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I am part of a software development team and I am looking for a way/process that we can collect information on any technical problems that recently happened and document them in a way that would make it easy for us to analyze as a technical team what went wrong in order to change the way we do things or enhance the way we do work.

By technical problems I am not referring to small bugs but issues that caused serious disruption either to the business/customers or to other developers.

I was wondering if this can be solved via some agile process or there are other ways that big companies address this.

I am not looking for a best approach but for various approaches more experienced teams/companies have been using.


I am part of a software development team and I am looking for a way/process that we can collect information on any technical problems that recently happened and document them in a way that would make it easy for us to analyze as a technical team what went wrong in order to change the way we do things or enhance the way we do work.
By technical problems I am not referring to small bugs but issues that caused serious disruption either to the business/customers or to other developers.
I was wondering if this can be solved via some agile process or there are other ways that big companies address this.
I am not looking for a best approach but for various approaches more experienced teams/companies have been using.


I am part of a software development team and I am looking for a way/process that we can collect information on any technical problems that recently happened and document them in a way that would make it easy for us to analyze as a technical team what went wrong in order to change the way we do things or enhance the way we do work.

By technical problems I am not referring to small bugs but issues that caused serious disruption either to the business/customers or to other developers.

I was wondering if this can be solved via some agile process or there are other ways that big companies address this.

I am not looking for a best approach but for various approaches more experienced teams/companies have been using.

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How do big development teams learn from their mistakes?

I am part of a software development team and I am looking for a way/process that we can collect information on any technical problems that recently happened and document them in a way that would make it easy for us to analyze as a technical team what went wrong in order to change the way we do things or enhance the way we do work.
By technical problems I am not referring to small bugs but issues that caused serious disruption either to the business/customers or to other developers.
I was wondering if this can be solved via some agile process or there are other ways that big companies address this.
I am not looking for a best approach but for various approaches more experienced teams/companies have been using.