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How Effective Would War Mammoths be in Combat in a Medieval Civilization?

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How Effective Would War Mammoths be in Combat?

In my book series, there is a planet called Ryu 108 that has domesticated mammoths. Here are some things to consider:

  • Due to the fact that space travel is done via magic instead of via technology, most of the galaxy is still technologically in either the classical, medieval, or renaissance eras, with even the most advanced civilizations only capable of using derpy muskets and primitive cannons.

  • Ryu 108 is based on Viking-age Scandinavia culture-wise and technology-wise

  • Unlike war elephants, these mammoths have been fully domesticated for thousands of years, meaning the temperament problem that real life war elephants suffered from has been greatly reduced

  • Mammoths used for war have been selectively bred to have 3 pairs of tusks (one long pair under the trunk like normal mammoths, with 2 shorter pairs on the sides and top of the trunk), as well as slightly less blubber and wool than their wild counterparts. They have also been selectively bred to resemble the steppe mammoth in terms of size, even though they are descended from wooly mammoths

  • Mammoths often wore giant suits of chainmail into battle (plate armor is too expensive to produce on this scale), though this had to be substituted for cotton or leather in warmer climates to prevent overheating

  • Mammoths were also used as beasts of burden and as livestock (but these are generally different breeds than the ones used in battle)

  • Although easier to acquire than elephants were in real life, war mammoths are still quite expensive to equip for battle as well as feed

Would these war mammoths be more useful than their real-world war elephant counterparts, or would they be just as much of, if not more of a cumbersome double-edged sword?