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For questions related to outer space, stellar systems, stars and other astronomical phenomena.

13 votes

I want my aliens to arrive at the edges of the solar system. They would arrive in a week. Wh...

They aliens' arrival emit gravitational waves when leaving FTL. LIGO detected it. The alien fleet's FTL technology emits a burst of gravitational waves when they leave supra-luminal speeds. The fleet …
Mindwin Remember Monica's user avatar
10 votes

What is the most economical way to dispose of the late in space?

In space, resources like water and biomass are expensive and precious. … Putting the bodies on space caskets and launching them in a non-conflicting orbit could also be a possibility, if the resource abundance is high and/or religion / culture has it a a norm. …
Mindwin Remember Monica's user avatar
-1 votes

How much mining can we get out of Pasiphae?

Frame Challenge: Space mining will not be done in site. There's no reason to mine asteroids or even small moons where they are. It is cheaper to move them. …
Mindwin Remember Monica's user avatar
2 votes

I designed a Mt. Everest Hyperloop. Do you see any issues with it? How can I improve it?

The biggest problem with reaching orbit, and the one where most of the energy of the launch rockets go, isn't with the height, but with SPEED. You need to go freaking fast to stay in orbit. You need t …
Mindwin Remember Monica's user avatar