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Questions referring to how one presents themselves and interacts with others in a professional environment

0 votes

How do I push a product I've been told to push to customers without being pushy about it?

I have personally been caught in the same position having to meet a weekly quota selling a great product but not a fan of the stereotypical salesman image as you describe. I always used stories to get …
Michael Grubey's user avatar
3 votes

Asking for coverage of travel expenses

No it is not bad practise. If they have sought after you, they likely know where you are located but their answer is hugely dependent on the company policy. Also it will show you have the confidence t …
Michael Grubey's user avatar
1 vote

How to word an internal open application?

Connect Competencies to Corporate Concepts It's tempting for an internal candidate to spend most of the cover letter demonstrating his superior knowledge of the company, but what the hiring manager n …
Michael Grubey's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How much is too much when displaying personal effects in a professional working environment?

At present I work in a professional environment where there are 5 staff in a confined area(plenty of elbow room but a closed office environment). There are usual items on the desk such as snacks for …
Michael Grubey's user avatar
4 votes

How should I convince my manger to give me interesting work?

Make sure you’ve done a great job on the assignments that you’ve completed. Can you document that you’ve finished all your responsibilities ahead of time and exceeded expectations? Your ability to de …
Michael Grubey's user avatar
7 votes

What I should do when I don't like to buy a take away for my colleague daily after my lunch ...

Although you may not want to hear this, you're in this position as you have let it go on for however long without showing anything apart from a willingness to be the delivery boy. You need to explain …
Michael Grubey's user avatar
8 votes

What should I say in a goodbye email

Make it personal. Add a few lines on how someone had helped you during your stay in the organization and graciously thank all )even though there could be some you would not want to). Give your adieu a …
Michael Grubey's user avatar
0 votes

Is it ok to use emoticons in cover letters?

Your cover letter is not the place to express your inner child. So in other words you should leave the fancy fonts, wild and vivid colours, and smiley faces out and keep it professional. As a general …
Michael Grubey's user avatar
4 votes

What should not be included in Australian resume?

When in school in Australia, we had lessons from a Career Advice Company in creating the ideal Resume tailored to the Australian Job Market. The “Contact Details” section in which you must clearly ind …
Michael Grubey's user avatar
45 votes
6 answers

Are beards perceived as unprofessional in the workplace?

It has recently been mentioned by a colleague that I should look at shaving my beard as it may limit future opportunities in my company as it can be perceived as lazy and too casual. It may or may not …
Michael Grubey's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Adding non professional work to a professional resume

A close friend of mine has been working late shifts as a delivery driver for a local takeaway to earn some extra money to make ends meet. He has been working here for about a year and a half. No skill …
Michael Grubey's user avatar
12 votes

How should I deal with the urge to sleep at work?

Physical Movement. When people are sleep deprived, exercise can increase alertness. Instead of giving into the head nodding and eyelid drooping, get up and get out for 10 minutes. Do some type of bri …
Michael Grubey's user avatar
1 vote

Is email an acceptable medium for a thank you note?

Is this modern day nearly everyone is on Email. Sending an Email is by sure the best way to show a few key things: You can send it the day of your interview to show just how eager you are. If the in …
Michael Grubey's user avatar
2 votes

Are changes to working conditions acceptable

Solving disputes Employers and their staff should try to solve disputes about contract changes things by talking informally or through mediation. Employees can also get advice from their trade union …
Michael Grubey's user avatar