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For questions that require plausible (better than suspension-of-disbelief) answers based on Real World science that are not necessarily constrained to the known limits of Real World science. Contrast with the hard-science, science-fiction and internal-consistency tags. This tag may not be used alone. This tag may not be used with the science-fiction, hard-science, or internal-consistency tags.

1 vote

Must life be molecular/atomic scale nanotechnology?

Yes, Such life does exist Computer Viruses. They self replicate and their fundamental units are logic gates and processor cycles. Some research equivalents even evolve through selection and mutation. …
Donald Hobson's user avatar
0 votes

Multidimensional Time-Lines

Currently there are 4 dimensions w,x,y,z if w' is your speed through the w dimension then the current rules of space time are w'^2>x'^2+y'^2+z'^2 and w'^2+x'^2+y'^2+z'^2=1 this means that the speed yo …
Donald Hobson's user avatar
0 votes

Which fast STL drive could not be weaponized or results in perpetual motion?

Use a Neutrino drive, in this drive matter and antimatter react, putting almost all their energy into a beam of focused neutrinos. As neutrinos pass through matter with almost no interaction getting c …
Donald Hobson's user avatar
7 votes

What benefits would having a second moon bring for humanity?

If they can create another moon then clearly they are far more advanced then us and are just showing off. As this moon is far larger than asteroids try moving the asteroids to protect earth. Given …
Donald Hobson's user avatar
1 vote

Creating an infinitely powerful weapon that doesn't make you infinitely dead

An infinite amount of power sustained for a non zero amount of time is an infinite amount of energy, which would collapse into a black hole of infinite mass. This would cause space-time to collapse in …
Donald Hobson's user avatar
0 votes

Does gravity converge in a wrap-around universe?

Using the Gauss formulation of the law of gravitation. The integral of the inward force over a surface is equal to the mass within it. If you have a simply connected spacetime you can expand your vol …
Donald Hobson's user avatar
2 votes

Why Colonize a Planet Without the Continued Benefit of Modern Technology?

All of these scenarios require a large pile of woolly thinking, or at least some startling coincidences to happen. If you can get to another planet, you have tech more advanced than ours, if you can g …
Donald Hobson's user avatar
2 votes

How can I move a planet?

You don't. At most you scoop off the atmosphere and biosphere, soil, some oceans... One rocky core is much like another but it contains most of the mass. If sending the planet interstellar expect mill …
Donald Hobson's user avatar
0 votes

Is there a way to create a bomb to destroy a star?

A surprisingly large amount of over engineering has been proposed. Do armies destroy a mountain that the enemy has camped on or just the camp? Warfare tends to follow the principle of using no more th …
Donald Hobson's user avatar
4 votes

Is the bottom of the ocean a good place to make a long-term base?

If you want to survive a nuclear strike then you don't need nearly this level of prevention. Nuclear warheads are almost always dropped on major cities because thats where they do most damage. What yo …
Donald Hobson's user avatar
-4 votes

Is it a forgone conclusion that any exo-bacteria discovered on an alien, albeit Earth-like p...

Wipe out the microbes Another way of considering the situation is that if you have a spaceship large enough to move hundreds of humans and going at say 0.01c then the energy released by the retro roc …
Donald Hobson's user avatar