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Forcing the employees to work in an environment The Corporation controls instead of from the comfort of their own home allows them to exert a lot more control over their employees.

  • Controlling the work environment controls people's thoughts. People working at home can decide freely how they want to design their work environment. They won't hang up any of theThe Corporation- provided motivational posters or listen to the PA announcements. They might put up distracting imagery, like pictures of their children, whichfamily. Which could lead some of them to work towards a better future offor their useless bratschildren instead of a better future for the shareholders like they should. It is far better to let employees work in an office environment carefully designed by the psychology department to facilityfacilitate maximum productivity and loyalty.
  • Enforcing a dresscode. Letting people wear what they want breeds individuality. Forcing the human resources to wear suits and ties as written in the employee handbook breeds conformity. Looking like a diligent and obedient corporate drone makes one behave like a diligent and obedient corporate drone.
  • Monitoring their activities on the premise. The Corporation is able to put onoutfit its building with lots and lots of cameras, microphones and other surveillance devices to monitor any action taken and any word spoken while at work. This allows them to detect any subversive behavior of their employees. Their surveillance of the private homes of their employees is far less reliablethorough, because those crafty employees keep finding ways to circumvent The Corporation's tools of home privacy invasions.
  • Make the employees feel monitored. It's not as if The Corporation does not have the means to monitor their employees actions at homeoff-premise. But while the employee is in the comfort of their own home, it doesn't feel to them like they are constantly being monitored. ButIn the office, on the other hand, there is the constant feeling that a manager might look over onestheir shoulder every minute isat any moment. This puts an additional psychological pressure to ensure obedienceprevent disobedience before it happens.
  • Preventing them from leaking information to independent hackers. Private residences have crappy security compared to the closed shells networks of The Corporation. Doing all the sensitive work on-premise makes it easier for The Corporation to prevent leakleaks. Both intentional and unintentional.


Forcing the employees to work in an environment The Corporation controls instead of from the comfort of their own home allows them to exert a lot more control over their employees.

  • Controlling the work environment controls people's thoughts. People working at home can decide freely how they want to design their work environment. They won't hang up any of the Corporation- provided motivational posters or listen to the PA announcements. They might put up pictures of their children, which could lead some of them to work towards a better future of their useless brats instead of a better future for the shareholders like they should. It is far better to let employees work in office environment carefully designed by the psychology department to facility maximum productivity and loyalty.
  • Enforcing a dresscode. Letting people wear what they want breeds individuality. Forcing the human resources to wear suits and ties as written in the employee handbook breeds conformity.
  • Monitoring their activities on the premise. The Corporation is able to put on cameras and other surveillance devices to monitor any action taken and any word spoken while at work. This allows them to detect any subversive behavior of their employees. Their surveillance of the private homes of their employees is far less reliable, because those crafty employees keep finding ways to circumvent The Corporation's tools of home privacy invasions.
  • Make the employees feel monitored. It's not as if The Corporation does not have the means to monitor their employees actions at home. But while the employee is in the comfort of their own home, it doesn't feel to them like they are constantly being monitored. But the constant feeling that a manager might look over ones shoulder every minute is an additional psychological pressure to ensure obedience.
  • Preventing them from leaking information to independent hackers. Private residences have crappy security compared to the closed shells networks of The Corporation. Doing all the sensitive work on-premise makes it easier for The Corporation to prevent leak.


Forcing the employees to work in an environment The Corporation controls instead of from the comfort of their own home allows them to exert a lot more control over their employees.

  • Controlling the work environment controls people's thoughts. People working at home can decide freely how they want to design their work environment. They won't hang up any of The Corporation- provided motivational posters or listen to the PA announcements. They might put up distracting imagery, like pictures of their family. Which could lead some of them to work towards a better future for their useless children instead of a better future for the shareholders like they should. It is far better to let employees work in an office environment carefully designed by the psychology department to facilitate maximum productivity and loyalty.
  • Enforcing a dresscode. Letting people wear what they want breeds individuality. Forcing the human resources to wear suits and ties as written in the employee handbook breeds conformity. Looking like a diligent and obedient corporate drone makes one behave like a diligent and obedient corporate drone.
  • Monitoring their activities on the premise. The Corporation is able to outfit its building with lots and lots of cameras, microphones and other surveillance devices to monitor any action taken and any word spoken while at work. This allows them to detect any subversive behavior of their employees. Their surveillance of the private homes of their employees is far less thorough, because those crafty employees keep finding ways to circumvent The Corporation's tools of home privacy invasions.
  • Make the employees feel monitored. It's not as if The Corporation does not have the means to monitor their employees off-premise. But while the employee is in the comfort of their own home, it doesn't feel to them like they are constantly being monitored. In the office, on the other hand, there is the constant feeling that a manager might look over their shoulder at any moment. This puts an additional psychological pressure to prevent disobedience before it happens.
  • Preventing them from leaking information to independent hackers. Private residences have crappy security compared to the closed shells networks of The Corporation. Doing all the sensitive work on-premise makes it easier for The Corporation to prevent leaks. Both intentional and unintentional.
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Forcing the employees to work in an environment The Corporation controls instead of from the comfort of their own home allows them to exert a lot more control over their employees.

  • Constant indoctrination with propagandaControlling the work environment controls people's thoughts. People working at home can decide freely how they want to design their work environment. They won't hang up any of the Corporation- provided motivational posters or listen to the PA announcements. They might put up pictures of their children, which could lead some of them to work towards a better future of their useless brats instead of a better future for the shareholders like they should. It is far better to let employees work in office environment carefully designed by the psychology department to facility maximum productivity and loyalty.
  • Enforcing a dresscode. Letting people wear what they want breeds individuality. Forcing the human resources to wear suits and ties as written in the employee handbook breeds conformity.
  • Monitoring their activities on the premise. The Corporation is able to put on cameras and other surveillance devices to monitor any action taken and any word spoken while at work. This allows them to detect any subversive behavior of their employees. Their surveillance of the private homes of their employees is far less reliable, because those crafty employees keep finding ways to circumvent The Corporation's tools of home privacy invasions.
  • Make the employees feel monitored. It's not as if The Corporation does not have the means to monitor their employees actions at home. But while the employee is in the comfort of their own home, it doesn't feel to them like they are constantly being monitored. But the constant feeling that a manager might look over ones shoulder every minute is an additional psychological pressure to ensure obedience.
  • Preventing them from leaking information to independent hackers. Private residences have crappy security compared to the closed shells networks of The Corporation. Doing all the sensitive work on-premise makes it easier for The Corporation to prevent leak.


Forcing the employees to work in an environment The Corporation controls instead of from the comfort of their own home allows them to exert a lot more control over their employees.

  • Constant indoctrination with propaganda. People working at home can decide freely how they want to design their work environment. They won't hang up any of the Corporation- provided motivational posters or listen to the PA announcements. It is far better to let employees work in office environment carefully designed by the psychology department to facility maximum productivity and loyalty.
  • Enforcing a dresscode. Letting people wear what they want breeds individuality. Forcing the human resources to wear suits and ties as written in the employee handbook breeds conformity.
  • Monitoring their activities on the premise. The Corporation is able to put on cameras and other surveillance devices to monitor any action taken and any word spoken while at work. This allows them to detect any subversive behavior of their employees. Their surveillance of the private homes of their employees is far less reliable, because those crafty employees keep finding ways to circumvent The Corporation's tools of home privacy invasions.
  • Make the employees feel monitored. It's not as if The Corporation does not have the means to monitor their employees actions at home. But while the employee is in the comfort of their own home, it doesn't feel to them like they are constantly being monitored. But the constant feeling that a manager might look over ones shoulder every minute is an additional psychological pressure to ensure obedience.
  • Preventing them from leaking information to independent hackers. Private residences have crappy security compared to the closed shells networks of The Corporation. Doing all the sensitive work on-premise makes it easier for The Corporation to prevent leak.


Forcing the employees to work in an environment The Corporation controls instead of from the comfort of their own home allows them to exert a lot more control over their employees.

  • Controlling the work environment controls people's thoughts. People working at home can decide freely how they want to design their work environment. They won't hang up any of the Corporation- provided motivational posters or listen to the PA announcements. They might put up pictures of their children, which could lead some of them to work towards a better future of their useless brats instead of a better future for the shareholders like they should. It is far better to let employees work in office environment carefully designed by the psychology department to facility maximum productivity and loyalty.
  • Enforcing a dresscode. Letting people wear what they want breeds individuality. Forcing the human resources to wear suits and ties as written in the employee handbook breeds conformity.
  • Monitoring their activities on the premise. The Corporation is able to put on cameras and other surveillance devices to monitor any action taken and any word spoken while at work. This allows them to detect any subversive behavior of their employees. Their surveillance of the private homes of their employees is far less reliable, because those crafty employees keep finding ways to circumvent The Corporation's tools of home privacy invasions.
  • Make the employees feel monitored. It's not as if The Corporation does not have the means to monitor their employees actions at home. But while the employee is in the comfort of their own home, it doesn't feel to them like they are constantly being monitored. But the constant feeling that a manager might look over ones shoulder every minute is an additional psychological pressure to ensure obedience.
  • Preventing them from leaking information to independent hackers. Private residences have crappy security compared to the closed shells networks of The Corporation. Doing all the sensitive work on-premise makes it easier for The Corporation to prevent leak.
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Forcing the employees to work in an environment The Corporation controls instead of from the comfort of their own home allows them to exert a lot more control over their employees.

  • Constant indoctrination with propaganda. People working at home can decide freely how they want to design their work environment. They won't hang up any of the Corporation- provided motivational posters or listen to the PA announcements. It is far better to let employees work in office environment carefully designed by the psychology department to facility maximum productivity and loyalty.
  • Enforcing a dresscode. Letting people wear what they want breeds individuality. Forcing the human resources to wear suits and ties as written in the employee handbook breeds conformity.
  • Monitoring their activities on the premise. The Corporation is able to put on cameras and other surveillance devices to monitor any action taken and any word spoken while at work. This allows them to detect any subversive behavior of their employees. Their surveillance of the private homes of their employees is far less reliable, because those crafty employees keep finding ways to circumvent The Corporation's tools of home privacy invasions.
  • Make the employees feel monitored. It's not as if The Corporation does not have the means to monitor their employees actions at home. But while the employee is in the comfort of their own home, it doesn't feel to them like they are constantly being monitored. But the constant feeling that a manager might look over ones shoulder every minute is an additional psychological pressure to ensure obedience.
  • Preventing them from leaking information to independent hackers. Private residences have crappy security compared to the closed shells networks of The Corporation. Doing all the sensitive work on-premise makes it easier for The Corporation to prevent leak.