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I mean first of god damn Sojourn advertisement ? You seem pretty hyped for it but ok.

To your questionSure, like sure it can happen. Just depends on a lot of factors. If we take a look at orour Solar System, Mercury has an Iceice side and it is the closest to the sun. And it is unlikely that a Plantplanet which is very close to its Parent Star,parent star will have any sort of Rotation. Or wontrotation, or won't be tidalytidally locked. Meaning "most" inner Planetsplanets will be half Ice-ice.

Stuff getsThings get different when the Planetplanet pulls a Venus and Rotatesrotates anyways. In which case, yeah thats, that's a big no. The Solarwindssolar winds would erase any form of Atmosphereatmosphere, which lowers the Pressurepressure, which decresesdecreases the Metlingmelting point of Iceice, meaning all your ice and Waterwater will be gone rather quick. There wont

There won't be aan Inner Europa, so an ice-ice covered moon, because it is way totoo hot for Iceice.

And if your Planetplanet has a very thiccthick atmosphere, such as Venus, you wontwon't get any ice either as it iswill be too hot.

Some weird exeptionsexceptions will exsistexist, though, where Gravitygravity, Pressurepressure, Rotationrotation and so on just happen to match the Perfectperfect way to create and "Ice" Planetan "ice" planet. Although it willwould still be hot as hell. Also, such a Planetplanet must be big duodue to the Gravitygravity needed.

I mean first of god damn Sojourn advertisement ? You seem pretty hyped for it but ok.

To your question, like sure it can happen. Just depends on a lot of factors. If we take a look at or System, Mercury has an Ice side and it is the closest to the sun. And it is unlikely that a Plant which is very close to its Parent Star, will have any sort of Rotation. Or wont be tidaly locked. Meaning "most" inner Planets will be half Ice.

Stuff gets different when the Planet pulls a Venus and Rotates anyways. In which case, yeah thats a big no. The Solarwinds would erase any form of Atmosphere which lowers the Pressure which decreses the Metling point of Ice meaning all your ice and Water will be gone rather quick. There wont be a Inner Europa, so an ice covered moon, because it is way to hot for Ice.

And if your Planet has a very thicc atmosphere, such as Venus, you wont get any ice either as it is too hot.

Some weird exeptions will exsist though where Gravity, Pressure, Rotation and so on just happen to match the Perfect way to create and "Ice" Planet. Although it will still be hot as hell. Also, such a Planet must be big duo to the Gravity needed.

Sure, it can happen. Just depends on a lot of factors. If we take a look at our Solar System, Mercury has an ice side and it is the closest to the sun. And it is unlikely that a planet which is very close to its parent star will have any sort of rotation, or won't be tidally locked. Meaning "most" inner planets will be half-ice.

Things get different when the planet pulls a Venus and rotates anyways. In which case, yeah, that's a big no. The solar winds would erase any form of atmosphere, which lowers the pressure, which decreases the melting point of ice, meaning all your ice and water will be gone rather quick.

There won't be an Inner Europa, so an-ice covered moon, because it is way too hot for ice.

And if your planet has a very thick atmosphere, such as Venus, you won't get any ice either as it will be too hot.

Some weird exceptions will exist, though, where gravity, pressure, rotation and so on just happen to match the perfect way to create an "ice" planet. Although it would still be hot as hell. Also, such a planet must be big due to the gravity needed.

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Erik Hall
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I mean first of god damn Sojourn advertisement ? You seem pretty hyped for it but ok.

To your question, like sure it can happen. Just depends on a lot of factors. If we take a look at or System, Mercury has an Ice side and it is the closest to the sun. And it is unlikely that a Plant which is very close to its Parent Star, will have any sort of Rotation. Or wont be tidaly locked. Meaning "most" inner Planets will be half Ice.

Stuff gets different when the Planet pulls a Venus and Rotates anyways. In which case, yeah thats a big no. The Solarwinds would erase any form of Atmosphere which lowers the Pressure which decreses the Metling point of Ice meaning all your ice and Water will be gone rather quick. There wont be a Inner Europa, so an ice covered moon, because it is way to hot for Ice.

And if your Planet has a very thicc atmosphere, such as Venus, you wont get any ice either as it is too hot.

Some weird exeptions will exsist though where Gravity, Pressure, Rotation and so on just happen to match the Perfect way to create and "Ice" Planet. Although it will still be hot as hell. Also, such a Planet must be big duo to the Gravity needed.