Using WordPress and want to get WPForms for free?

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    1. Hi Nwachukwu.

      I apologize WPForms is a WordPress plugin and therefore it will not work within a blogger site.

      Apologizes for the inconvenience!

  1. Hi, twoquestios:
    1. is it posible to allow users to also upload a PDF, and if yes, how will it display at the frontend?
    2. Can the user upload multiple images? or to use multiple image fields in the form? and if yes how will they be shown?

    1. Hey Alvaro,

      Whereas with the file upload field, you should be able to allow users to upload PDF file as well as multiple images. To allow multiple files upload, please take a look at our guide on the same.

      However, at the moment we don’t have an inbuilt feature to display them in the frontend of the page. Using the code from this dev doc, you should be able to display it in the frontend. For any further customization, we suggest using codeable or WPBuff.

      I hope this helps!

  2. I need to send a automatic notification with the new page/post ID or URL generated/created with the Blog Post Submission Form.

    How can I get it? I have tried with all the smart tags but I dont find any with the new url/id page created.

  3. Hi… can I use WP forms for reader submissions in the following way?
    1. not required to log into site
    2. force a choice only 3 categories ie news tips, reviews, announcements
    so they don’t see my other categoreies

    1. Hey Jim- We do not have an inbuilt feature to conditionally display the post categories based on user selection. I agree that it would be super helpful and I have added your vote to the feature request for future enhancements.

      Thanks 🙂

  4. Hi, if we allow non-registered users to post, is it possible to send them a notification email containing a unique link that would allow them to edit/delete their submitted post?

    1. Hey Paul, with our Save and Resume addon, let users save their progress in your forms and return to complete and submit their entries later.

      However, we don’t an inbuilt feature to allow users edit/delete submitted post as you’ve described. Thanks for your suggestion! I have added your vote to the existing Feature Request. We appreciate your interest and thank you for sharing your valuable idea!


  5. I have a request: when the article is sent in a “pending” state, and an email arrives to the site administrator with the content of the form, is it possible to insert a link to change the status from pending to publish?
    In other words, instead of going into wordpress and changing the status, the administrator reads the content of the form by email, and wothout login into WordPress, if he wants to approve it, he just clicks on a link.

    1. Hey Francesco,

      Currently, we do not have an inbuilt feature to insert a link to change the status of the submitted blog posts. I do agree it would be super helpful, though. I’ve made a note of the feature request and we’ll keep it on our radar as we plan out our roadmap for the future.

  6. Hi,
    how can I create a blogging platform where anyone can login/register and write a blog on my website?
    any additional plugins that you would suggest?

  7. Please help
    Where or how to show guest posts submitted up? Or, How can we organize /confine/ collect/ all of guest posts in a special part/ meun part/ submenu box/ or any part under any name? But I mean how we can collect all of guest posts and show them in a single title/category/tage together, and then direct our readers to visit them easily?

  8. Hi there, we want to do “Post submissions” without the author being logged into our site. That only gives us the option to use one of our “Registered authors” as the author.
    Is there no way that when I compile my form, I am able to use the field “Name” as the author? Thank you so much

    1. Hey Yvonne – In order to submit posts, the user is not required to be logged into the website. Once the user submits the form, the details entered in the Name field will get considered as the Post author. For more details, you can take a look at our documentation here.

  9. Can I limit who can post to the blog? Like – only allow specific login id’s that we’ve pre-approved the ability to post? We want the blog to be informational related to our business’s product, not a public forum to write about whatever you’d like.

    1. Hi Katie. There are various ways you could achieve this, and it probably depends if you give pre-approved people a WordPress login. If you do, you could hide the form unless the visitor was logged in. The Form Locker addon will help you to do that. If you don’t, you could simply accept posts in draft and approve or delete them when they come in. Since you have a Pro license, you have access to email support from our trusted advisors in the support team; just open a support ticket and we can help you to set it up.