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Questions tagged [relationships]

Questions related to personal relationships in a work context.

19 votes
1 answer

How to build a relationship with a remote team?

I am working as a UI developer in India for an MNC. Previously, I worked as a developer in another organization. There are no issues with UI development or back-end programming. I really enjoyed both ...
svk's user avatar
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-1 votes
3 answers

Employee Poaching

A competitor has been stealing employees from my company. We are partners, but we have recently undergone a rough patch while they are growing massively. About 8 of our former employees now work there,...
user8251's user avatar
7 votes
6 answers

Working with an incompatible project leader

I am working in IT industry as a Sr developer. Recently there has been a change in my project and my project lead has been changed and now I am to report and work with this new lead. During last few ...
mehta's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

Suggestions for building relationships as a remote office worker?

I've started working remotely for a company a few timezones away. I'm not the most social person to begin with, but now that I can't even say "hi" in the hall, How can I help remind people I exist? ...
Philippe Chaintreuil's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Do you refer to someone you know by their professional title in an inverview?

I have an interview coming up. I have an MS and one of my friends from the program at the same time as me recently got his PhD. He is in what would be a managerial role were I hired. We knew each ...
AdamO's user avatar
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23 votes
8 answers

How to dismiss allegations of relationships

According to this Workplace.SE post, romantic relationships with co-workers/subordinates are discouraged due to perhaps the suspicion of unprofessional behavior. However, a co-worker (who is female) ...
Snakes and Coffee's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

How to deal with a colleague who doesn't want to collaborate?

I've described this problem in the letter to my boss. I have a problem with N. This is my 3rd job and I've never experienced this kind of communication problem before. Our workflow assumes ...
user avatar
47 votes
14 answers

Why are romantic relationships with someone who works under you discouraged?

I run a small company and am wondering what the consequences are of starting up a romantic relationship with one of my employees, and how it will affect my business and relationship with other ...
Dave M's user avatar
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625 votes
20 answers

How should I deal with an employee who has slept with my wife?

I'm the owner of a business with about 30-40 employees. Recently, I found out that one of my employees has been having an affair with my wife. The employee has worked for me for four years. I felt ...
13 votes
3 answers

How do I fix my reputation with a client when I fell through for a project?

So I've run into this predicament. I over-loaded myself with work and not enough time. Then, I became ill a couple of times which set everything back even more. Long story short, I had a communication ...
Kurtis's user avatar
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22 votes
6 answers

How can I be assertive without being rude or offensive?

I consider myself a confident person in the workplace. Even though I do not consider myself an expert in my field, I really like discussing at the same level with experts in my job. But when I'm ...
Matthew Azkimov's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

How to meet former boss with who I have good relationship while I am in trouble?

I have a good work relationship with my former boss, who is now an influential person in upper management. Once, I was in a jam at work, he helped me to resolve the issue when I asked for help. Later,...
Ramya's user avatar
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24 votes
7 answers

How to deal with a team in which one of the members doesn't accept critique?

I'm currently working in a team where one of the members doesn't accept critique. Being from a high-rated school and considering himself an elite, this person doesn't like to be contradicted nor ...
Arseni Mourzenko's user avatar
13 votes
4 answers

Why is it considered inappropriate to treat contractors the same as corporate associates?

HR and management have said things along the lines of "We aren't supposed to treat contractors like they're employees." Why is that the case? What benefit does the business gain by maintaining that ...
asteri's user avatar
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18 votes
5 answers

How can you deal with receiving no job training without becoming a pest?

I have been in a situation before where I was essentially thrown into a job position with no training whatsoever. It was very much a "sink or swim" environment where I was expected to become ...
asteri's user avatar
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27 votes
3 answers

How can you handle an office romance that has ended?

In the workplace, office romance is discouraged. However, it is one of the prime places in adulthood that relationships begin. What is the appropriate action to take when a serious or long-term ...
asteri's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

Severing the relationship with a recruiter

On the heels of the double-presentation question, I'm curious about the best way to sever ties with a recruiter who has represented me in the past. Let's say I was presented by this recruiter to a ...
ewwhite's user avatar
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23 votes
4 answers

How can I restore a work relationship?

When I joined the company my co-worker was very nice; he taught me a lot of things, always paid attention to my questions and he really tried to help the most he could. However, as time passed and I ...
user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

How to deal with a "sensitive" employee [closed]

We have a new programmer starting on Monday (yay!). Both HR and the MD have raised concerns that he came off in the interview as both sensitive and very blunt. We have a young office and most people ...
Tom Squires's user avatar
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25 votes
4 answers

Dealing with someone who thinks he's "divinely right"

I have recently come across the situation where I have to deal with the person (software architect) who seem to think that the software solution he had come up with is basically "divinely correct" and ...
Karlson's user avatar
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29 votes
3 answers

Switching jobs - how soon is too soon?

My current (and first) job as a junior developer is ending and I need to look for a new one. I've received a fairly appealing offer in town, but for a variety of reasons I expect I might relocate ...
canisrufus's user avatar
32 votes
4 answers

Is it unprofessional to pursue personal relationships with site users?

As a community manager for a large internet company, I interact with our users (and moderators!) on a fairly consistent basis. In fact, I often spend large swaths of my day in the main moderator ...
Aarthi's user avatar
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54 votes
5 answers

Can I pursue romantic relations with a client if our project is completed?

A friend of mine works as a management consultant. On a previous project she was working closely with a Fortune 500 client's team. One of the team members and her had chemistry, but they maintained ...
Aarthi's user avatar
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