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For questions about sources of power, generation, storage, how much is needed to perform different tasks, etc.

24 votes

How can I heat my buildings without fire in a low-fantasy setting?

Your blind civilization has long moved underground, where heating is not an issue. Sight is too big an advantage for surface dwellers. Your civilization would fall to predators or natural disasters. H …
Mindwin Remember Monica's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

The "Exciting" Drilling company dug an underground canal connecting Death Valley to the Paci...

They also installed turbines in the canal, and now are aiming to become the #1 suppliers of clean energy in the mid-west. Is their plan viable? How much electricity will they generate per year? … Assume they can convert 30% of all the tidal energy into electricity, after all efficiency issues and equipment losses. Note: There's a sister question to this. They are NOT the same. …
Mindwin Remember Monica's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

What is a feasible timeframe for a super-reactor to obsolete all other energy sources?

A super-reactor was created by SRE, Inc (Super Reactor Energy), and it can provide as much clean energy as needed. There's no way to copy it or make another. … How long before the chokehold kills all other energy sources and SRE is the sole provider of energy for the nation? …
Mindwin Remember Monica's user avatar