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For questions about animal life in general.

6 votes
6 answers

What land animal a large pack of trained war dogs can't kill? [closed]

With late XXI century tech, wildlife replication is becoming commonplace. Dodos? Small dinosaurs are piece of cake. Dinosaurs? Large birds are big to deal with, but doable. So long you get a viable DN …
Mindwin Remember Monica's user avatar
144 votes

Would a bear cavalry be feasible?

Yes, but you have to flesh out your fictional world around it. Lets assume your world has bear cavalry. That is a - fictional - fact (sic). Lets also assume that this has been so for some centuries. …
Mindwin Remember Monica's user avatar
5 votes

Evolve back to human

If by evolution you mean genetic modifications over a long timespan, then there is one way to make the scenario work: Genes can be activated or deactivated depending on several other factors. The fi …
Mindwin Remember Monica's user avatar