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For questions that ask if a given concept is consistent, or being used consistently, in the context of the referenced world rules. Answers should say yes or no, with supporting info. This tag should not be used with the science-based, hard-science, or science-fiction tags. Comparisons to the real world should use the science-based tag. This tag may not be used alone. This tag may not be used with the science-fiction, science-based, or hard-science tags.

5 votes

How would someone brainwash a small group of people?

This typical cult behavioural manipulation. First, isolate them from their friends, family and the rest of the world. Tell them are apart of the Elect, a select group of an elite whose whole purpose i …
a4android's user avatar
  • 38.5k
1 vote

World-wide agency that works outside of the world's governments

Partly it depends on how super-powered your super-powered individuals are, because if they're sufficiently powerful they can be mobilized rapidly and deployed to ameliorate the consequences of any maj …
a4android's user avatar
  • 38.5k
12 votes

Safest, Quickest Way to Leave a Tall Building in an Emergency?

The fastest and quickest way to evacuate a building is by the fire stairwell. Forget about all the nonsense about fancy contraptions to get people down to ground level in increasingly absurd manners. …
a4android's user avatar
  • 38.5k
9 votes

How to convince readers to accept Tolkien-esque fantasy where people of color are integrated?

Historically there were people of colour in Medieval Europe. There was considerable traffic forth and back across the Mediterranean to North Africa. Prior to the Medieval period the Romans grew their …
a4android's user avatar
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4 votes

Can you build an interferometer between the stars?

What is the maximum practical size of an interferometer? Apart from the obvious fact that this depends on the maximum practical technological capacity any given technological society has at any given …
a4android's user avatar
  • 38.5k
3 votes

Why would civilization remain recognizable despite super people regularly destroying and reb...

The system is rigged. Worlds like this, where super-powered heroes slug it out with super-powered villains, and the world keeps resetting itself (apparently) are controlled and manipulated by even mor …
a4android's user avatar
  • 38.5k
3 votes

A planet with different and shared atmospheres, creating very different surface exteriors/ap...

One way to make this work would be if the 'magic' was that old science-fiction standby the force-field. It is also necessary some highly advanced hypertechnological aliens visited the planet establish …
a4android's user avatar
  • 38.5k
3 votes

Is it possible to make standard smartphone with bare hands?

Absolutely not! if you built a smartphone with 1950s technology it would be the size of an aircraft hangar. You need the industrial infrastructure of the later 20th century and later to build a smartp …
a4android's user avatar
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0 votes

What series of events could lead to the collapse of society and the rise of gangs?

Simple. The Fukdahrooles join the police forces and subvert from within. The civil population will turn against the police. Genuine police officers will develop an extreme siege mentality & go hard …
a4android's user avatar
  • 38.5k
3 votes

Can a force field that absorbs kinetic energy protect someone from a nuclear bomb?

Let's get realistic. The nuclear weapon is launched, which it is delivered by a missile, and missile-delivered nuclear warheads will be typically a one-hundred kiloton bomb. Effects of a 100- …
a4android's user avatar
  • 38.5k
6 votes

Would a civilization simplify their languages (eg:English) in order to let their citizens le...

Languages naturally and somewhat inevitably continually change and modify themselves over time. Usually this involves simplifying those languages and dropping exceptions. English is full of exceptions …
a4android's user avatar
  • 38.5k
1 vote

Ideas on a nano-material that mutates into another, after acted upon by heat?

Gold, silver, titanium & molybdenum are elements. They are absolutely unlikely to transform into one another by heating them. Because the only process that transmutes elements is nucleosynthesis. This …
a4android's user avatar
  • 38.5k
1 vote

Does this matter sound plausible?

Your propulsion system is creating reaction mass with a mass of 4.8 x 10^9 kgms or 4.8 million tons. This is from a micro-litre of liquid matter. This is extremely ultradense stuff. Probably, a black …
a4android's user avatar
  • 38.5k
2 votes

a creature that can drill, through compact soil

If the planet has no Sun, there will be no energy reaching it as sunlight. No photosynthesis, no plants, no herbivores. What are the alternative sources of energy available? Geothermal. Natural radio …
a4android's user avatar
  • 38.5k
1 vote

Could an alien object of significant size remain undiscovered in our solar system?

This question has attracted many good answers. There are two "places" where alien megastructures could be located and be hard to detect. Firstly, if they were located out of the plane of ecliptic. Mo …
a4android's user avatar
  • 38.5k

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