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Duplicate content plugins allow you to make a copy of your post or page. You can use these copies as templates for future posts or as a way to test changes. Learn more about our recommended plugins for this category in the table below and compare their features - some of which may only be available in pro or premium versions. 

Duplicate PageYoast Duplicate Post
Duplicate PageYoast Duplicate Post

Duplicate Page allows you to make exact copies of various post types. The PRO version includes extra settings to control who can duplicate posts, where the duplicate link appears, and how your duplicated post title appears.

Yoast Duplicate Post allows you to clone posts or copy them to a new draft with just a click from both the Pages/Posts screen or while editing an individual page or post. You can also duplicate pages and posts in bulk.

Pricing model
Plugin price$0-99Free
Date testedมิถุนายน 20, 2024มิถุนายน 28, 2024
Duplicate posts, pages and custom post types
Duplicate custom taxonomies
Duplicate posts from the site's front-end
Create a draft from a post duplicate
Customize duplicated post publication date
More about Duplicate PageMore about Yoast Duplicate Post

We only recommend plugins that show an ongoing commitment to WPML compatibility. The authors of the plugins featured in the table above work closely with the WPML team on a regular basis to ensure you can build a reliable, multilingual site.

All WPML-compatible Duplicate Content plugins

Plugin name

Plugin house

Last tested date

Compatibility Status

มิถุนายน 20, 2024

มิถุนายน 28, 2024

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