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Adam Wykes's user avatar
Adam Wykes
  • Member for 8 years
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
  • Rockford, IL, United States
56 votes

Reasons to not allow an uploaded brain to be conscious?

36 votes

Is space piracy orbitally practical?

33 votes

WWII Invasion of Earth

18 votes

What modern technology would be most revolutionary to ancient Greeks?

17 votes

How would people behave if society could vote to send people to a rubbish planet?

17 votes

Why are interstellar colonists lone rangers?

10 votes

Do we need a language to think?

9 votes

How large could a modern state get?

9 votes

How can infantry and light cavalry defeat heavy cavalry in a valley?

7 votes

Strategy to make extraterrestrials fear us

6 votes

I don't want to live on this planet anymore

6 votes

Non-relativistic FTL is trivial. Why are spaceships mostly pretty small?

5 votes

Plausible Original Concept For High-Fidelity Apocalypse?

5 votes

Conquering a Metropolis with near-zero own casualties

4 votes

Getting to Cyberpunk Corporate Nation-States

3 votes

Why would a crash landed generation fall back to the stone age?

3 votes

How do I stop a more powerful and advanced society from enveloping others?

3 votes

Designing fictional non-competitive games

2 votes

How Can I Get Giant Trees on Venus?

2 votes

Biological CPUs - why would the developed world fear them?

2 votes

How strong are these dinosaurs?

1 vote

How does distributed intelligence impact conscious qualia?

1 vote

Brain to body mass ratio vs general brain mass

1 vote

Why develop AT-AT or AT-TE walkers?

1 vote

Could a star explode and reform with new planets?

1 vote

How to avoid FTL as a plot device?

1 vote

How would a newly established town defend itself against giant wolves?

1 vote

Creature with a non-centralized brain

1 vote

Biological explanation of age stopping in near-human aliens

0 votes

Are tropical fjords possible?