module's styles via hooks.
  • GDPR checkbox not working properly if there's more than one instance of the module.
  • Improve PlanSo Forms and Gravity Forms compatibility.
  • Keep shortcode IDs unique when duplicating modules.
  • Fix Social Sharing modules always showing relative to "screen".
  • Fix Social Sharing shortcodes not working properly in MU.
  • Fix social icons going beyond the box in IE.
  • Fix bug with the modules' "Test" status.
  • Fix the modules showing in the 404 page when using any display condition.
  • Improve several UI and UX details.
  • Fix shortcode ID containing quotation marks.
  • Remove static version on enqueued script.
  • Improve Popup responsiveness.
  • Follow the link even when the link is a module trigger.
  • Fix Social Sharing counter, and behavior in WPMU Dev host.
  • Fix small styling conflict between BuddyPresss and Social Sharing modules.

January 24, 2019 - version 3.0.7

  • Add Gutenberg blocks.
  • Add reCAPTCHA for opt-in forms.
  • Support double opt-in for ActiveCampaign.
  • Allow users to subscribe again when using Mailchimp.
  • Fix error when opening the modules' wizard in big sites.
  • Fix embedded shortcodes not showing in multisite.
  • Improve export/import in multisite.
  • Fix floating social sharing module always showing relative to the screen.
  • Improve UI and UX details.
  • Fix floating social sharing module not showing when the selector is in certain places.
  • Add hooks for when the modules are created.
  • Improve Visual Composer and Forminator compatibility.
  • Improve compatibility with WPMU Dev host.
  • Add "hours" option to "After module is closed" setting.
  • Removed redundant GDPR checkbox on informational popups due to this feature not being requested, and no data is stored as a result of showing it in an informational popup.

December 12, 2018 - version

  • Fix style conflict with WPMU Dev dashboard.
  • Fix edge case php error on upgrade.

December 11, 2018 - version 3.0.6

  • Adjust the frontend layouts to fix several issues.
  • Improve the way frontend layouts look in IE.
  • Allow anonymizing specific IPs from tracked data.
  • Fix minor UI and UX details in backend and frontend.
  • Fix Mautic issue not allowing users to subscribe.
  • Fix "Country" display condition not working.
  • Fix saved theme not showing in frontend.
  • Remove the redirect to Hustle dashboard after activation.
  • Create the database tables again after re-installing.
  • Adjust the way custom fields are saved in the providers.
  • Improve compatibility with Forminator.
  • Add Privacy Policy suggestion text.
  • Add notification when user can install Pro version.
  • Allow retrieving more than 100 lists in Aweber.

September 24, 2018 - version 3.0.5

  • Allow users to unsubscribe from local lists.
  • Allow adding providers as external plugins.
  • Add import/export module functionality.
  • Add duplicate module functionality.
  • Add option to choose if the module should show up after subscription.
  • Fix console error when updating custom form fields.
  • Fix inline social sharing not displaying properly.
  • Use embeds IDs instead of names as unique identifier.
  • Make native social counters retrieve their info asynchronously.
  • Fix MU installation not redirecting to Hustle Dashboard.
  • Fix Slide-in "Test" status not behaving properly.
  • Make embeds widgets follow the defined visibility rules.
  • Allow using the same email twice when subscribing to Mailchimp.
  • Switch to Mailchimp for Hustle's Free Opt-in subscription form.
  • Fix opt-in form behavior with each provider.
  • Fix iContact settings error.
  • Fix Constant Contact settings error.
  • Fix Sendgrid library conflict.
  • Fix Custom fields behavior on some providers.
  • Fix PHP error when using category conditions in multiple modules.
  • Fix checkboxes and radios issue when the same embed is twice in the same page.
  • Fix various UI details in dashboard and frontend.
  • Add "upgrade" link on plugins page for Free version.

July 17, 2018 - version

  • Fix PHP errors.

July 11, 2018 - version

  • Fix PHP errors.

July 9, 2018 - version 3.0.4

  • Add SendGrid and Zapier integrations.
  • Add API share counters to Social Sharing modules.
  • Add "Save draft" option when saving modules.
  • Add filter to prevent Google fonts from loading.
  • Show GDPR checkbox as required on form submission.
  • Fix SendinBlue "Load more" button behaviour.
  • Improve module appearance on fontend for IE.
  • Fix "Continue" button behaviour on backend for IE.
  • Show GDPR checkbox even if the main content is empty.
  • Fix various UX issues on frontend and backend.
  • Fix various styling issues on frontend and backend.
  • Fix module's behaviours under certain display conditions.
  • Fix "Floating in respect to CSS selector" setting on Social Share modules not saving.
  • Improve compatibility with Forminator, Contact Form 7, WPBakery Page Builder, The Grid, and Upfront plugins, and with Bridge theme.
  • Fix migration of social stats.
  • Fix PHP notices when changing email provider to Infusionsoft.
  • Improve alert behavior on module edit pages when navigating away.
  • Improve email providers process of subscription and saving settings.
  • Make Youtube video stop when closing popup.
  • Fix stats from all sub-sites modules showing up on multisite.
  • Fix connection issue with Hubspot.
  • Serve resources from a consistent URL in GTmetrix.
  • Fix Mautic URL saving issue.
  • Improve the way modules are prioritized to show up.
  • Fix module fields not showing in frontend when enabling and changing "Custom size".
  • Fix "on click" trigger when no animation is set.
  • Fix "After Content" display settings having different results after upgrade.
  • Fix "exit intent" triggering when interacting with forms.
  • Increase free version limitations.
  • Add new "Upgrade" modal.

May 28, 2018 - version 3.0.3

  • Add GDPR frontend checkbox option to modules.

April 11, 2018 - version 3.0.2

  • Add MailerLite and iContact Integration.
  • Update E-Newsletter integration to be consistent with other integrations.
  • Fix various styling issues on frontend and backend.
  • Fix minor backend UX issues.
  • Fix an issue with ConstantContact only saving to the first email list.
  • Fix homepage not obeying module display conditions when showing recent posts.
  • Fix an issue with ConstantContact where redirecting after signing in brought
  • the user to the editing popups even when editing embeds or slide ins.
  • Fix adblocker trigger from triggering even when no adblocker is present.
  • Update 404 display condition behavior to showing on the 404 page or not rather than only displaying on 404 page and no other.
  • Adjusted verbiage for After Slide-in is Closed description to avoid
  • confusion.
  • Disable save button on continue press to avoid accidental multiple saves.
  • Fix slide in and popup shortcode trigger not working since 3.0.
  • Fix some PHP warnings.
  • Improve Hustle frontend accessibility for social sharing.
  • Fix Mad Mimi and Campaign Monitor email integrations.
  • Only show SSL requirement notice for constant contact when necessary.

February 22, 2018 - version 3.0.1

  • Add legacy support for widgets and shortcodes.
  • Fix issues with local email lists, tracking, and custom CSS not getting migrated properly.
  • Fix various style issues.
  • Fix issue with ActiveCampaign incorrectly showing duplicate error upon sign
  • up to a separate list.
  • Fix inability to close out of the welcome message on dashboard.
  • Fix Embeds local email list not downloading.
  • Fix Object Caching issue with some hosts where settings appeared to not save.

January 18, 2018 - version 3

  • New UI Flow and Design
  • New structure for Hustle modules (introducing Pop-ups, Slide-ins, Embeds,
  • and Social Sharing)
  • Automatic migration from Hustle 2.x to Hustle 3.0

August 22, 2017 - version

  • Improved ConstantContact Integration.

August 15, 2017 - version 2.1.5

  • Improved HubSpot integration.
  • Improved Mautic integration.
  • Fixed Custom Content js errors on frontend.

August 9, 2017 - version 2.1.4

  • New HubSpot integration (static list).
  • Improved ConstantContact integration.
  • Improved InfusionSoft integration.
  • Improved AWeber integration.
  • Improved Mautic integration.
  • Improved SendInBlue integration.
  • Improved Opt-in when provider not set but uses "Save Emails to local list".
  • Fixed Opt-in signup button not showing on some layouts.
  • Fixed Custom Content front-end JavaScript errors.

July 31, 2017 - version

  • Improved compatibility with PHP 5.2 and 5.3.
  • Improved the display for MailChimp Groups on frontend.

July 24, 2017 - version

  • Improved API Connection Security for Integrations

July 10, 2017 - version 2.1.3

  • New SendInBlue integration.
  • Added "Load More" button for MailChimp lists.
  • Fixed MailChimp integration issues.
  • Fixed custom colors issues on social sharing admin wizard.
  • Fixed media queries break custom css.

May 31, 2017 - version 2.1.2

  • Fixed Custom Content conflict with Page Builder by SiteOrigin.
  • Fixed MailChimp integration issues.
  • Fixed ActiveCampaign integration issues.

May 23, 2017 - version 2.1.1

  • Updated MailChimp integration and used their 3.0 API.
  • Updated "show less than" display condition and now works even "tracking" is off.
  • Updated listing page on each module to show shortcode on shortcode type.
  • Fixed activating Hustle on Multisite re-directs to an error.
  • Fixed IE styles on admin wizards.
  • Fixed IE issues on admin wizards.
  • Fixed conflict with Caldera Forms.
  • Fixed Pop-up "on click" trigger does not do preventDefault.
  • Fixed activating any plugin will redirect a Hustle user to Hustle.
  • Fixed Social Sharing wizard style issues.
  • Fixed Custom Content images not responsive.
  • Fixed Opt-in able to create duplicate additional fields.
  • Fixed IE issues when previewing Opt-in on admin.
  • Fixed Social Sharing issue: disabling "click counter" still shows counter numbers.
  • Fixed close button does not act as 'Never see this message again'.
  • Fixed Pop-up scroll issue.

April 27, 2017 - version 2.1

  • New social sharing module.
  • New mautic integration.
  • New module dashboard for empty modules.
  • New settings dashboard for empty modules.
  • New toggle option for tracking views and conversion for each module.
  • New error log list for opt-in module.
  • New option to add new fields for opt-in module.
  • New validation for opt-in submission.
  • New option to edit opt-in submit button.
  • New "after_content" preview type for custom content module.
  • New settings link in plugin list.
  • Fixed "Hide all slide in messages for user" option is not working.
  • Fixed custom content widget/shortcode layout doesn't have styles.
  • Fixed clicking on any field in slide-in opt-in closes it, can't enter information.
  • Fixed using form submit setting "Refresh or Close" causes custom content slide-in to refresh endlessly.
  • Fixed custom content module "custom css" not rendering on preview.
  • Fixed popup show less than (display condition) not working.
  • Fixed "NextGen Gallery" compatibility.
  • Fixed "Beaver Builder" conflict.
  • Fixed email service fields are not enabled/disabled correctly on opt-in module.
  • Fixed IE issues.
  • Fixed custom css issue with @media.
  • Fixed custom content module not appearing on appearance/widget.
  • Fixed "Embed Any Document" compatibility.
  • Fixed "Contact Form 7" compatibility.
  • Fixed html content is getting stripped on custom content module.
  • Fixed Hustle not filtering by tag.
  • Fixed custom content module "custom css" doesn't recognize html tags.

March 16, 2017 - version

  • Fix: Custom content slide-in not showing on frontend.

March 15, 2017 - version 2.0.3

  • Add: ConvertKit integration.
  • Add: Custom post type support.
  • Add: Auto-enable Opt-in shortcode and widget when creating new one
  • Improved structure, events and performance when showing modals.
  • Improved UI by using sprites instead of icon fonts.
  • Fix: In a specific Country display condition is not working.
  • Fix: Slide in Trigger shortcode button doesn't work.
  • Fix: Page scrolled option on optin.
  • Fix: Minify issue conflict with W3 Total Cache.
  • Fix: MailChimp lists have a hover effect.
  • Fix: Custom content form submission.
  • Fix: Popup overflowed height.
  • Fix: Never see again option behavior.
  • Fix: Issues with Hustle on mobile.
  • Fix: Extra content showing on hustle custom content.
  • Fix: E-newsletter integration issues.
  • Fix: Hustle breaks Backer Theme.
  • Fix: On Opt-in listing, shortcode toggle not saved persistently.
  • Fix: Unsaved content warning after saving individual creation steps.
  • Fix: Youtube continues to play when popup is closed.

March 1, 2017 - version 2.0.2

  • Add: ActiveCampaign provider.
  • Add: Opt-in success message control options.
  • Add: Custom Content name checker.
  • Improved Display Settings for all modules, hide condition labels if not enabled.
  • Improved Dashboard responsive styles.
  • Improved Dashboard Modules Overview Widget responsive styles.
  • Improved Dashboard Welcome Back Widget responsive styles
  • Improved Dashboard Stats Widget responsive styles
  • Fix: Default overlay background not transparent on opt-in modules.
  • Fix: The lines overlap chart on dashboard page.
  • Fix: Border picking up the hover property from links.
  • Fix: No Way to Change Featured Image
  • Fix: Typo in Custom Content Display Setting panel
  • Fix: Typo in Opt In Editor in test mode
  • Fix: Initial welcome message should only be displayed once in dashboard page.
  • Fix: Close button not working on New Welcome Dashboard
  • Fix: Custom content popup triggers, the input number isn't working for "Time" trigger.
  • Fix: Opt-in Wizard Custom CSS, styles are being applied regardless of toggle button status.
  • Fix: Opt-in overlay mask background color doesn't applies correctly.
  • Fix: Opt-in, prevent closing button from showing if opt-in displays "after content" or as "widget" or as "shortcode".
  • Fix: Opt-ins successful message does not show if set to Auto Close.
  • Fix: Opt-in some custom colors are not working.
  • Fix: Opt-in, on wizard the wysiwyg editor is overlapping other options.

February 8, 2017 - version 2.0.1

  • Add: Consistent color assignment for modules in top 5 conversion graph.
  • Changed: Top 5 conversion table is now sorted by conversions in the last 30 days.

February 2, 2017 - version 2

  • Add: Major redesign for better user experience.
  • Add: New Custom Content module.
  • Add: New Opt-in module wizard.
  • Add: New Dashboard page.
  • Add: New Settings page.
  • Add: New top conversions table.
  • Add: New top conversions graph.
  • Add: Grouped color in palette customization.
  • Add: Optional action button to custom URL in Custom Content module.
  • Add: Opt-in module can be used as shortcode in Custom Content module.
  • Add: Choices of auto responsive size or custom size for Custom Content.
  • Add: Separated save button when creating or editing module.
  • Add: Categories criteria in Display Conditions.
  • Add: Tags criteria in Display Conditions.
  • Add: Posts criteria in Display Conditions.
  • Add: Pages criteria in Display Conditions.
  • Add: Modules Overview in Dashboard.
  • Improved module preview.
  • Improved list of modules behavior.
  • Fix: Pop up on exiting page.
  • Fix: PHP fatal error in certain condition.
  • Fix: PHP 5.3 compatibility.
  • Fix: Does not accept emails with "-" in the domain.
  • Fix: Email registration issue.
  • Fix: Overlapping elements in IE11.
  • Fix: 'close button acts as never seen again' not working.

November 3, 2016 - version 1.1.2

  • Add: Sync existing subscriptions in local collection to eNewsletter

October 28, 2016 - version 1.1.1

  • Add: eNewsletter integration
  • Fix: In and out animations for Slideins

October 25, 2016 - version 1.1

  • Add: Local data collection feature
  • Add: Download local subscriptions data as CSV
  • Add: Infusionsoft integration
  • Add: Mad Mimi integration
  • Fix: Exit intent after scrolling the page
  • Fix: Popup success message not hiding if no out animation is added
  • Fix: Issue with title CSS selector
  • Fix: Message editor not working in some browser versions

September 22, 2016 - version 1.0.2

  • Add: GetResponse integration
  • Add: Sendy integration
  • Add: New feature to trigger Pop Ups & Slide Ins on click
  • Add: New feature to trigger Pop Ups & Slide Ins on AdBlock detection
  • Add: New feature to trigger Pop Ups & Slide Ins on User Leave Intent
  • Add: Redesigned Trigger interface for Pop Ups & Slide Ins
  • Add: Form input animation control options
  • Fix: Pop Up and Slide In closingopening animations

September 8, 2016 - version 1.0.1

  • Add: Constant Contact integration
  • Add: MailChimp Interest Group integration
  • Add: Image style options
  • Add: Style amendments and field icon animations
  • Fix: Conditional adding of templates in frontend
  • Fix: After content not working in Upfront
  • Fix: Styling issues in admin and frontend

August 16, 2016 - version 1

  • First public release

August 3, 2016 - version 0.9

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