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Money will still matter. There will be people who are satisfied with the material goods of their post-scarcity welfare package. Perhaps they are concentrating on non-material goals, like being the best kung fu fighter in town, in the state, on the continent. Perhaps they are couch potatoes.

But others will want more. Genuine 50-year-old wine. A flat with a view on central park. A front row seat at the Oscars. As long as there is a market, these things will be priced beyond the reach of the welfare recipients -- the supply is limited and prices will rise until supply matches demand. So they will have to work to earn money, or invest savings to earn money.

And obviously some of the couch potatoes will resent that the rich investors get that beachfront summer home, or the invitation to the charity ball. Class is not just about having money. It is about who you know, who will invite you to their parties, who would be willing date you or marry you. In the future, it could be a question of having friends on social networks, or being whitelisted by people's spam filters.

So there could be different social groups. Think of the stereotypical high school society -- there are the jocks, the nerds, the valley girls. Each of the groups might have a leadership core and circles of hangers-on who are desperate to belong. And then there are those who are not in any "in" group. They might want a revolution which puts them on top, because of their knowledge and faith in revolutionary ideology.


Money will still matter. There will be people who are satisfied with the material goods of their post-scarcity welfare package. Perhaps they are concentrating on non-material goals, like being the best kung fu fighter in town, in the state, on the continent. Perhaps they are couch potatoes.

But others will want more. Genuine 50-year-old wine. A flat with a view on central park. A front row seat at the Oscars. As long as there is a market, these things will be priced beyond the reach of the welfare recipients -- the supply is limited and prices will rise until supply matches demand. So they will have to work to earn money, or invest savings to earn money.

And obviously some of the couch potatoes will resent that the rich investors get that beachfront summer home, or the invitation to the charity ball. Class is not just about having money. It is about who you know, who will invite you to their parties, who would be willing date you or marry you. In the future, it could be a question of having friends on social networks, or being whitelisted by people's spam filters.

So there could be different social groups. Think of the stereotypical high school society -- there are the jocks, the nerds, the valley girls. Each of the groups might have a leadership core and circles of hangers-on who are desperate to belong. And then there are those who are not in any "in" group. They might want a revolution which puts them on top, because of their knowledge and faith in revolutionary ideology.


Money will still matter. There will be people who are satisfied with the material goods of their post-scarcity welfare package. Perhaps they are concentrating on non-material goals, like being the best kung fu fighter in town, in the state, on the continent. Perhaps they are couch potatoes.

But others will want more. Genuine 50-year-old wine. A flat with a view on central park. A front row seat at the Oscars. As long as there is a market, these things will be priced beyond the reach of the welfare recipients -- the supply is limited and prices will rise until supply matches demand. So they will have to work to earn money, or invest savings to earn money.

And obviously some of the couch potatoes will resent that the rich investors get that beachfront summer home, or the invitation to the charity ball. Class is not just about having money. It is about who you know, who will invite you to their parties, who would be willing date you or marry you. In the future, it could be a question of having friends on social networks, or being whitelisted by people's spam filters.

So there could be different social groups. Think of the stereotypical high school society -- there are the jocks, the nerds, the valley girls. Each of the groups might have a leadership core and circles of hangers-on who are desperate to belong. And then there are those who are not in any "in" group. They might want a revolution which puts them on top, because of their knowledge and faith in revolutionary ideology.

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Money will still matter. There will be people who are satisfied with the material goods of their post-scarcity welfare package. Perhaps they are concentrating on non-material goals, like being the best kung fu fighter in town, in the state, on the continent. Perhaps they are couch potatoes.

But others will want more. Genuine 50-year-old wine. A flat with a view on central park. A front row seat at the Oscars. As long as there is a market, these things will be priced beyond the reach of the welfare recipients -- the supply is limited and prices will rise until supply matches demand. So they will have to work to earn money, or invest savings to earn money.

And obviously some of the couch potatoes will resent that the rich investors get that beachfront summer home, or the invitation to the charity ball. Class is not just about having money. It is about who you know, who will invite you to their parties, who would be willing date you or marry you. In the future, it could be a question of having friends on social networks, or being whitelisted by people's spam filters.

So there could be different social groups. Think of the stereotypical high school society -- there are the jocks, the nerds, the valley girls. Each of the groups might have a leadership core and circles of hangers-on who are desperate to belong. And then there are those who are not in any "in" group. They might want a revolution which puts them on top, because of their knowledge and faith in revolutionary ideology.