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Advantages of centaurs in space [closed]

Based off of my previous question What animal would make the best centaur? What advantages could using ape centaurs in space have over humans or incredibly smart chimps? Some that I can think of are ...
Talbot's user avatar
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2 answers

What information should be displayed on realistic & intuitive tactical sensor screens for space warfare?

I've thought about space warfare and seen how sensor information has been displayed in various Science Fiction franchises and been left disappointed. For our future space forces we need screens which (...
Jim2B's user avatar
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3 answers

Is it viable to broadcast a signal and be detected within starsystem distance?

Is it viable to broadcast a radio/EM distress signal from a space vessel that can be detected within a star system? Think of an unexpected distress signal i.e. the receiving apparatus shouldn't ...
Fernando D'Andrea's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Engine most likely to be available in the next 80 years to accelerate a craft at 1g for 4 weeks

I posted this in Space SE, but someone suggested I also post it here. So here it is! I am wondering what type of engine would most likely be available in the next 80 that can constantly accelerate a ...
Tom's user avatar
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11 votes
11 answers

What would space equivalent of trucks look like? [closed]

I'm writing a story and the peoples' given profession is basically "space truckers": delivering small-to-medium containers of cargo across long distances in the galaxy. Because the journeys ...
E. Delaney's user avatar
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How much liquid hydrogen is required to veer a manned probe off course into an escape trajectory in deep space?

I am working on this horror-scifi story based on the lost cosmonauts theory, where the Judica-Cordiglia brothers detected an SOS from a manned probe veering off into space before Yuri Gagarin ahem... ...
Alastor's user avatar
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What would it take for a spacecraft to travel to the sun's nadir and stop?

In a science fiction future universe, spacecraft routinely travel from a distance "above" a star's north or south pole to rendezvous with planets orbiting in the star system's orbital plane. ...
Scottoooooo's user avatar
5 votes
6 answers

Would a nebula cause resistance and disrupt sensors on a space ship?

If a ship is moving through a nebula, would it slow down due to the gases and dust in the cloud, and would it prevent things like radar from having as much range as they usually could? I want to ...
Chuck's user avatar
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Alt-history continuation of Dynasoar program

Just hopping over from SpaceExploration I'd like to know how realistic a use-case the DynaSoar spacecraft would be for a Titan descent craft, in terms of in-universe realism. I'm assuming no far-...
Anti Elon Guy's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

Could standard aircraft(planes, helicopers, etc.) work as spacecraft in this world?

Ok, so I have this world(or maybe it will just be a dimension depending on how things pan out) called 'The Weird' that has air in space, like Earthlike air(for the most part). Also, the 'planets' or ...
Conan Highwoods's user avatar
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Maximum speed of 100% reflective light sails

So, it’s the 23rd century, and due to the cost of fuel these days, people are exploring new methods of interplanetary travel that does not require reaction mass. Light sails spring to mind. Modern ...
user98816's user avatar
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What would a laser-powered interstellar cargo ship look like?

Blurb What would a ship with a 100 thousand tonne budged that needs to carry cryo-frozen cargo through 20 lightyears of interstellar space at 0.35C coasting velocity, using laser sails at both ends of ...
Sam Kitsune's user avatar
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6 answers

How can I figure out measurements/distances and hyperspace jump time in my universe that is simple enough for readers to understand?

I'm using an alternate version of the Milky Way as my setting. I need to know how far it is from one planet/area to another, and know how long it takes to jump via hyperspace -- Yes, I realize ...
MajorTom's user avatar
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17 answers

How might derelict space ships/stations be only partially salvageable?

My setting is a fantasy where the average space-trekker subsides on scrapping derelict ships from a distant golden age in the past to maintain their own, with only the corporate rich being able to ...
Drew's user avatar
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19th century British moon landing [closed]

In the aftermath of the Monroe doctrine, the British empire decided to expand heavenward. As the nobles, captains, empiricists, electricians, and mechanics explained to the Majesty, technological ...
Jacob Valdez's user avatar

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