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Sorting Users page admin column with ACF field

I have a CPT called Companies. I created an ACF relationship field called user_company that gets displayed in the Users profile page. When a user registers, I have to go in and assign them to a ...
Amy Ling's user avatar
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make two custom columns sortables

I have 2 custom columns, typeconsole and console: add_filter('manage_edit-post_sortable_columns', function( $columns ) { $columns['typeconsole'] = 'typeconsole'; $columns['console'] = ...
John's user avatar
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Admin multiple column sorting

This question seems simple enough, and I'm surprised that I don't find much while searching Google to find an answer. The only thing I've found is a pro plugin, so far. I'd just like to be able to ...
Mark's user avatar
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How to sort custom posts including null meta-values ​in admin columns with meta_query?

SQL REQUEST SELECT post.ID, month.meta_value, year.meta_value FROM wp_posts post LEFT OUTER JOIN wp_postmeta month ON month.post_id= post.ID AND month.meta_key='mcv_end_month' LEFT OUTER JOIN ...
Philippe Angel Gonzalez's user avatar
17 votes
3 answers

Make custom column sortable

I have a added custom column to a custom post type, and it works fine. I just want it to sort the names by title, so I tried this, function sortable_custom_columns( $columns ) { $columns['...
thatryan's user avatar
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Custom column sorting in WordPress admin post table

I have made a custom column in user administration panel showing user meta data and registered it as sortable. Made a query action to sort it by the meta numerical value (the stored user meta data is ...
fIshy's user avatar
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Advanced Custom Fields: Sorting custom columns with custom fields sorts only by date

I have a custom post type – “members”. With help of Advanced Custom Fields(AFC) I’ve created a Field Group with 5 fields and assigned that group to my “members” post type. I followed this article to ...
Acidon's user avatar
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Order a custom post type admin screen by a second custom post type title

I have two custom post types: Products and Brands. The Product slug is 'eproduct'. The Brand slug is 'brand-listing'. On the Product admin page, I have added a custom column that lists the Brand ...
LeonardShelby's user avatar
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Make a custom column sortable by a value from a different custom post type

I've created some custom columns to display my custom post types more attractively in the admin section - the columns are mostly custom fields. Mostly, this works absolutely fine, and I can sort by ...
SinisterBeard's user avatar
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display wordpress user who published a pending post of another user

I have a custom post type, when I view my posts of this type in the dashboard I see: Title Author Date Added as well as a few more I have added My question is how can I display (like the author ...
Oliver's user avatar
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16 votes
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How do I set the default admin sort order for a custom post type to a custom column?

SOLUTION AVAILABLE HERE I've set up a custom post type called clientarea, and set up several custom columns for it in the admin area - the custom columns are all custom meta fields, as you can see ...
SinisterBeard's user avatar
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Custome column sort by date not title

I've created a custom column. Currently they are automatically sorting by title however i want them to sort by date. I've tried adding a "query_post" like: query_posts('&post_type=project&...
Jammer's user avatar
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5 votes
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initial sort order for a sortable custom column in admin

I have created a number of 'views' column in the admin area of my posts. There are several tutorials for this and I did in fact use a number of these to arrive at my end result. It works as expected ...
Madivad's user avatar
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Can't sort custom column on user.php by number / meta_value_num?

Everything else works fine but it's still not sorting by number. Would just like to know what I'm doing wrong here Here's the code function add_user_columns( $defaults ) { $defaults['...
tim daniels's user avatar
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Vertical alphabetically post columns

I need to create a 9 column list that outputs posts sorted vertical and alphabetically. I'm getting closer, but still not there. I have two separate loops I'm working with. The first loop I have the ...
user2059370's user avatar
4 votes
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Column sorting with emtpy meta values

I am trying to sort my custom post type columns in the admin area. There's two ways I found to do this: At first this was my way to do it, however I got some strange behaviours. If a meta value is ...
Kay van Bree's user avatar
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3 answers

Make custom post type column sortable

My site has two custom types: Auction and Lot. Lots are connected to an Auction via the post_parent field. I added an Auction column to the Lots list in the admin area. function ...
leemon's user avatar
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Sort by site/blog column in Multisite

I use WordPress Multisite and made a plugin that adds columns with some data. My code is based on this WP Engineer article. The key function in WordPress Multisite is manage_sites_custom_column. And ...
Jens Törnell's user avatar
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How do I sort a custom post type admin column using two meta keys?

I have created a custom post type along with custom columns. One of my columns displays a date range such as "12/05/2012 - 11:00 am to 12/15/2012 - 1:00 pm". This is a concatenated string using a ...
strykern9ne's user avatar
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Sorting custom post types in edit.php : Post disappear

I've got a few custom post types with different taxonomies and I have a function that adds certain categories to post list view in edit.php admin screen. Everything good there. I've also added a ...
kristina childs's user avatar
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Simple Data Table Update and Page Integration

There are a variety of tables (page-level, not database) in a website I manage that need to be regularly updated. The difficult issue is that this information is often only one or two data columns, so ...
Susan's user avatar
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7 votes
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Custom sortable columns ordered by meta-value?

I have no idea why my sortable function does not sort my "events" my a custom post-meta. I have a custom-post-type named wr_event… I have my custom columns set up and my post-meta is shown in the ...
mathiregister's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

sortable custom column in media library

trying to make a custom column sortable in the media library. Found lots of examples for posts, and users but can't get them to work on the media library page. function wpse_hook_isv_columns() { ...
v3nt's user avatar
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Admin table list API?

wp-admin table lists - like post list Is there a API or something to build table lists in wp-admin? With table lists I mean like the list of posts for example. It has columns, sorting, paging and so ...
Jens Törnell's user avatar
5 votes
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Sortable admin columns, when data isn't coming from post_meta

I have a custom post type that uses a custom taxonomy. I'm imposing a limit of a single term to each post (using a custom meta box drop down on the edit post screen for the CPT). The term for the ...
Dave Romsey's user avatar
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