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For questions based on computers and other like devices having human-like intelligence.

0 votes

What is eating, for software?

Are we talking about eating here, or dining out? While eating is a necessary resource, I imagine the necessary resources for your job are provided automatically, just as we may defragment our memory i …
Richard Kirk's user avatar
  • 10.9k
4 votes

How can I create an emotional computer?

We are asynchronous, analogue, and bring a lot of survival baggage such as childhood trauma, fear of death, and lust to reproduce. Current AI programs are synchronous, digital, and designed so we can …
Richard Kirk's user avatar
  • 10.9k
1 vote

How long would it take for an AI to build spaceships if it starts from 0?

It is hard to give a hard science answer for a lot of this. But let us have a go... The AI on the Moon presumably has some ability to run complex projects. This is the sort of thing that computers did …
Richard Kirk's user avatar
  • 10.9k
3 votes

What AI force strength would be needed to defeat modern humanity?

There may be an AI tipping point that we know nothing about, or that makes no sense to us. I remember (but cannot find) a short story of an alien species who discussed at length some apparently pointl …
Richard Kirk's user avatar
  • 10.9k
5 votes

Could a race with 20th century computer technology plausibly develop general-purpose AI?

Far-fetched. We know that general purpose AI is possible because we do it in our heads. It was a tempting thing to try on a computer, and people were trying to write self-training network-like algorit …
Richard Kirk's user avatar
  • 10.9k
6 votes

Cybernetic AIs get hacked, while sentient AGIs are immune?

Consider hacking. If you find some exploitable defect in Windows, then you can hack into a great many machines. If you find a similar defect in MacOS you can hack into fewer machines, but probably som …
Richard Kirk's user avatar
  • 10.9k