Linked Questions

12 votes
7 answers

walking out of interviews - any significant problems down the line? [duplicate]

I was just reading a question where a person who had excellent qualifications for their age was offered low compensation because other people in his age-group have similar compensation(I am talking ...
cst1992's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

Is there any point to continuing with an interview when I'm sure that I won't join the company? [duplicate]

My current situation is that I've already signed a contract with Company A, when Company B called. Company B interests me, although I've decided to stay with Company A. However, they've called me in ...
Zaenille's user avatar
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79 votes
18 answers

How do you handle an interview for a candidate who is performing poorly?

When you begin interviewing a candidate and realise early on that they really, really aren't suitable for the job (for example, for a developer role, perhaps you've discussed coding and discovered ...
130 votes
10 answers

As an interviewee, how to handle situations where the interviewer is unprepared or asking the wrong questions?

I was interviewing for a software engineering position, but one of the interviews was... off. The primary interviewer in one was: Not prepared (didn't seem to have questions prepared) Having a hard ...
enderland's user avatar
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43 votes
6 answers

When is it appropriate to stop an interview early? [duplicate]

Today I've interviewed a person, who refused to try to solve a simple (and quite common) practical problem. I mean, literally refused to try to solve it. He said something like: "Well, I just don't ...
shabunc's user avatar
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30 votes
7 answers

Is it normal for a company not to contact you after a lengthy interview to let you know you didn't get the job? [closed]

My friend recently went to an interview with a small accounting software company. After she left the interview, she never heard back from them. The thing is, she'd already talked with the owner on ...
mimicocotopus's user avatar
20 votes
3 answers

Employer doesn't 'usually' hire women

I started applying for jobs recently after working as freelancer for a couple of years and one of the interviews I went to I was told that the company doesn't 'usually' hire women, because we have '...
user54154's user avatar
  • 227
10 votes
5 answers

Should you continue the onsite interview if you know you won't get the job? [closed]

The situation is something like this. You are doing an onsite interview, consisting of 4 or 5 interviews. Some of these are technical, and some of these are behavioral. Say you completely bomb a ...
rishai's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

What do I do in an interview when I am asked to help arrange deck chairs on the Titanic? [closed]

There have been two times in my career where I tried, as gently as I could, to offer a better solution when I was being asked in an interview to help the employer do something not in their best ...
Christos Hayward's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

How to handle situations when interviewer is not paying attention during the interview?

I attended an on-site in person interview last week and I was seriously disappointed when the interviewer was not paying attention to my problem discussion and solution. He was doing something on ...
user1429322's user avatar
9 votes
5 answers

How to react to interviewers' confrontative behavior (Germany)?

I've been living in Germany for about 10+ years. I know the culture very well and speak fluent German. I've also lived in several other countries. However when applying for positions in Germany I'm ...
13442136's user avatar
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-2 votes
3 answers

Will email response about bad interview experience affect my career? [closed]

Yesterday I attended an interview, in which one interviewer looked at me continuously and laughed till the end of the interview. I didn't do anything about that during the interview, but after I came ...
user54249's user avatar