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For questions about the creation, use, and application of all types of technology.

4 votes
8 answers

How can my weapons kill enemy soldiers but spare civilians?

During the game, he takes the weapon designs and goes on the run, out of fear his superiors will find a way to 'corrupt' the technology toward more destructive ends. …
king of panes's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

Gauss vs Gyrojet

Something I'm working on involving human soldiers in the future- I'm trying to decide whether hand-held rail guns or gyrojet firearms would serve as better weaponry, which advantages/drawbacks one mig …
king of panes's user avatar
1 vote
5 answers

The trouble with drones [duplicate]

Something I'm working on involving insterstellar combat. While replacing fighters/ tanks/ vehicles operated by humans with drones seems a good idea IRL, in fiction (like the project I have in mind) it …
king of panes's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

Artificially-created diamond 'windows' for spacecraft

In the past I've entertained the notion of space stations and spaceships having window panes or transparent viewing surfaces made from laboratory-created diamonds, but a recent answer to a different q …
king of panes's user avatar
9 votes
6 answers

Would desigining a modular tank be worth the effort?

In something I'm working on, where surface attack craft (The question says tank but I suppose this could apply to other vehicles) are designed so the same vehicle could be fitted with different weapon …
king of panes's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Energy itself as a form of currency [duplicate]

I have pondered a setting/society where people have access to advanced technology (for one example, food replicators), but either have to work to earn or trade to obtain the power needed to operate it. …
king of panes's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Could a 'Bartertown'- type power source work?

In the film Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome, the community called Bartertown derives energy from burning methane gas given off of the manure of pigs they keep penned. Does this actually seem like a feasib …
king of panes's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Medieval army vs Legions- who would have the advantage? [closed]

Something I've considered- set in a fictional world where two cultures clash- one whose military is styled after the legions of Ancient Rome fighting against an army based on England or France in the …
king of panes's user avatar
10 votes
6 answers

Technology capable of reading brainwave commands

In sci-fi we have seen computers, high-tech armour and other technologies respond to a character speaking orders out loud- would an interface that reads a person's brainwaves- basically receiving and …
king of panes's user avatar
7 votes
5 answers

How to give aliens teleportation without overpowering them [closed]

Something I'm working on: An alien culture has developed teleportation to a certain extent, enabling them to move personnel and equipment. What can I do to avoid making it too easy for them to, say, …
king of panes's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

How would merfolk go to the bathroom?

By Merfolk or mere-people I mean sapient beings who share have some physical traits with terrestrial humans (a humanoid upper body and opposable thumbs at least, if that's not specific enough), live i …
king of panes's user avatar