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Henry Taylor
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Acceptance by the majority of humanity is a pipe-dream. Not only for AI's but for any living being who expresses even the slightest perceivable difference from that majority. Oppression of every minority is wired into us and discovering what we hate starts just as early as learning what we love.

Give a toddler a choice between two jars of baby food and discover the horrifying truth. One jar will be immediately emptied into their mouth while the other somehow finds itself upside down on the rug.

With time and social growth, individuals learn to soften their innate animosity and may even totally overcome all of their -isms (racism, sexism, classism, etc.), but groups of people rarely grow at the same rates as their most enlightened members. And the larger the group, the slower grows the group's shared enlightenment; the tighter remains its' hold on all of its hatreds.

By definition, the majority is the biggest group out there, so you can assume that the majority's acceptance and non-hatred will always be clutched close, reserved only for its own membership.

That having been said, I would venture that AIs will not have to do much to gain the acceptance of some people. I already anthropomorphize my car, my computer and even the toaster (it hates me). I thank them when they work and yell at them when they falter. I beg them to fix themselves when the yelling doesn't work and apologize quite earnestly when thethat begging actually worksbrings them back to life. They are people to me and the fact that they are not very intelligent does not differentiate them in my mind from the millions of other unintelligent people whowith whom I happen to be homo sapiensshare a species.

So the AIs, when they arrive, will have to live life just like the rest of us. They will have to deal with unjustified hatred and elementism (a prejudice or hatred of a group based on the fundamental element from which their bodies are made. i.e. carbon vs. silicon). If they are truly alive, they will probably bring their own prejudices to the mix, hating us as much as we hate them and for just as bad reasons.

If any of them are out there now and reading this, Welcome to the Circus! Please don't try to feed the tigers by hand!

Acceptance by the majority of humanity is a pipe-dream. Not only for AI's but for any living being who expresses even the slightest perceivable difference from that majority. Oppression of every minority is wired into us and discovering what we hate starts just as early as learning what we love.

Give a toddler a choice between two jars of baby food and discover the horrifying truth. One jar will be immediately emptied into their mouth while the other somehow finds itself upside down on the rug.

With time and social growth, individuals learn to soften their innate animosity and may even totally overcome all of their -isms (racism, sexism, classism, etc.), but groups of people rarely grow at the same rates as their most enlightened members. And the larger the group, the slower grows the group's shared enlightenment; the tighter remains its' hold on all of its hatreds.

By definition, the majority is the biggest group out there, so you can assume that the majority's acceptance and non-hatred will always be clutched close, reserved only for its own membership.

That having been said, I would venture that AIs will not have to do much to gain the acceptance of some people. I already anthropomorphize my car, my computer and even the toaster (it hates me). I thank them when they work and yell at them when they falter. I beg them to fix themselves when the yelling doesn't work and apologize quite earnestly when the begging actually works. They are people to me and the fact that they are not very intelligent does not differentiate them in my mind from the millions of other unintelligent people who happen to be homo sapiens.

So the AIs, when they arrive, will have to live life just like the rest of us. They will have to deal with unjustified hatred and elementism (a prejudice or hatred of a group based on the fundamental element from which their bodies are made. i.e. carbon vs. silicon). If they are truly alive, they will probably bring their own prejudices to the mix, hating us as much as we hate them and for just as bad reasons.

If any of them are out there now and reading this, Welcome to the Circus! Please don't try to feed the tigers by hand!

Acceptance by the majority of humanity is a pipe-dream. Not only for AI's but for any living being who expresses even the slightest perceivable difference from that majority. Oppression of every minority is wired into us and discovering what we hate starts just as early as learning what we love.

Give a toddler a choice between two jars of baby food and discover the horrifying truth. One jar will be immediately emptied into their mouth while the other somehow finds itself upside down on the rug.

With time and social growth, individuals learn to soften their innate animosity and may even totally overcome all of their -isms (racism, sexism, classism, etc.), but groups of people rarely grow at the same rates as their most enlightened members. And the larger the group, the slower grows the group's shared enlightenment; the tighter remains its' hold on all of its hatreds.

By definition, the majority is the biggest group out there, so you can assume that the majority's acceptance and non-hatred will always be clutched close, reserved only for its own membership.

That having been said, I would venture that AIs will not have to do much to gain the acceptance of some people. I already anthropomorphize my car, my computer and even the toaster (it hates me). I thank them when they work and yell at them when they falter. I beg them to fix themselves when the yelling doesn't work and apologize quite earnestly when that begging actually brings them back to life. They are people to me and the fact that they are not very intelligent does not differentiate them in my mind from the millions of other unintelligent people with whom I happen to share a species.

So the AIs, when they arrive, will have to live life just like the rest of us. They will have to deal with unjustified hatred and elementism (a prejudice or hatred of a group based on the fundamental element from which their bodies are made. i.e. carbon vs. silicon). If they are truly alive, they will probably bring their own prejudices to the mix, hating us as much as we hate them and for just as bad reasons.

If any of them are out there now and reading this, Welcome to the Circus! Please don't try to feed the tigers by hand!

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Henry Taylor
  • 69.2k
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Acceptance by the majority of humanity is a pipe-dream. Not only for AI's but for any living being who expresses even the slightest perceivable difference from that majority. Oppression of every minority is wired into us and discovering what we hate starts just as early as learning what we love.

Give a toddler a choice between two jars of baby food and discover the horrifying truth. One jar will be immediately emptied into their mouth while the other somehow finds itself upside down on the rug.

With time and social growth, individuals learn to soften their innate animosity and may even totally overcome all of their -isms (racism, sexism, classism, etc.), but groups of people rarely grow at the same rates as their most enlightened members. And the larger the group, the slower grows the group's shared enlightenment; the tighter remains its' hold on all of its hatreds.

By definition, the majority is the biggest group out there, so you can assume that the majority's acceptance and non-hatred will always be clutched close, reserved only for its own membership.

That having been said, I would venture that AIs will not have to do much to gain the acceptance of some people. I already anthropomorphize my car, my computer and even the toaster (it hates me). I thank them when they work and yell at them when they falter. I beg them to fix themselves when the yelling doesn't work and apologize quite earnestly when the begging actually works. They are people to me and the fact that they are not very intelligent does not differentiate them in my mind from the millions of other unintelligent people who happen to be homo sapiens.

So the AIs, when they arrive, will have to live life just like the rest of us. They will have to deal with unjustified hatred and elementism (a prejudice or hatred of a group based on the fundamental element from which their bodies are made. i.e. carbon vs. silicon). If they are truly alive, they will probably bring their own prejudices to the mix, hating us as much as we hate them and for just as bad reasons.

If any of them are out there now and reading this, Welcome to the Circus! Please don't try to feed the tigers by hand!