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Due to the immense popularity of the Elementor page builder, an ecosystem of additional plugins has popped up that expand Elementor’s core functionality. Here are our top picks of Elementor add-on plugins that are also compatible with WPML.

Elementor is one of the most popular page builders for WordPress, allowing anyone to build beautiful sites quickly and easily. It offers an abundance of great features – but it’s impossible for Elementor to be everything to everyone, especially with a user base of over 8 million clients.

If you run a specific type of website, such as an ecommerce, listings, or directory site, Elementor might not have everything you need right out of the box. That’s where add-on plugins can help! With add-on features, you can do things like add forms, customize checkout processes, add dynamic content, and so much more.

In preparation for WPML 4.5’s release, we reviewed 9 add-on plugins to double check their general compatibility with WPML and the upcoming Translate Everything feature. In our testing, we found some great options for clients looking to add even more great features to their Elementor-powered sites.

Recommended Elementor Addon Plugins

These plugins are not only some of the most popular among WPML users, but their developers also work closely with the WPML compatibility team to ensure ongoing compatibility. We feel confident recommending these to you as solid options for adding lots of different functionality to your multilingual site:

Essential Addons for Elementor

Essential Addons for Elementor is one of the most-installed addon suites for WPML users – it’s installed on over 6000 WPML sites! It offers a free version with 40+ widgets and a premium version with an additional 30+ widgets.

The Essential Addons for Elementor team has recently confirmed full compatibility with WPML including the upcoming WPML 4.5 release.

Here are some EA widgets:

EA Login Register Form widget

EA Login Register Form allows you to easily create custom login or registration forms in Elementor. Simply enable membership in your WordPress site’s general settings and harness the power of this widget to create a great login/registration interface for your users.

You also have the ability to add social logins and customize fields, labels and placeholders when needed.

EA Post Grid widget

EA Post Grid allows you to dynamically display various types of posts within a customizable grid layout. You can query various post types such as Posts, Pages, and WooCommerce Products (WooCommerce Product Gallery), or manually select what to display.

Easily choose between different layouts and toggle different fields on or off to create the exact design you had in mind.

EA Pricing Table widget

Need to create an eye-catching pricing table that summarizes your different product or service offerings? EA Pricing Table has a simple interface that allows you to display key information and style your table in a variety of ways.

Choose between a handful of layouts and toggle the settings to create tables that are most suited to your site. With options to highlight ‘featured’ and ‘on sale’ items as well as adjust price, color and button settings, this widget is great for grabbing your customers’ attention!

See Essential Addons for Elementor’s full list of widgets for more examples of what you can do.

Read more about how to translate Essential Addons for Elementor using WPML.

Crocoblock JetElements

Crocoblock has been focusing primarily on Elementor-related products for many years, so it is no surprise that they are market-leaders for Elementor addons too!

While most of their product offerings are geared towards extending page builder functionality, Crocoblock JetElements is a great solution for those looking specifically for a bundle of useful widgets to help turn design ideas into reality with ease.

Here are some Crocoblock JetElement widgets:

Testimonials widget

If you are a business owner, testimonials and customer feedback is likely an integral part of your website. JetElements’ Testimonials widget is a comprehensive tool that allows you to add and customize testimonials that will help convert new customers looking at your products or services.

Fields included are image, icon, title, comment, name & position, date, link and rating – most of which also allow for dynamic data. You can also configure slideshow options and adjust style settings to suit your website’s look and feel.

Team Member widget

The Team Member widget is a simple and effective tool that allows you to display a list of your team members, adding trust and a personal touch to your site. Sometimes, this can be a time consuming process, but this widget makes it easier than ever to display your team in a way that aligns with your branding.

You can add a member’s image, name and member’s position in the company. There is a field to add a description and it’s super simple to add related social media accounts. In addition, you can add some interactive styling such as special overlays and cover displays.

Posts widget

The Posts widget allows you to dynamically display posts in an efficient way. If you have a good amount of posts on your site, this is a great way to give users a snapshot of what is available.

Settings allow you to choose the number of columns you want as well as the post types that you want to display. You can choose which components of these post types get shown and which are hidden. Choose between different navigation options and, finally, use the style settings to make sure your grid or carousel fits the design of your site.

See the full list of widgets available in Crocoblock’s JetElements addon.

Here’s how to translate JetElements widgets using WPML.

Ultimate Addons for Elementor

Ultimate Addons for Elementor’s creators, Brainstorm Force, have also developed addons for Beaver Builder and Gutenberg, so they know a thing or two about the subject! They are also responsible for creating the ever-popular Astra theme.

Here are some Ultimate Addons for Elementor widgets:

Modal Popup widget

Pop ups play an important role in generating conversions and leads from your website. The Modal Popup widget allows you to create eye-catching pop-ups to do just that!

With many configurable fields such as title, width, effect, and color options it takes just a few clicks to get the main design framework laid out. Then, you can choose your content type (text, photo, video, saved pages/sections etc.) and modify the display settings to ensure the popup is displayed to your users in the most optimal way.

Info Box widget

Particularly helpful for summarizing and highlighting important content, the Info Box widget allows you to add multiple sections including Title Prefix, Title, Description, Image/Icon, Separator and Call-To-Action.

Some of these can also be customized to have different positions, styles and hover animations, so you can capture the attention of your users and encourage important click-throughs.

Woo-Products widget

If you are a WordPress user with an ecommerce site, there is a good chance your site uses WooCommerce. The Woo-Products widget is a great tool that gives you the option to dynamically display a selection of your products in a grid or carousel on any page.

With various ‘skins’ and styling and display settings such as Layouts, Query, Content, Sale Flash, Feature Flash and Quick View, there are plenty of options to showcase your products in interesting ways.

Get inspired with more ideas from the full list of widgets by Ultimate Addons for Elementor.

Premium Addons for Elementor

Premium Addons for Elementor by Leap13 is a great option for those looking to dip their toes into the world of addons.

With a comprehensive free version, users can explore the possibilities before committing to a pro version. Needless to say, the Pro version is packed additional with features that will help you design a site that truly stands out from the rest.

Here’s some Premium Addons for Elementor widgets:

Blog widget

Being able to dynamically display posts is an important part of any site whether you are involved in e-commerce, directories or simply blogging. The Blog widget is great in that it supports standard WordPress posts and pages as well as custom post types (such as Media, My Templates, and My Library).

With carousel and pagination settings as well as custom ‘skins’ (Classic, Modern, Cards, On Side, and Banner), it’s really simple to get nice design and usability straight out-of-the-box. 

Premium Tabs widget

One of the best ways to neatly arrange a lot of information is with tabs. Most users won’t be too happy having to navigate through extended webpages. This is where the Premium Tabs widget comes in.

Simply create tabs for sections of information that your users can click through to find exactly what they are looking for. With various prebuilt horizontal and vertical layouts and no limit to how many tabs you can create, this widget is a nifty solution for improving your site’s user experience.

Alert Box widget

Sometimes you want to display important info, deals and/or announcements to your users in an effective way. While you still have the options to create a traditional popup, the Alert Box widget is also a great ‘off-grid’ solution for creating discreet notices and banners.

With multiple controls including cookie and display settings as well as simple styling configurations you can create attention-grabbing notices without disturbing your users’ navigation experience.

See all the widgets offered by Premium Addons for Elementor.

You can easily translate your Premium Addons for Elementor content using WPML.


ElementsKit is a freemium plugin by Wpmet with 85+ widgets and extensions, plus pre-built layouts and homepages. You can also use it to build custom headers and footers. Despite the huge number of features, you don’t have to worry about slowing down your site because you can disable any widget or extension you don’t use.

Here are some examples of ElementsKit widgets:

Countdown Timer widget

ElementKit’s Countdown Timer widget lets you create animated countdowns to any date, like big sales, important release dates, and more. You can choose from 6 eye-catching preset styles and add custom content to display when the countdown reaches zero.

Pie Chart widget

Make important data readable at a glance with the Pie Chart widget. Subtle animations and hover effects add movement and interest to your site, and you can customize the colors, numbers, and icons to seamlessly match your company’s branding.

Progress Bar widget

Celebrate progress on important goals and milestones with the Progress Bar widget. Choose one of the 10 preset styles for an easy starting point point to completely customize your progress bar. You can control every aspect of the styling, from the colors, to the height of the line, to the length of the animation.

Check out all of ElementKits’ widgets to explore over 80 more options.

Other Great Elementor Addon Options

These add-on plugins aren’t quite as popular amongst WPML clients as the ones we’ve listed above, but they are still fully committed to maintaining compatibility. They would also be great options for a multilingual site using Elementor:

  • Happy Addons by weDevs – This freemium plugin comes packed with with 400+ presets and the ability to copy and paste across domains.
  • Dynamic Content for Elementor by – A premium plugin that offers 64 widgets and specializes in – you guessed it – displaying content dynamically.
  • AnyWhere Elementor by WPVibes – This freemium plugin allows you to override WordPress templates and archives and includes 12 dynamic widgets.

Less-Recommended Elementor Addons

In our research, we also looked into the following plugins but were unable to reach the plugin authors or confirm compatibility with WPML.

Though these plugins are likely to work as expected, we are unfortunately unable to guarantee it without their cooperation. If it’s important to you that these plugins are WPML-compatible, please help us by nudging the plugin authors to prioritize it.

Which Elementor Addons Do You Use?

Did we miss any Elementor addons you use? Let us know in the comments, and we’ll reply!

How can we make WPML better for you?

Share your thoughts and comments about our plugin, documentation, or videos by booking a Zoom call with Agnes, our Client Advocate. Your feedback matters and helps us improve.

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9 Responses to “The Best Elementor Addons for Multilingual Sites”

  1. On a website with WPML installed I use both PowerPack for Elementor and Happy Addons. They seem to work fine. I’m also wondering if Unlimited Elements for Elementor is compatible with WPML.