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"Anything I do throughout this day will yield a successful outcome, no matter what the odds against it are, but only if it's possible to happen in a day."

It is highly unlikely that they're going to take kindly your extreme stroke of luck, or for you to beat the odds of them catching you, or for them to let you keep playing when you're clearly just going to take their money. However, it doesn't matter how unlikely it is, so good luck in Vegas!

It's also unlikely that they're going to find your winnings to be in their favor, or to be able to spin it into a net win for them, and therefore you. Again, that doesn't matter.

Edit: It's also unlikely that everyone will suffer mass amnesia about the incident, your friends and family will forget about your winnings, and the casino managers will write it off as a loss and forget all about you. But fame is a very fickle thing, and it could be that by tomorrow, the only thing everyone remembers is their shameful frenzy the day before. It is unlikely that everyone will choose to forget, but that's the luck of the draw!

"Anything I do throughout this day will yield a successful outcome, no matter what the odds against it are, but only if it's possible to happen in a day."

It is highly unlikely that they're going to take kindly your extreme stroke of luck, or for you to beat the odds of them catching you, or for them to let you keep playing when you're clearly just going to take their money. However, it doesn't matter how unlikely it is, so good luck in Vegas!

It's also unlikely that they're going to find your winnings to be in their favor, or to be able to spin it into a net win for them, and therefore you. Again, that doesn't matter.

"Anything I do throughout this day will yield a successful outcome, no matter what the odds against it are, but only if it's possible to happen in a day."

It is highly unlikely that they're going to take kindly your extreme stroke of luck, or for you to beat the odds of them catching you, or for them to let you keep playing when you're clearly just going to take their money. However, it doesn't matter how unlikely it is, so good luck in Vegas!

It's also unlikely that they're going to find your winnings to be in their favor, or to be able to spin it into a net win for them, and therefore you. Again, that doesn't matter.

Edit: It's also unlikely that everyone will suffer mass amnesia about the incident, your friends and family will forget about your winnings, and the casino managers will write it off as a loss and forget all about you. But fame is a very fickle thing, and it could be that by tomorrow, the only thing everyone remembers is their shameful frenzy the day before. It is unlikely that everyone will choose to forget, but that's the luck of the draw!

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"Anything I do throughout this day will yield a successful outcome, no matter what the odds against it are, but only if it's possible to happen in a day."

It is highly unlikely that they're going to take kindly your extreme stroke of luck, or for you to beat the odds of them catching you, or for them to let you keep playing when you're clearly just going to take their money. However, it doesn't matter how unlikely it is, so good luck in Vegas!

It's also unlikely that they're going to find your winnings to be in their favor, or to be able to spin it into a net win for them, and therefore you. Again, that doesn't matter.