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John Locke
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In the modern world, the technology to monitor your every movement and action is imminently feasible. No one doubts the ability of an omni-government to monitor people; hence GDPR.

But Orwell posited such a controlling government in Nineteen Eighty-Four, published in 1949.

What is the earliest point in human history that a government (of any sized society) could achieve a Nineteen Eighty-Four-like control of its population?

Here are some relevant attributes of the government in Nineteen Eighty-Four; with spoiler tags because I'm sensitive to those who have put off reading the book for 69 years.

  • Constant surveillance of the population (thoughthrough 'telescreens', possibly)

  • The ability to project a fictitious but omni-present leader, Big Brother, who 'always' rules no matter who rules behind the scenes

  • The apparent high-probability chance of detecting rebels before they even act

In the modern world, the technology to monitor your every movement and action is imminently feasible. No one doubts the ability of an omni-government to monitor people; hence GDPR.

But Orwell posited such a controlling government in Nineteen Eighty-Four, published in 1949.

What is the earliest point in human history that a government (of any sized society) could achieve a Nineteen Eighty-Four-like control of its population?

Here are some relevant attributes of the government in Nineteen Eighty-Four; with spoiler tags because I'm sensitive to those who have put off reading the book for 69 years.

  • Constant surveillance of the population (though 'telescreens', possibly)

  • The ability to project a fictitious but omni-present leader, Big Brother, who 'always' rules no matter who rules behind the scenes

  • The apparent high-probability chance of detecting rebels before they even act

In the modern world, the technology to monitor your every movement and action is imminently feasible. No one doubts the ability of an omni-government to monitor people; hence GDPR.

But Orwell posited such a controlling government in Nineteen Eighty-Four, published in 1949.

What is the earliest point in human history that a government (of any sized society) could achieve a Nineteen Eighty-Four-like control of its population?

Here are some relevant attributes of the government in Nineteen Eighty-Four; with spoiler tags because I'm sensitive to those who have put off reading the book for 69 years.

  • Constant surveillance of the population (through 'telescreens', possibly)

  • The ability to project a fictitious but omni-present leader, Big Brother, who 'always' rules no matter who rules behind the scenes

  • The apparent high-probability chance of detecting rebels before they even act

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In the modern world, the technology to monitor your every movement and action is imminently feasible. No one doubts the ability of an omni-government to monitor people; hence GDPR.

But Orwell posited such a controlling government in 1984Nineteen Eighty-Four, published in 1949.

What is the earliest point in human history that a government (of any sized society) could achieve a 1984Nineteen Eighty-Four-like control of its population?

Here are some relevant attributes of the government in 1984Nineteen Eighty-Four; with spoiler tags because I'm sensitive to those who have put off reading the book for 69 years.

  • Constant surveillance of the population (though 'telescreens', possibly)

  • The ability to project a fictitious but omni-present leader, Big Brother, who 'always' rules no matter who rules behind the scenes

  • The apparent high-probability chance of detecting rebels before they even act

In the modern world, the technology to monitor your every movement and action is imminently feasible. No one doubts the ability of an omni-government to monitor people; hence GDPR.

But Orwell posited such a controlling government in 1984, published in 1949.

What is the earliest point in human history that a government (of any sized society) could achieve a 1984-like control of its population?

Here are some relevant attributes of the government in 1984; with spoiler tags because I'm sensitive to those who have put off reading the book for 69 years.

  • Constant surveillance of the population (though 'telescreens', possibly)

  • The ability to project a fictitious but omni-present leader, Big Brother, who 'always' rules no matter who rules behind the scenes

  • The apparent high-probability chance of detecting rebels before they even act

In the modern world, the technology to monitor your every movement and action is imminently feasible. No one doubts the ability of an omni-government to monitor people; hence GDPR.

But Orwell posited such a controlling government in Nineteen Eighty-Four, published in 1949.

What is the earliest point in human history that a government (of any sized society) could achieve a Nineteen Eighty-Four-like control of its population?

Here are some relevant attributes of the government in Nineteen Eighty-Four; with spoiler tags because I'm sensitive to those who have put off reading the book for 69 years.

  • Constant surveillance of the population (though 'telescreens', possibly)

  • The ability to project a fictitious but omni-present leader, Big Brother, who 'always' rules no matter who rules behind the scenes

  • The apparent high-probability chance of detecting rebels before they even act

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