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sustainable mixed farming using robots.

we have either embraced sustainable farming by that point or massive wars caused by food shortages have reduced the human population drastically.

What is sustainable its not organic nor is it modern factor monocropping. its integrated mixed farming, diffrent crops grown at the same time using robotics. multiple crops to untilive space as effiecently as possible while ensuring the most sustainable use of the land. today integrated farming costs too much because mixing crops inflates harvest cost becasue you can't just use a single purpose machine. organic and monocropping both lead to huge wastages, monocroppping through the need for constant fretilizer to offset depletion and soil wastage through tilling, organic through crop loss and having to overengineer sites to match poorly suited crops. Both damage the local enviroment through depletion of soil, and you can't mine fertilizer forever. The rocks themselves are a nonrenewable resource.

In the future you want to keep using the same farmland forever, which means using it well. This also lets you keep farmland as small as possibly a must for arcologies, space has to be a limiting factor. You do this by using GMO crops to match conditions, mixing multiple crops and rotating them to prevent soil depletion and loss. You can also use animals for pest control and to recycle crop waste and possibly get animal products as a bonus, we use animals for a lot more than just meat. It is literally the most sustainable farming technique. We don't use it much now becasue it is expensive in terms of labor, you can't build a sinlge purpose machine to harvest/ plant/ or care for mixed crops efficently. But you could do it with future technology, with robotic farmers, intelligent multifunction machines that can do what each crop needs at the same time.

This gives you the variety humans demand in their diet with as few undesirable sideeffects as possible. As a bonus it means a larger variety of individual crops as well, many many varieties of apple or rice works just as well or even better than a single and thus problomatic variety. It also had the bonus of making your crops desease resistant.

sustainable mixed farming using robots.

we have either embraced sustainable farming by that point or massive wars caused by food shortages have reduced the human population drastically.

What is sustainable its not organic nor is it modern factor monocropping. its integrated mixed farming, diffrent crops grown at the same time using robotics. multiple crops to untilive space as effiecently as possible while ensuring the most sustainable use of the land. today integrated farming costs too much because mixing crops inflates harvest cost becasue you can't just use a single purpose machine. organic and monocropping both lead to huge wastages, monocroppping through the need for constant fretilizer to offset depletion and soil wastage through tilling, organic through crop loss and having to overengineer sites to match poorly suited crops. Both damage the local enviroment through depletion of soil, and you can't mine fertilizer forever. The rocks themselves are a nonrenewable resource.

In the future you want to keep using the same farmland forever, which means using it well. This also lets you keep farmland as small as possibly a must for arcologies, space has to be a limiting factor. You do this by using GMO crops to match conditions, mixing multiple crops and rotating them to prevent soil depletion and loss. You can also use animals for pest control and to recycle crop waste and possibly get animal products as a bonus, we use animals for a lot more than just meat. It is literally the most sustainable farming technique. We don't use it much now becasue it is expensive in terms of labor, you can't build a sinlge purpose machine to harvest/ plant/ or care for mixed crops efficently. But you could do it with future technology, with robotic farmers, intelligent multifunction machines that can do what each crop needs at the same time.

sustainable mixed farming using robots.

we have either embraced sustainable farming by that point or massive wars caused by food shortages have reduced the human population drastically.

What is sustainable its not organic nor is it modern factor monocropping. its integrated mixed farming, diffrent crops grown at the same time using robotics. multiple crops to untilive space as effiecently as possible while ensuring the most sustainable use of the land. today integrated farming costs too much because mixing crops inflates harvest cost becasue you can't just use a single purpose machine. organic and monocropping both lead to huge wastages, monocroppping through the need for constant fretilizer to offset depletion and soil wastage through tilling, organic through crop loss and having to overengineer sites to match poorly suited crops. Both damage the local enviroment through depletion of soil, and you can't mine fertilizer forever. The rocks themselves are a nonrenewable resource.

In the future you want to keep using the same farmland forever, which means using it well. This also lets you keep farmland as small as possibly a must for arcologies, space has to be a limiting factor. You do this by using GMO crops to match conditions, mixing multiple crops and rotating them to prevent soil depletion and loss. You can also use animals for pest control and to recycle crop waste and possibly get animal products as a bonus, we use animals for a lot more than just meat. It is literally the most sustainable farming technique. We don't use it much now becasue it is expensive in terms of labor, you can't build a sinlge purpose machine to harvest/ plant/ or care for mixed crops efficently. But you could do it with future technology, with robotic farmers, intelligent multifunction machines that can do what each crop needs at the same time.

This gives you the variety humans demand in their diet with as few undesirable sideeffects as possible. As a bonus it means a larger variety of individual crops as well, many many varieties of apple or rice works just as well or even better than a single and thus problomatic variety. It also had the bonus of making your crops desease resistant.

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sustainable mixed farming using robots.

we have either embraced sustainable farming by that point or massive wars caused by food shortages have reduced the human population drastically.

What is sustainable its not organic nor is it modern factor monocropping. its integrated mixed farming, diffrent crops grown at the same time using robotics. multiple crops to untilive space as effiecently as possible while ensuring the most sustainable use of the land. today integrated farming costs too much because mixing crops inflates harvest cost becasue you can't just use a single purpose machine. organic and monocropping both lead to huge wastages, monocroppping through the need for constant fretilizer to offset depletion and soil wastage through tilling, organic through crop loss and having to overengineer sites to match poorly suited crops. Both damage the local enviroment through depletion of soil, and you can't mine fertilizer forever. The rocks themselves are a nonrenewable resource.

In the future you want to keep using the same farmland forever, which means using it well. This also lets you keep farmland as small as possibly a must for arcologies, space has to be a limiting factor. You do this by using GMO crops to match conditions, mixing multiple crops and rotating them to prevent soil depletion and loss. You can also use animals for pest control and to recycle crop waste and possibly get animal products as a bonus, we use animals for a lot more than just meat. It is literally the most sustainable farming technique. We don't use it much now becasue it is expensive in terms of labor, you can't build a sinlge purpose machine to harvest/ plant/ or care for mixed crops efficently. But you could do it with future technology, with robotic farmers, intelligent multifunction machines that can do what each crop needs at the same time.