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WernerCD's user avatar
WernerCD's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
32 votes

How can a fish that explodes by itself prosper enough to reproduce on a grand enough scale to persist as a species?

18 votes

Reason for an exterior control panel on a space ship

13 votes

Why must all magic teachers master the basics of forbidden dark magic?

10 votes

What's a good fire-resistant material to write on?

8 votes

How can a movie drive anyone who watches it insane?

7 votes

Plausible reason why my time machine can only go back a certain amount of time?

6 votes

Why is this culture against repairing broken things?

6 votes

Cultural reasons to prevent the industrial revolution

5 votes

The land grows evil and corrupted ... but why?

5 votes

Werewolves have the same fur color as their human form's hair color. What gave humans the idea that they're all gray?

5 votes

How can one individual have two different biological signatures?

4 votes

Why pretend to be a magician when there are real mages with real superpower around the world

4 votes

Why would a large percent of an otherwise sane population regularly play a virtual game that could get them killed

4 votes

If magic is accessed through tattoos, how do I prevent everyone from having magic?

4 votes

Why can't the alien's particle shield be replicated despite using common elements?

3 votes

What would a mermaid wear during the winter?

3 votes

Why is this mana-controlling Art not available to commoners?

3 votes

Why would an army train living soldiers when manufacturing robots is easier

3 votes

How would an army defend itself against mass robo-snake attacks?

3 votes

Why would vampires require human blood?

3 votes

How would you build a road system that respected nature?

3 votes

Why wouldn't a space fleet use their lasers for a precision strike?

2 votes

How to limit the usefulness of an anti-gravity mineral to airship construction in steampunk?

2 votes

Why might wizards be unable to wear armour?

2 votes

How could magic slowly be destroying the world?

2 votes

How would criminals be punished in a world where everyone can teleport?

1 vote

Why wouldn't the world have advanced warning of a significant asteroid/comet strike?

1 vote

Why would a staff increase the magic power of a mage?

0 votes

In what kind of timeframe would there be interplanetary trade?

0 votes

How would I pull off FTL travel in a universe where inter-universal travel is also widely used?