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Change the meaning of "down".

Artificial gravity allows you to arbitrarily define where down lies. What seems to be in your head is the Star TrekWars ship definition of down. There's no reason down shouldn't be towards the bow, stern or even some point or plane in the middle decks. The orientation of your decks is also free to change as you see fit relative to your current convenience.

Building a small spherical ship with down in the centre, or even on the outside, will mess with your head (and with the engineers) but it's as valid as any other setup under artificial gravity.

What this means in practice is that for a long distance bulk carrier down should be forward. For a combat vessel, down should only be used to counter acceleration effects from maneuvering with a possible low basic setting to stop things floating away.

Change the meaning of "down".

Artificial gravity allows you to arbitrarily define where down lies. What seems to be in your head is the Star TrekWars ship definition of down. There's no reason down shouldn't be towards the bow, stern or even some point in the middle decks. The orientation of your decks is also free to change as you see fit relative to your current convenience.

Building a small spherical ship with down in the centre, or even on the outside, will mess with your head (and with the engineers) but it's as valid as any other setup under artificial gravity.

What this means in practice is that for a long distance bulk carrier down should be forward. For a combat vessel, down should only be used to counter acceleration effects from maneuvering with a possible low basic setting to stop things floating away.

Change the meaning of "down".

Artificial gravity allows you to arbitrarily define where down lies. What seems to be in your head is the Star TrekWars ship definition of down. There's no reason down shouldn't be towards the bow, stern or even some point or plane in the middle decks. The orientation of your decks is also free to change as you see fit relative to your current convenience.

Building a small spherical ship with down in the centre, or even on the outside, will mess with your head (and with the engineers) but it's as valid as any other setup under artificial gravity.

What this means in practice is that for a long distance bulk carrier down should be forward. For a combat vessel, down should only be used to counter acceleration effects from maneuvering with a possible low basic setting to stop things floating away.

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Change the meaning of "down".

Artificial gravity allows you to arbitrarily define where down lies. What seems to be in your head is the Star TrekWars ship definition of down. There's no reason down shouldn't be towards the bow, stern or even some point in the middle decks. The orientation of your decks is also free to change as you see fit relative to your current convenience.

Building a small spherical ship with down in the centre, or even on the outside, will mess with your head (and with the engineers) but it's as valid as any other setup under artificial gravity.

What this means in practice is that for a long distance bulk carrier down should be forward. For a combat vessel, down should only be used to counter acceleration effects from maneuvering with a possible low basic setting to stop things floating away.

Change the meaning of "down".

Artificial gravity allows you to arbitrarily define where down lies. What seems to be in your head is the Star TrekWars ship definition of down. There's no reason down shouldn't be towards the bow, stern or even some point in the middle decks. The orientation of your decks is also free to change as you see fit relative to your current convenience.

Building a small spherical ship with down in the centre, or even on the outside, will mess with your head (and with the engineers) but it's as valid as any other setup under artificial gravity.

Change the meaning of "down".

Artificial gravity allows you to arbitrarily define where down lies. What seems to be in your head is the Star TrekWars ship definition of down. There's no reason down shouldn't be towards the bow, stern or even some point in the middle decks. The orientation of your decks is also free to change as you see fit relative to your current convenience.

Building a small spherical ship with down in the centre, or even on the outside, will mess with your head (and with the engineers) but it's as valid as any other setup under artificial gravity.

What this means in practice is that for a long distance bulk carrier down should be forward. For a combat vessel, down should only be used to counter acceleration effects from maneuvering with a possible low basic setting to stop things floating away.

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Change the meaning of "down".

Artificial gravity allows you to arbitrarily define where down lies. What seems to be in your head is the Star TrekWars ship definition of down. There's no reason down shouldn't be towards the bow, stern or even some point in the middle decks. The orientation of your decks is also free to change as you see fit relative to your current convenience.

Building a small spherical ship with down in the centre, or even on the outside, will mess with your head (and with the engineers) but it's as valid as any other setup under artificial gravity.