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For questions that require plausible (better than suspension-of-disbelief) answers based on Real World science that are not necessarily constrained to the known limits of Real World science. Contrast with the hard-science, science-fiction and internal-consistency tags. This tag may not be used alone. This tag may not be used with the science-fiction, hard-science, or internal-consistency tags.

14 votes

Reasonable Relative Value in Domestication of Kelenken Terror Birds?

Because they are cool, but you have not considered just how cool. Maybe you don't remember the arcade game Joust. The idea of having a bird large enough to ride is spectacular. Even if it can't fly. …
Boba Fit's user avatar
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2 votes

Can my Deep-Sea Creature use its Bioluminescense as a Flashlight to Find Prey?

Yes. This is an anglerfish an actual thing in the oceans of Earth that does what you describe.
Boba Fit's user avatar
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2 votes

Would convection cycles happen in my water-filled space station?

This design is fairly bad. Getting heat out at the central rod is a problem. You will need a set of fins at the middle with similar area to the inside of the cylinder. You will need a heat pump of som …
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42 votes

Asymmetric Newton's Cradle as a 'rapidly' firing medieval weapon - Is it practical

This is seriously impractical. The problem is, for objects larger than a few inches, Newton's cradle does not work very well. Mythbusters covered this. To transmit the energy from one ball to the next …
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5 votes

How can bonobo that evolved sapience maintain their 'conflict resolution' strategy without r...

Prophylaxis Either natural "built in" mechanisms, or artificial ones. A naturally occurring fold of skin in a strategic location could allow interactions of some kind without transferring bodily fluid …
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6 votes

Can You Make A Tiny Nuclear Reactor By Employing Supercritical Conditions For Brief Periods ...

There are a lot of drawbacks, and not much upside. The "not much upside" is, if you could do it and control it, you have a small source of heat. You could do with that some of the things you could do …
Boba Fit's user avatar
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2 votes

Can migration be planted into an animal's instincts by humans

Selective breeding is possible, but it certainly won't be easy. Consider the border collie dog. Some would claim that they have an instinctive desire to herd things. Apparently, even without training, …
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2 votes

How could someone induce a cave-in quickly in a medieval-ish setting?

Sure. It's a question of mining (digging, not explosives) in the right fashion, and providing shoring (that's beams that hold up the roof) in a way that they can be easily removed. Basically, you want …
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24 votes

Is a "20th century" spacefaring civilization plausible?

Pre 1982 we had space shuttle, skylab, personal computers (though massively slower than today's) the first version of GPS (military only). The L5 society had the motto "We care because we're going." S …
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6 votes

Under what conditions would a society be able to remain undetected in our current world?

Physical Remoteness is Not Going to Work With the tech of today, and for any society more than a few dozen people, it is not possible. Living underground or under the ocean or under Antarctic ice is s …
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