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Stig Hemmer
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Everybody seems to be discussing courts and lawyers.

As I see it, the question is mostly about culture.

Consider a man who has exploited a loophole in a contract or law to gain something.

In most cultures on Earth, he will go around bragging about this, and people will applaud how clever he has been. And this means he will try to do it again.

In some cultures, both on Earth and in fiction, people will think he has been a bad person who should be ashamed of himself. And this means he will NOT try to do it again.

Most cultures are somewhere between these extremes, of course.

The form of the laws and courts are irrelevant. They only reflect the norms of their culture.

[Editted to add:]

You were interested in how courts would work in such a culture.

I think the settlement courts would be more important. In this court, both parts have agreed to meet to settle a disagreement. The focus of the court would be find an agreement both parts can accept. But if negotiations fail, the judge(s) would have the power to decree a settlement. There would be no question of fines and punishment, just recompense.

As for criminal law, community service would be more common. Also recompense to the victims.

Or so I guess.

Everybody seems to be discussing courts and lawyers.

As I see it, the question is mostly about culture.

Consider a man who has exploited a loophole in a contract or law to gain something.

In most cultures on Earth, he will go around bragging about this, and people will applaud how clever he has been. And this means he will try to do it again.

In some cultures, both on Earth and in fiction, people will think he has been a bad person who should be ashamed of himself. And this means he will NOT try to do it again.

Most cultures are somewhere between these extremes, of course.

The form of the laws and courts are irrelevant. They only reflect the norms of their culture.

Everybody seems to be discussing courts and lawyers.

As I see it, the question is mostly about culture.

Consider a man who has exploited a loophole in a contract or law to gain something.

In most cultures on Earth, he will go around bragging about this, and people will applaud how clever he has been. And this means he will try to do it again.

In some cultures, both on Earth and in fiction, people will think he has been a bad person who should be ashamed of himself. And this means he will NOT try to do it again.

Most cultures are somewhere between these extremes, of course.

The form of the laws and courts are irrelevant. They only reflect the norms of their culture.

[Editted to add:]

You were interested in how courts would work in such a culture.

I think the settlement courts would be more important. In this court, both parts have agreed to meet to settle a disagreement. The focus of the court would be find an agreement both parts can accept. But if negotiations fail, the judge(s) would have the power to decree a settlement. There would be no question of fines and punishment, just recompense.

As for criminal law, community service would be more common. Also recompense to the victims.

Or so I guess.

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Stig Hemmer
  • 12k
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  • 49

Everybody seems to be discussing courts and lawyers.

As I see it, the question is mostly about culture.

Consider a man who has exploited a loophole in a contract or law to gain something.

In most cultures on Earth, he will go around bragging about this, and people will applaud how clever he has been. And this means he will try to do it again.

In some cultures, both on Earth and in fiction, people will think he has been a bad person who should be ashamed of himself. And this means he will NOT try to do it again.

Most cultures are somewhere between these extremes, of course.

The form of the laws and courts are irrelevant. They only reflect the norms of their culture.