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codeMonkey's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 3 months
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78 votes

Can a space-faring robot still function over a billion years?

50 votes

How would the navies of the present hunt down a sea monster with sonar invisibility?

44 votes

Would a purely agricultural world exporting its production be sustainable when it comes to water?

43 votes

How can AI know that all humans are dead?

35 votes

How to sustain/create a 4 foot tall city?

32 votes

How would the indigenous peoples of North America have developed in the absense of the Europeans?

28 votes

Bow types and their pros and cons

27 votes

How to become a dictator by travelling to worse realities?

26 votes

Why would radio signals be invented/transmitted when communication is not an issue?

26 votes

What would be the cheapest way to demolish large amounts of buildings when damage to the surrounding area isn't a concern?

21 votes

How does a military fight while trying not to be nuked?

21 votes

There's no space to construct a runway. Are early planes still useful and promising technology?

20 votes

How believable are "X-ray sights"?

19 votes

Why might any self-respecting dungeon engineer employ a booby trap which isn't lethal?

19 votes

Semiconductor foundries are a thing of the past. Rebuild the computer industry if you can

18 votes

How plausible is it for nuclear power to be invented but not nuclear weapons?

18 votes

What would a spacefaring race use as fuel for their matter-to-energy reactors?

17 votes

How do spaceships determine each other's mass in space?

17 votes

How does the Ash Manor get electricity?

14 votes

Biological Blimps: Propulsion

13 votes

Adapting humans to be more likely to survive gunshot wounds?

13 votes

(How) Can I make directional nuclear blast?

13 votes

How would mapmakers deal with moving cities?

12 votes

Plausibility of using orbital mirrors to dig a canyon

11 votes

How do Roman analogues purify air in a mushroom forest?

11 votes

Stabilizing the Temperature On a Planet With a (Very) Long Day

11 votes

Is It Possible to Have Different Sea Levels, Eventually Causing New Landforms to Appear?

11 votes

Harvesting resources from a geostationary point 100km above sea level

10 votes

What would be the best melee weapon(s) to emphasize arboreal mobility?

9 votes

How would characters communicate under surveillance

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