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Post Closed as "Opinion-based" by gnat, Joel Etherton, iLuvLogix, Ian Kemp, Solar Mike
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I am being workplace bullied both verbally at meetings and in git comments. My colleagues also feel I am being bullied by the one specific individual who is causing all of this. They feel the trigger is that I have more experience than our scrum master and he feels threatened by it, so is trying to get me to leave the team via bullying.

I cannot handle the anxiety because I’ve never been this highly scrutinized before, ever. He left over 100 comments on an MR and I have a ton of programming experinceexperience including being a lead devdeveloper of a large project at a very well known company. I am afraid to share this with my boss because I do not want to appear weak or unable to handle criticism/the competitive nature of Software Engineering. In the past, the scrum master has also been protected when bullying has come up. However, the level of nitpikingnitpicking with this scrum master is making me truly feel harassed. 100 comments on an MR? Really?

Another colleague was bullied by this group, got an accommodation to work 75% at home due to his anxiety from the situation before a spot opened up on a different team. Would it look bad for me if I sought out the same accommodation just to get through how ever long I am on this team for? I am concerned that it’ll make me look like I am in cahoots with my colleague who was bullied by this team. Currently I can WFH 2 days per week.

I am being workplace bullied both verbally at meetings and in git comments. My colleagues also feel I am being bullied by the one specific individual who is causing all of this. They feel the trigger is that I have more experience than our scrum master and he feels threatened by it, so is trying to get me to leave the team via bullying.

I cannot handle the anxiety because I’ve never been this highly scrutinized before, ever. He left over 100 comments on an MR and I have a ton of programming experince including being a lead dev of a large project at a very well known company. I am afraid to share this with my boss because I do not want to appear weak or unable to handle criticism/the competitive nature of Software Engineering. In the past, the scrum master has also been protected when bullying has come up. However, the level of nitpiking with this scrum master is making me truly feel harassed. 100 comments on an MR? Really?

Another colleague was bullied by this group, got an accommodation to work 75% at home due to his anxiety from the situation before a spot opened up on a different team. Would it look bad for me if I sought out the same accommodation just to get through how ever long I am on this team for? I am concerned that it’ll make me look like I am in cahoots with my colleague who was bullied by this team. Currently I can WFH 2 days per week.

I am being workplace bullied both verbally at meetings and in git comments. My colleagues also feel I am being bullied by the one specific individual who is causing all of this. They feel the trigger is that I have more experience than our scrum master and he feels threatened by it, so is trying to get me to leave the team via bullying.

I cannot handle the anxiety because I’ve never been this highly scrutinized before, ever. He left over 100 comments on an MR and I have a ton of programming experience including being a lead developer of a large project at a very well known company. I am afraid to share this with my boss because I do not want to appear weak or unable to handle criticism/the competitive nature of Software Engineering. In the past, the scrum master has also been protected when bullying has come up. However, the level of nitpicking with this scrum master is making me truly feel harassed. 100 comments on an MR? Really?

Another colleague was bullied by this group, got an accommodation to work 75% at home due to his anxiety from the situation before a spot opened up on a different team. Would it look bad for me if I sought out the same accommodation just to get through how ever long I am on this team for? I am concerned that it’ll make me look like I am in cahoots with my colleague who was bullied by this team. Currently I can WFH 2 days per week.

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Being workplace bullied - would it be a career damaging move if I sought out an increased WFH accommodation?

I am being workplace bullied both verbally at meetings and in git comments. My colleagues also feel I am being bullied by the one specific individual who is causing all of this. They feel the trigger is that I have more experience than our scrum master and he feels threatened by it, so is trying to get me to leave the team via bullying.

I cannot handle the anxiety because I’ve never been this highly scrutinized before, ever. He left over 100 comments on an MR and I have a ton of programming experince including being a lead dev of a large project at a very well known company. I am afraid to share this with my boss because I do not want to appear weak or unable to handle criticism/the competitive nature of Software Engineering. In the past, the scrum master has also been protected when bullying has come up. However, the level of nitpiking with this scrum master is making me truly feel harassed. 100 comments on an MR? Really?

Another colleague was bullied by this group, got an accommodation to work 75% at home due to his anxiety from the situation before a spot opened up on a different team. Would it look bad for me if I sought out the same accommodation just to get through how ever long I am on this team for? I am concerned that it’ll make me look like I am in cahoots with my colleague who was bullied by this team. Currently I can WFH 2 days per week.