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Mołot's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 7 months
  • Last seen this week
154 votes

How to tell company that you will be leaving after one day of joining a remote unpaid internship

117 votes

Is it ethical to apply for a job on someone's behalf?

35 votes

Should I lower my expectations when interviewing someone if the company struggles to find any candidates?

27 votes

Should I be able to keep my company purchased standing desk when I leave my job?

15 votes

How can I ask my manager more development tasks rather than maintenance and bug fixing?

13 votes

Can employer require me learn a new technology that I have no interest to learn?

11 votes

When switching job, should I make the "last condition" to the former employer, and if so, how?

8 votes

Can you discriminate on hiring due to another country's immigration policies?

6 votes

How do you encourage the workforce without incentives?

6 votes

Should he apply to job after getting fired in same company(after a time)

5 votes

How can I politely ask if I will be hired?

5 votes

How to handle a manager who always complains

5 votes

How can I retain a volunteer employee frustrated for not being promoted?

5 votes

Ask for fixed-term contract when declining a permanent contract

5 votes

How to avoid previous employer who is nagging me to do their job?

5 votes

Build a culture of Accountability

4 votes

Sent reproachful mail?

4 votes

Serious misconduct. Probable termination. Should I quit or just wait?

4 votes

Asking for vacation on new job

4 votes

Can I put the link to my personal website in my work email signature?

2 votes

My employer wants me to do a work of 6 months in just 2 months

2 votes

Interviewing candidates for "bad" projects

2 votes

Is there a polite and professional way to decline answering personal question?