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If rich society has means for everyone to pursue whatever s/he wants, there would be no-one interested to perform duties necessary for functioning society but not fulfilling per se. Who would be fixing sewers? Who would perform dangerous jobs like mining for rare resources? Who would dispose trash? Who will operate nuclear power stations, especially as they will become more dangerous because of neglected maintenance?

Lots of such work is hard to automate. And with mere 1M survivors, you will have hard time to maintain all the various skills necessary for functioning today's complex society, and train replacement.

Will they do "sewer duty" by turn? So all people will have to be experts on all technologies. Will they be able to barter duties: "you will do my sewer duty, I will do yours high-power electrical maintenance"? How you will compare desirability of such duties? Sewer duty is smelly, but mistake with electricity can kill you. People allergic to animals cannot go milk cows. People allergic to bee sting cannot go near honeybees. But without honeybees lots of plants will not produce fruits.

Also, will you force surgeon and dentist on sewer duty too? Even if it postpone some necessary procedures? Or will you allow family members to step in for them to advance in waiting line for procedure?

If someone worked hard all life, will his retirement will be exactly the same as someone who did just bare minimum? If yes, how it is incentive to increase productivity? If not the same, how it will be different?

The only way to incentivize members of society to perform such necessary but uninteresting duties it to give them something extra on top of basic surviving. That is, money.

They there is another can of worm: communicating. 1M of people have no way to communicate effectively to make sure that everyone is keeping up with their duties and enforce the rules.

Last time when such society was possible was millenia ago, in hunter-gatherer society. Tribe of 30-60 hunter-gatherers can have experts of all necessary technologies, train replacement, and communicate around if you need help or have extra resources to share.

To maintain more complex and more productive (more specialized) society than that, you need more organization/enforcing and more effective tools of exchange. It is called Money.

After more re-reading the OP question, my feeling that it is some kind of young man/teenager utopia. Get out of parent house, get assigned easy job, be happy and train to be rule enforcer. Well to become surgeon you need to train another 10 years in specialized expensive facilities. Do you still have to go to sewer duty? Can I with my bully schoolmates vote each other to become police? Or maybe me and my bully friends with "protect" our part of the city against other gangs?

Functioning highly productive society is substantially more complex than the one described by OP. As defined it would quickly regressed into feudal nightmare. With very little money around, each village self-sufficient, and everyone having work duty to work of fields on local warlord, who would "protect" you from raids of other warlords. Because of low productivity, there is no time for science. Dark times.

If rich society has means for everyone to pursue whatever s/he wants, there would be no-one interested to perform duties necessary for functioning society but not fulfilling per se. Who would be fixing sewers? Who would perform dangerous jobs like mining for rare resources? Who would dispose trash? Who will operate nuclear power stations, especially as they will become more dangerous because of neglected maintenance?

Lots of such work is hard to automate. And with mere 1M survivors, you will have hard time to maintain all the various skills necessary for functioning today's complex society, and train replacement.

Will they do "sewer duty" by turn? So all people will have to be experts on all technologies. Will they be able to barter duties: "you will do my sewer duty, I will do yours high-power electrical maintenance"? How you will compare desirability of such duties? Sewer duty is smelly, but mistake with electricity can kill you. People allergic to animals cannot go milk cows. People allergic to bee sting cannot go near honeybees. But without honeybees lots of plants will not produce fruits.

Also, will you force surgeon and dentist on sewer duty too? Even if it postpone some necessary procedures? Or will you allow family members to step in for them to advance in waiting line for procedure?

If someone worked hard all life, will his retirement will be exactly the same as someone who did just bare minimum? If yes, how it is incentive to increase productivity? If not the same, how it will be different?

The only way to incentivize members of society to perform such necessary but uninteresting duties it to give them something extra on top of basic surviving. That is, money.

They there is another can of worm: communicating. 1M of people have no way to communicate effectively to make sure that everyone is keeping up with their duties and enforce the rules.

Last time when such society was possible was millenia ago, in hunter-gatherer society. Tribe of 30-60 hunter-gatherers can have experts of all necessary technologies, train replacement, and communicate around if you need help or have extra resources to share.

To maintain more complex and more productive (more specialized) society than that, you need more organization/enforcing and more effective tools of exchange. It is called Money.

If rich society has means for everyone to pursue whatever s/he wants, there would be no-one interested to perform duties necessary for functioning society but not fulfilling per se. Who would be fixing sewers? Who would perform dangerous jobs like mining for rare resources? Who would dispose trash? Who will operate nuclear power stations, especially as they will become more dangerous because of neglected maintenance?

Lots of such work is hard to automate. And with mere 1M survivors, you will have hard time to maintain all the various skills necessary for functioning today's complex society, and train replacement.

Will they do "sewer duty" by turn? So all people will have to be experts on all technologies. Will they be able to barter duties: "you will do my sewer duty, I will do yours high-power electrical maintenance"? How you will compare desirability of such duties? Sewer duty is smelly, but mistake with electricity can kill you. People allergic to animals cannot go milk cows. People allergic to bee sting cannot go near honeybees. But without honeybees lots of plants will not produce fruits.

Also, will you force surgeon and dentist on sewer duty too? Even if it postpone some necessary procedures? Or will you allow family members to step in for them to advance in waiting line for procedure?

If someone worked hard all life, will his retirement will be exactly the same as someone who did just bare minimum? If yes, how it is incentive to increase productivity? If not the same, how it will be different?

The only way to incentivize members of society to perform such necessary but uninteresting duties it to give them something extra on top of basic surviving. That is, money.

They there is another can of worm: communicating. 1M of people have no way to communicate effectively to make sure that everyone is keeping up with their duties and enforce the rules.

Last time when such society was possible was millenia ago, in hunter-gatherer society. Tribe of 30-60 hunter-gatherers can have experts of all necessary technologies, train replacement, and communicate around if you need help or have extra resources to share.

To maintain more complex and more productive (more specialized) society than that, you need more organization/enforcing and more effective tools of exchange. It is called Money.

After more re-reading the OP question, my feeling that it is some kind of young man/teenager utopia. Get out of parent house, get assigned easy job, be happy and train to be rule enforcer. Well to become surgeon you need to train another 10 years in specialized expensive facilities. Do you still have to go to sewer duty? Can I with my bully schoolmates vote each other to become police? Or maybe me and my bully friends with "protect" our part of the city against other gangs?

Functioning highly productive society is substantially more complex than the one described by OP. As defined it would quickly regressed into feudal nightmare. With very little money around, each village self-sufficient, and everyone having work duty to work of fields on local warlord, who would "protect" you from raids of other warlords. Because of low productivity, there is no time for science. Dark times.

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If rich society has means for everyone to pursue whatever s/he wants, there would be no-one interested to perform duties necessary for functioning society but not fulfilling per se. Who would be fixing sewers? Who would perform dangerous jobs like mining for rare resources? Who would dispose trash? Who will operate nuclear power stations, especially as they will become more dangerous because of neglected maintenance?

Lots of such work is hard to automate. And with mere 1M survivors, you will have hard time to maintain all the various skills necessary for functioning today's complex society, and train replacement.

Will they do "sewer duty" by turn? So all people will have to be experts on all technologies. Will they be able to barter duties: "you will do my sewer duty, I will do yours high-power electrical maintenance"? How you will compare desirability of such duties? Sewer duty is smelly, but mistake with electricity can kill you. People allergic to animals cannot go milk cows. People allergic to bee sting cannot go near honeybees. But without honeybees lots of plants will not produce fruits.

Also, will you force surgeon and dentist on sewer duty too? Even if it postpone some necessary procedures? Or will you allow family members to step in for them to advance in waiting line for procedure?

If someone worked hard all life, will his retirement will be exactly the same as someone who did just bare minimum? If yes, how it is incentive to increase productivity? If not the same, how it will be different?

The only way to incentivize members of society to perform such necessary but uninteresting duties it to give them something extra on top of basic surviving. That is, money.

They there is another can of worm: communicating. 1M of people have no way to communicate effectively to make sure that everyone is keeping up with their duties and enforce the rules.

Last time when such society was possible was millenia ago, in hunter-gatherer society. Tribe of 30-60 peopleTribe of 30-60 hunter-gatherers can have experts of all necessary technologies, and train replacement, and communicate around if you need help or have extra resources to share.

To maintain more complex and more productive (more specialized) society than that, you need more organization/enforcing and more effective tools of exchange. It is called Money.

If rich society has means for everyone to pursue whatever s/he wants, there would be no-one interested to perform duties necessary for functioning society but not fulfilling per se. Who would be fixing sewers? Who would perform dangerous jobs like mining for rare resources? Who would dispose trash? Who will operate nuclear power stations, especially as they will become more dangerous because of neglected maintenance?

Lots of such work is hard to automate. And with mere 1M survivors, you will have hard time to maintain all the various skills necessary for functioning today's complex society, and train replacement.

Will they do "sewer duty" by turn? So all people will have to be experts on all technologies. Will they be able to barter duties: "you will do my sewer duty, I will do yours high-power electrical maintenance"? How you will compare desirability of such duties? Sewer duty is smelly, but mistake with electricity can kill you. People allergic to animals cannot go milk cows. People allergic to bee sting cannot go near honeybees. But without honeybees lots of plants will not produce fruits.

The only way to incentivize members of society to perform such necessary but uninteresting duties it to give them something extra on top of basic surviving. That is, money.

Last time when such society was possible was millenia ago, in hunter-gatherer society. Tribe of 30-60 people can have experts of all necessary technologies, and train replacement.

If rich society has means for everyone to pursue whatever s/he wants, there would be no-one interested to perform duties necessary for functioning society but not fulfilling per se. Who would be fixing sewers? Who would perform dangerous jobs like mining for rare resources? Who would dispose trash? Who will operate nuclear power stations, especially as they will become more dangerous because of neglected maintenance?

Lots of such work is hard to automate. And with mere 1M survivors, you will have hard time to maintain all the various skills necessary for functioning today's complex society, and train replacement.

Will they do "sewer duty" by turn? So all people will have to be experts on all technologies. Will they be able to barter duties: "you will do my sewer duty, I will do yours high-power electrical maintenance"? How you will compare desirability of such duties? Sewer duty is smelly, but mistake with electricity can kill you. People allergic to animals cannot go milk cows. People allergic to bee sting cannot go near honeybees. But without honeybees lots of plants will not produce fruits.

Also, will you force surgeon and dentist on sewer duty too? Even if it postpone some necessary procedures? Or will you allow family members to step in for them to advance in waiting line for procedure?

If someone worked hard all life, will his retirement will be exactly the same as someone who did just bare minimum? If yes, how it is incentive to increase productivity? If not the same, how it will be different?

The only way to incentivize members of society to perform such necessary but uninteresting duties it to give them something extra on top of basic surviving. That is, money.

They there is another can of worm: communicating. 1M of people have no way to communicate effectively to make sure that everyone is keeping up with their duties and enforce the rules.

Last time when such society was possible was millenia ago, in hunter-gatherer society. Tribe of 30-60 hunter-gatherers can have experts of all necessary technologies, train replacement, and communicate around if you need help or have extra resources to share.

To maintain more complex and more productive (more specialized) society than that, you need more organization/enforcing and more effective tools of exchange. It is called Money.

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If rich society has means for everyone to pursue whatever s/he wants, there would be no-one interested to perform duties necessary for functioning society but not fulfilling per se. Who would be fixing sewers? Who would perform dangerous jobs like mining for rare resources? Who would dispose trash? Who will operate nuclear power stations, especially as they will become more dangerous because of neglected maintenance?

Lots of such work is hard to automate. And with mere 1M survivors, you will have hard time to maintain all the various skills necessary for functioning today's complex society, and train replacement.

Will they do "sewer duty" by turn? So all people will have to be experts on all technologies. Will they be able to barter duties: "you will do my sewer duty, I will do yours high-power electrical maintenance"? How you will compare desirability of such duties? Sewer duty is smelly, but mistake with electricity can kill you. People allergic to animals cannot go milk cows. People allergic to bee sting cannot go near honeybees. But without honeybees lots of plants will not produce fruits.

The only way to incentivize members of society to perform such necessary but uninteresting duties it to give them something extra on top of basic surviving. That is, money.

Last time when such society was possible was millenia ago, in hunter-gatherer society. Tribe of 30-60 people can have experts of all necessary technologies, and train replacement.

If rich society has means for everyone to pursue whatever s/he wants, there would be no-one interested to perform duties necessary for functioning society but not fulfilling per se. Who would be fixing sewers? Who would perform dangerous jobs like mining for rare resources? Who would dispose trash? Who will operate nuclear power stations, especially as they will become more dangerous because of neglected maintenance?

Lots of such work is hard to automate. And with mere 1M survivors, you will have hard time to maintain all the various skills necessary for functioning today's complex society, and train replacement.

Will they do "sewer duty" by turn? So all people will have to be experts on all technologies. Will they be able to barter duties: "you will do my sewer duty, I will do yours high-power electrical maintenance"? How you will compare desirability of such duties? Sewer duty is smelly, but electricity can kill you. People allergic to animals cannot go milk cows. People allergic to bee sting cannot go near honeybees. But without honeybees lots of plants will not produce fruits.

The only way to incentivize members of society to perform such necessary but uninteresting duties it to give them something extra on top of basic surviving. That is, money.

Last time when such society was possible was millenia ago, in hunter-gatherer society. Tribe of 30-60 people can have experts of all necessary technologies, and train replacement.

If rich society has means for everyone to pursue whatever s/he wants, there would be no-one interested to perform duties necessary for functioning society but not fulfilling per se. Who would be fixing sewers? Who would perform dangerous jobs like mining for rare resources? Who would dispose trash? Who will operate nuclear power stations, especially as they will become more dangerous because of neglected maintenance?

Lots of such work is hard to automate. And with mere 1M survivors, you will have hard time to maintain all the various skills necessary for functioning today's complex society, and train replacement.

Will they do "sewer duty" by turn? So all people will have to be experts on all technologies. Will they be able to barter duties: "you will do my sewer duty, I will do yours high-power electrical maintenance"? How you will compare desirability of such duties? Sewer duty is smelly, but mistake with electricity can kill you. People allergic to animals cannot go milk cows. People allergic to bee sting cannot go near honeybees. But without honeybees lots of plants will not produce fruits.

The only way to incentivize members of society to perform such necessary but uninteresting duties it to give them something extra on top of basic surviving. That is, money.

Last time when such society was possible was millenia ago, in hunter-gatherer society. Tribe of 30-60 people can have experts of all necessary technologies, and train replacement.

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