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Overtime is time spent working that goes above and beyond the number of hours required to be at the workplace for a given time period.

13 votes

How can I discourage my new hire from working such long hours?

Make sure that your notion of what's good for them is actually good for them. I have been put in seriously difficult situations where I freeze up for days at a time because of anxiety of things that a …
corsiKa's user avatar
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5 votes

Being asked to do work "on your own time"

I'm going to assume you're considering salaried employees only, since it would be illegal in most places to even think about doing something like this with hourly employees. You get paid for the hours …
corsiKa's user avatar
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18 votes

Is it possible to work more than full-time for an employer?

Most employers are not legally allowed to pay you for that much work on a consistent basis. If they were, they would bully their employees into burnout mode. If you really are able to keep that kind …
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