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Cadence's user avatar
  • Member for 6 years, 2 months
  • Last seen this week
218 votes

Logical reason why my dystopian government exiles rebels instead of killing them?

116 votes

Why might the government keep the gold at Fort Knox, even though super-villains steal it all the time?

99 votes

Are "Midas" swords useless for warfare?

97 votes

How would an order of Monks that renounce their names communicate effectively?

86 votes

How to make a metal with extraordinary property worthless?

83 votes

Putting Ant-Man on house arrest

77 votes

How dangerous is a 500-year-old nuclear warhead?

72 votes

Would the US government of the 1960’s be able to feasibly recreate a modern laptop?

66 votes

Mutually invisible foes. How can they fight?

65 votes

Would using carbon dioxide as fuel work to reduce the greenhouse effect?

63 votes

How to trigger explosive arrows?

62 votes

How can a defecting pilot improve their odds of survival?

62 votes

The erosion problem on floating islands

51 votes

Is it possible to have a strip of cold climate in the middle of a planet?

45 votes

Where would space habitats get their oxygen from?

45 votes

Listening to Your Computer - Infering Software Use via Acoustic and Electronic Noise

44 votes

Why would "dead languages" be the only languages that spells could be written in?

44 votes

Logical reason why dystopian government controls what people wear?

42 votes

Why would Dune sand worms, or their like, be attracted to even the smallest movement?

41 votes

Why might the dystopian government make its policemen patrol in fours?

40 votes

Why combat machines in this world are colorful

39 votes

I want to build a weapon targeting Interstellar distances. How viable are railguns?

39 votes

Elves have alcoholic blood

38 votes

Use Mercury as quenching liquid for swords?

38 votes

Is it possible to remotely hack the GPS system and disable GPS service worldwide?

38 votes

Would it be possible for hunter gatherers to accidentally colonize an exoplanet, from an asteroid knocking a rock containing a cave into space?

35 votes

Energy sheathed bullets: What's the point?

34 votes

Why could the militaristically superior dwarves who are the only ones with magic weapons be isolationist?

33 votes

Can an airforce be developed in secret?

32 votes

Why would the devil give someone immortality in exchange for them maintaining a diary?

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