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To remove the «This site is registered on as a development site» notice, switch your site key from development to production in your account.

What are production and development websites?

A production website is the final version made for clients. It’s a live site that visitors can access.

A development website is still a work in progress that you are testing.

The main difference is a WPML notice that states when a site is a development one. This notice disappears when you move the site to production. Other than that, there’s no difference: you still get updates and all WPML features on both types of sites.

Check your pricing plan to see how many of each type you can have.

What are the exact steps I need to follow to move a development site to production?

  1. Log into your account and go to your list of registered sites.
  2. Click the gear icon next to the site you want to move to production.
Clicking the gear icon to switch to production
  1. Enter the URL of your production site and click Publish.
Inputting the production site URL and clicking to publish
  1. You should no longer see the gear icon on your list of registered sites. Return to your site, and you’ll see the banner is no longer visible in your site’s admin and front-end.

What if the notice still appears after moving to production?

If you continue seeing this banner on the site’s admin and front-end after following the steps above, you will need to generate a new site key and re-register WPML. This will not cause you to lose any of your translations.

To do this:

  1. Go to your list of registered sites page on and delete the key generated for your site.
  2. Log in to your site’s admin and go to Plugins → Add New and click the Commercial tab. Click on Unregister WPML from this site.
Unregistering WPML from the site
  1. Once the page refreshes, click on Register WPML. You’ll see a message asking you to enter the site key. Click on Get a key for this site.
  2. This opens a new window with your WPML account page. In the Type section, register your site as a Production site. Then, go through the rest of the steps to generate a new site key.
Registering the site as a production site to generate a new site key
  1. Copy the new site key and return to the Commercial tab on your website. Insert the key into the Site key field and press the Register button.