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Your complaints would be absolutely reasonable and you stated a good reason why it is reasonable that ordering this tabloid should be stopped in your company (and it its a good point for convincing the stakeholders in this case too):

Wikipedia considers it of such poor quality that it refuses to accept it as a source.

As is not wholly uncommon in such media, it has a sorry reputation for stirring up panics and hatred against minority groups. This has become severe enough that the pressure group "Stop Funding Hate" campaigns to have big-brand advertisers pull their adverts from the paper.

What I recommend you to do:

  1. Concerning your Management:
    • Convince Management that any connection to this tabloid creates bad reputation for the company
    • Your company for sure has a code of conduct or general principles that refer either to human rights, being open-minded, accepting different cultures and so on. Tell management that this tabloid (like any tabloid in UK) thwarts these values, any connection to this tabloid lets the company appear hypocritical.

  2. Concerning your colleagues:
    • Your colleagues need to know that this tabloid is intoxiating UK with its smear campaigns, racist insinuations and false reports. Tell them about the bad reputation of this paper and probably feel rejected by it.
    • Make colleagues aware that they are a signboard of your company too, their actions can have an effect on the companies reputation. Being seen with this tabloid (in the worst case with company cloths bearing the logo) implies that the company has a deteriorated culture.
    • Tell colleagues also that reading this papers makes them depraved too. Here one aspect which is proven scientifically:

Your complaints would be absolutely reasonable and you stated a good reason why it is reasonable that ordering this tabloid should stopped in your company (and it its a good point for convincing the stakeholders in this case too):

Wikipedia considers it of such poor quality that it refuses to accept it as a source.

As is not wholly uncommon in such media, it has a sorry reputation for stirring up panics and hatred against minority groups. This has become severe enough that the pressure group "Stop Funding Hate" campaigns to have big-brand advertisers pull their adverts from the paper.

What I recommend you to do:

  1. Concerning your Management:
    • Convince Management that any connection to this tabloid creates bad reputation for the company
    • Your company for sure has a code of conduct or general principles that refer either to human rights, being open-minded, accepting different cultures and so on. Tell management that this tabloid (like any tabloid in UK) thwarts these values, any connection to this tabloid lets the company appear hypocritical.

  2. Concerning your colleagues:
    • Your colleagues need to know that this tabloid is intoxiating UK with its smear campaigns, racist insinuations and false reports. Tell them about the bad reputation of this paper and probably feel rejected by it.
    • Make colleagues aware that they are a signboard of your company too, their actions can have an effect on the companies reputation. Being seen with this tabloid (in the worst case with company cloths bearing the logo) implies that the company has a deteriorated culture.
    • Tell colleagues also that reading this papers makes them depraved too. Here one aspect which is proven scientifically:

Your complaints would be absolutely reasonable and you stated a good reason why it is reasonable that ordering this tabloid should be stopped in your company (and it its a good point for convincing the stakeholders in this case too):

Wikipedia considers it of such poor quality that it refuses to accept it as a source.

As is not wholly uncommon in such media, it has a sorry reputation for stirring up panics and hatred against minority groups. This has become severe enough that the pressure group "Stop Funding Hate" campaigns to have big-brand advertisers pull their adverts from the paper.

What I recommend you to do:

  1. Concerning your Management:
    • Convince Management that any connection to this tabloid creates bad reputation for the company
    • Your company for sure has a code of conduct or general principles that refer either to human rights, being open-minded, accepting different cultures and so on. Tell management that this tabloid (like any tabloid in UK) thwarts these values, any connection to this tabloid lets the company appear hypocritical.

  2. Concerning your colleagues:
    • Your colleagues need to know that this tabloid is intoxiating UK with its smear campaigns, racist insinuations and false reports. Tell them about the bad reputation of this paper and probably feel rejected by it.
    • Make colleagues aware that they are a signboard of your company too, their actions can have an effect on the companies reputation. Being seen with this tabloid (in the worst case with company cloths bearing the logo) implies that the company has a deteriorated culture.
    • Tell colleagues also that reading this papers makes them depraved too. Here one aspect which is proven scientifically:
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Your complaints would be absolutely reasonable and you stated a good reason why it is reasonable that ordering this tabloid should stopped in your company (and it its a good point for convincing the stakeholders in this case too):

Wikipedia considers it of such poor quality that it refuses to accept it as a source.

As is not wholly uncommon in such media, it has a sorry reputation for stirring up panics and hatred against minority groups. This has become severe enough that the pressure group "Stop Funding Hate" campaigns to have big-brand advertisers pull their adverts from the paper.

What I recommend you to do:

  1. Concerning your Management:
    • Convince Management that any connection to this tabloid creates bad reputation for the company
    • Your company for sure has a code of conduct or general principles that refer either to human rights, being open-minded, accepting different cultures and so on. Tell management that this tabloid (like any tabloid in UK) thwarts these values, any connection to this tabloid lets the company appear hypocritical.

  2. Concerning your colleagues:
    • Your colleagues need to know that this tabloid is intoxiating UK with its smear campaigns, racist insinuations and false reports. Tell them about the bad reputation of this paper and probably feel rejected by it.
    • Make colleagues aware that they are a signboard of your company too, their actions can have an effect on the companies reputation. Being seen with this tabloid (in the worst case with company cloths bearing the logo) implies that the company has a deteriorated culture.
    • Tell colleagues also that reading this papers makes them depraved too. Here one aspect which is proven scientifically: