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Custom Types & Taxonomies plugins allow you to go beyond posts, pages, categories, and tags to create more custom site structures. Learn more about our recommended plugins for this category in the table below and compare their features - some of which may only be available in pro or premium versions. 

Toolset Types
Toolset Types

Toolset Types created custom post types, fields, taxonomy and post relationships. It’s part of the Toolset suite, which allows building advanced WordPress sites without programming.

Pricing model
Plugin price€69-299
Date testedDecember 12, 2023
Create custom post types
Create custom taxonomies
Create post relationships
No coding necessary
Display custom types and taxonomies on the front-end
More about Toolset Types

We only recommend plugins that show an ongoing commitment to WPML compatibility. The authors of the plugins featured in the table above work closely with the WPML team on a regular basis to ensure you can build a reliable, multilingual site.

All WPML-compatible Custom Types & Taxonomy plugins

Plugin name

Plugin house

Last tested date

Compatibility Status

Want to add your Custom Types & Taxonomy Plugin to our compatibility list?