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I'm looking for a realism check on the climates of my worlda Eurasia-like continent situated mostly in the tropics. I want to maximize tropical rainforests, savannahs, and hot semi-arid climates.

Here is my world's topography: world topography

I asked advice on a previous version of this Earth-like world here. Since then, I've reworked the big equatorial continent, breaking up mountain ranges and introducing a lowland belt strung with shallow seas along the width of my big equatorial continent in order to create contiguous savannahs and rainforests.

Here's my climate map: Note that I've marked out areas above 1000, 1500, and 2000m because it's important to know where they are due to their rain shadows and because I'm less sure how to apply climates to them. The climates I've put in these regions can be considered tentative. Also note that ocean currents deflect in unusual ways in several places because of sunken continents just under the surface.

world climates

Is my desert too small?
Given the rain shadows caused by the high mountains and the large plateau, the presence of warm and cool ocean currents on either coast, and the relative lowness of the area around the shallow inland seas, have I struck the right balance between aridity and humidity? Would my plateau be this dry considering its height (average of 1100m), would the desert extend all the way to the western archipelago as I've drawn it, and could enough moisture feasibly reach this far inland to make such an extensive rainforest--or should the savannah be predominant? To the East, I'm aiming to have a region like the Brazilian savannah, with arid highlands where the mountains come down to about 1000m. Is this realistic, or are my mountains too high there?

climate south detail

I'm looking for a realism check on the climates of my world. I want to maximize tropical rainforests, savannahs, and hot semi-arid climates.

Here is world's topography: world topography

I asked advice on a previous version of this Earth-like world here. Since then, I've reworked the big equatorial continent, breaking up mountain ranges and introducing a lowland belt strung with shallow seas along the width of my big equatorial continent in order to create contiguous savannahs and rainforests.

Here's my climate map: Note that I've marked out areas above 1000, 1500, and 2000m because it's important to know where they are due to their rain shadows and because I'm less sure how to apply climates to them. The climates I've put in these regions can be considered tentative. Also note that ocean currents deflect in unusual ways in several places because of sunken continents just under the surface.

world climates

Is my desert too small?
Given the rain shadows caused by the high mountains and the large plateau, the presence of warm and cool ocean currents on either coast, and the relative lowness of the area around the shallow inland seas, have I struck the right balance between aridity and humidity? Would my plateau be this dry, would the desert extend all the way to the western archipelago as I've drawn it, and could enough moisture feasibly reach this far inland to make such an extensive rainforest--or should the savannah be predominant? To the East, I'm aiming to have a region like the Brazilian savannah, with arid highlands where the mountains come down to about 1000m. Is this realistic, or are my mountains too high there?

climate south detail

I'm looking for a realism check on the climates of a Eurasia-like continent situated mostly in the tropics. I want to maximize tropical rainforests, savannahs, and hot semi-arid climates.

Here is my world's topography: world topography

I asked advice on a previous version of this Earth-like world here. Since then, I've reworked the big equatorial continent, breaking up mountain ranges and introducing a lowland belt strung with shallow seas along the width of my big equatorial continent in order to create contiguous savannahs and rainforests.

Here's my climate map: Note that I've marked out areas above 1000, 1500, and 2000m because it's important to know where they are due to their rain shadows and because I'm less sure how to apply climates to them. The climates I've put in these regions can be considered tentative. Also note that ocean currents deflect in unusual ways in several places because of sunken continents just under the surface.

world climates

Is my desert too small?
Given the rain shadows caused by the high mountains and the large plateau, the presence of warm and cool ocean currents on either coast, and the relative lowness of the area around the shallow inland seas, have I struck the right balance between aridity and humidity? Would my plateau be this dry considering its height (average of 1100m), would the desert extend all the way to the western archipelago as I've drawn it, and could enough moisture feasibly reach this far inland to make such an extensive rainforest--or should the savannah be predominant? To the East, I'm aiming to have a region like the Brazilian savannah, with arid highlands where the mountains come down to about 1000m. Is this realistic, or are my mountains too high there?

climate south detail

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How accurate are the climates of Is my large tropical continent too dry or not dry enough?

I'm looking for a realism check on the climates of my world. I want to maximize tropical rainforests, savannahs, and hot semi-arid climates.

Here is world's topography: world topography

I asked advice on a previous version of this Earth-like world here. Since then, I've reworked the big equatorial continent, breaking up mountain ranges and introducing a lowland belt strung with shallow seas along the width of my big equatorial continent in order to create contiguous savannahs and rainforests.

Here's my climate map: Note that I've marked out areas above 1000, 1500, and 2000m because it's important to know where they are due to their rain shadows and because I'm less sure how to apply climates to them.
  The climates I've put in these regions can be considered tentative. Also note that ocean currents deflect in unusual ways in several places because of sunken continents just under the surface. world climates

Areas I have particular doubts about are:world climates

  1. The temperate climates on the smaller continents & the northern edge of the equatorial continent. Does it make sense to have humid subtropical climates where I've placed them, in such proximity to arid and Mediterranean climates and over such a wide area?
    How far should my oceanic climates extend north and into the centre of the continent? climate north detail

  2. The southern coast and inland plateau of the equatorial continent.
    Is there too much savannah and not enough desert?
    On the Western coast, should my archipelago be drier or more humid?
    To the East, I'm aiming to have a region like the Brazilian savannah, with arid highlands where the mountains come down to about 1000m. Is this realistic, or are my mountains too high there?
    Further to the south, do the climates of my island arc make sense?
    climate south detail

LastlyIs my desert too small?
Given the rain shadows caused by the high mountains and the large plateau, there is the questionpresence of montane climates. I've put oceanic climates in my highland regions in humid tropical areaswarm and cool ocean currents on either coast, butand the relative lowness of the area around the shallow inland seas, have I suspect they maystruck the right balance between aridity and humidity? Would my plateau be toothis dry, would the desert extend all the way to the western archipelago as I've drawn it, and could enough moisture feasibly reach this far inland to make such an extensive. rainforest--or should the savannah be predominant? AlsoTo the East, where can I expectI'm aiming to have mountain glaciersa region like the Brazilian savannah, with arid highlands where the mountains come down to about 1000m. Is this realistic, or are my mountains too high there?

Answers to any of these questions are appreciated!climate south detail

How accurate are the climates of my large tropical continent?

I'm looking for a realism check on the climates of my world. I want to maximize tropical rainforests, savannahs, and hot semi-arid climates.

Here is world's topography: world topography

I asked advice on a previous version of this world here. Since then, I've reworked the big equatorial continent, breaking up mountain ranges and introducing a lowland belt strung with shallow seas along the width of my big equatorial continent in order to create contiguous savannahs and rainforests.

Here's my climate map: Note that I've marked out areas above 1000, 1500, and 2000m because it's important to know where they are due to their rain shadows and because I'm less sure how to apply climates to them.
  Also note that ocean currents deflect in unusual ways in several places because of sunken continents just under the surface. world climates

Areas I have particular doubts about are:

  1. The temperate climates on the smaller continents & the northern edge of the equatorial continent. Does it make sense to have humid subtropical climates where I've placed them, in such proximity to arid and Mediterranean climates and over such a wide area?
    How far should my oceanic climates extend north and into the centre of the continent? climate north detail

  2. The southern coast and inland plateau of the equatorial continent.
    Is there too much savannah and not enough desert?
    On the Western coast, should my archipelago be drier or more humid?
    To the East, I'm aiming to have a region like the Brazilian savannah, with arid highlands where the mountains come down to about 1000m. Is this realistic, or are my mountains too high there?
    Further to the south, do the climates of my island arc make sense?
    climate south detail

Lastly, there is the question of montane climates. I've put oceanic climates in my highland regions in humid tropical areas, but I suspect they may be too extensive. Also, where can I expect to have mountain glaciers?

Answers to any of these questions are appreciated!

Is my large tropical continent too dry or not dry enough?

I'm looking for a realism check on the climates of my world. I want to maximize tropical rainforests, savannahs, and hot semi-arid climates.

Here is world's topography: world topography

I asked advice on a previous version of this Earth-like world here. Since then, I've reworked the big equatorial continent, breaking up mountain ranges and introducing a lowland belt strung with shallow seas along the width of my big equatorial continent in order to create contiguous savannahs and rainforests.

Here's my climate map: Note that I've marked out areas above 1000, 1500, and 2000m because it's important to know where they are due to their rain shadows and because I'm less sure how to apply climates to them. The climates I've put in these regions can be considered tentative. Also note that ocean currents deflect in unusual ways in several places because of sunken continents just under the surface.

world climates

Is my desert too small?
Given the rain shadows caused by the high mountains and the large plateau, the presence of warm and cool ocean currents on either coast, and the relative lowness of the area around the shallow inland seas, have I struck the right balance between aridity and humidity? Would my plateau be this dry, would the desert extend all the way to the western archipelago as I've drawn it, and could enough moisture feasibly reach this far inland to make such an extensive rainforest--or should the savannah be predominant? To the East, I'm aiming to have a region like the Brazilian savannah, with arid highlands where the mountains come down to about 1000m. Is this realistic, or are my mountains too high there?

climate south detail

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Climates How accurate are the climates of amy large tropical continent?

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