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Questions tagged [life]

For questions about the characteristics of living beings in different settings. This tag is not for questions about the daily life of characters.

5 votes
4 answers

Realistic reverse aging?

More than a few times in fiction they've had a sentient species age in reverse, as in the children look like adults and the adults like little children. My question is how could this trait be ...
-2 votes
1 answer

Indicators of Ai Super Intelligence [closed]

Given the certain state of Ai, what indicators would show some level of ‘Super Intelligence’? Here are some of my ideas of 'Super Intelligence' this is subjective, of course. Able to operate on ...
0 votes
1 answer

Synthetic hydro carbon based Life

This question includes Genuine Artificial intelligence as life so long as it is self replicating and sapient. Hard science only please. Can a sapient self replicating entity be designed to exclusively ...
3 votes
1 answer

Scientific explanation for rainbow fire or sparks from a biological entity

I recently re-watched guardians of the galaxy vol.2, and the creature at the beginning could shoot rainbow colored fire. This got me thinking, (as in my spare time sometimes I like to just write a ...
1 vote
2 answers

Would this planet be habitable for intelligent lifeforms

I am trying to make a universe using math and this is a planet from the first solar system I am making. Firstly the star. This star, which I don't have a name for, has a mass of 1.3 solar masses, a ...
3 votes
6 answers

How long can a vampire live?

Okay, say I have a castle with a single vampire living in it. They need to drink the blood of 5 humans per day to survive, but they can substitute with animal blood, or by taking small amounts from ...
4 votes
1 answer

How would the ocean smell if there were no life in it?

My characters are on a planet with no life that somehow has a weakly breathable atmosphere. They're on a beach and they note the smell. This is salt water so maybe the smell is different from, say, a ...
10 votes
7 answers

How can I change Earth to become like Mars?

Earth has its own current population, 7 billions individuals or so. Everything is going great: there are animals, rivers, houses and factories. The world as we know it (without pandemic!). One day ...
1 vote
2 answers

Is This Living Planet Plausible?

My idea is an planet that is one living organism wrapped all around an rocky foundation. It orbits an sun of one solar mass, and has an Earthlike radius. Its albedo is about 20%, so it gets 1098.4 W/m^...
2 votes
2 answers

How long a human being could live with stem cells?

I once saw an experiment with mice, where they connected the bloodstream of a younger mouse to the bloodstream of an older mouse. And the older mouse became "younger", or at least healthier. If I ...
4 votes
6 answers

How will resurrection affect inheritance law? [closed]

In our world, but in the future, humans have just discovered a technology that will resurrect any person for which a sample of DNA can be obtained. Now, for the first time, some people have been ...
2 votes
3 answers

Oceans of sugar?

Simple/Vague question but what would it take to have a world that oceans aren't salty but sweet? Oceans full of sugar is that even possible?. Also secondary question could life survive in the water?
19 votes
4 answers

If only the sun's light went out, how long would it take for all living things to die out?

If by some form of magic, the sun went out, but the earth was still warm a.k.a the Earth did not just freeze and kill us all, who would die first, and how long would it take for all terrestrial living ...
2 votes
0 answers

Tropical Moon Orbiting Gas Giant [duplicate]

I am asking this question, “How would it be possible for the moon of a gas giant to naturally be habitable for human life?” Specifically, I’m looking at these criteria: Has a tropical climate with ...
6 votes
3 answers

Can two distinct large isolated life pockets on the planet evolve independently and then merge without driving one another to extinction?

In the geological history of my planet, the plate tectonics resulted in the assembly of a kind of "ring supercontinent", that completely encircled a portion of the ocean and isolated it from ...

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